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About Sparx92

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  1. can i see/edit java .. in a compiled form of a DB.. and if i can't see it what can i do to actualy edit it .. and i cant find l2emu IL in eclipce [maybe cuz there is nosuch thing :D (I'm stupid)] im looking for l2PcInstance.. please help me thnx in advance
  2. i have a queston for // Give x y for a pvp kill addItem("Loot", x, y, this, true); sendMessage("You won y x for a pvp kill!"); @ sendMessage(you won y(=1[ex]) x(id=999999[ex]) for a pvp kill!") would it say you won 1 999999 or you won 1 PvPtoken[ex] *[ex] = example
  3. Where is "gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.java" located @ eclipce state .. or at a compiled server , for l2emu or l2jfree db. or the lines // Add karma to attacker and increase its PK counter setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + 1); // Give x y for a pvp kill addItem("Loot", x, y, this, true); sendMessage("You won y x for a pvp kill!"); please tell me where can i find that. Thank you in advance!
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