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Everything posted by Athista

  1. OK, i got it running, then i got jailed for botting on l2 world :D any ideas how to avoid the jail stuff? :)))
  2. i can't see the L2 dubai server in this tool... There are just 15 servers in total. It's not the same as it says :S
  3. my bot isn't using force for the Stun Attack and thus getting the 'Invalid target' system msg. any ideas how to fix that? thanx in advance!
  4. btw on oly soul braker is better than gladi. and every1 in my clan/ally agrees with that. in the last oly i was watching a soul breaker killed berserker in less than 30 seconds! p.s. i play on Offi
  5. 3rd Party software is always ILLEGAL, fix your title, coz some ppl here might get into trouble!
  6. @ADAL13 - well, I thought since it's for the offi, it should be with higher requirements, since the bugs/expl's there are just a few and if they're easy to get, they'd become popular and thus fixed. I theven think 400 is low too. And I would like to ask you - 1. Do you play on offi? 2. If YES, Do you know that there are just A FEW ways to dupe there? 3. If YES, Don't you think it's worthy to get 400 posts or to become a donator and support the site and thus (and the fee here is a symbolical one compared to the gain of knowledge to advance faster on offi, where you pay sh1t loads of money for monthly fees)? 4. If YES, You do find your post absolutely ridiculous and awkward, don't you? 5. If answered NO anywhere, your post is a stupid spam! @shmeq - Checked it and it works perfectly fine. Are you sure the patch isn't working (sometimes it takes really long time to find a full chest). Easiest way to check that out is simply to alter the name for any mob and check it out. If still not working, which I doubt (since zoom is working), you can PM me for details to get it working for you, mate! ^_~ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
  7. Compared in the PRICE-QUALITY matter ATI was always cheaper then nVidia whith slightly lower performance in the cost of $30-50+, depending on the VGA. (i.e. HD3870 and 8800GT)
  8. It's for Official server. In other words Gracia 2 or Chaotic Throne 2 Part 2. I think I've explained in the first post. >.<
  9. CPU is important as well as the RAM. VGA too. Then how about HDD?! I saw just 1 guy to speak about RAID massives! If you have slow HDD, the fastest CPU, RAM and VGA would matter sh1t! I.e. one of my computers is c2d e8200@4,18+GHz, 2GB DDR2 A-DATA@1045+Mhz, ATI HD3870 512 DDR4 and 2x720GB+32MB cache in RAID 0. Once i got problem with my RAID controller and had to play w/o the RAID and the difference was like between Trabant and Touareg. On top of that you have to pick up good motherboard. But at the it's all up to your pocket capacity >.> @Leas - Why nVidia?! Keep in mind that in most of the games you saw nVidia had better performance, ATI got better visuals. +ATM the fastest VGA in the market is ATI's. @joogis - You can ask somebody to help you making the configuration list for your new pc.
  10. I'm sorry if there are going to be any mistakes in my 1st share/post here, but I just want to share that with anybody, who wants to be a bit more on Offi. In this share you will get a patched system folder and instructions how to get everything 100% working! If anyone else could share something useful and 100% working on offi, feel free to do it here ^_^ Because it's all working and is going to be handy just for guys that are lacking the ability to use most of the hacks, exploits and stuff on offi's servers (thanks to NCSoft's dev team), i'm gonna lvl up the requirements to read it! (If any GM thinks it's going to be a good idea, lift it up to the proper limit) p.s. just found a private server called L2 Retail OMG ^O^ [Hidden Content]
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