@ADAL13 - well, I thought since it's for the offi, it should be with higher requirements, since the bugs/expl's there are just a few and if they're easy to get, they'd become popular and thus fixed. I theven think 400 is low too. And I would like to ask you -
1. Do you play on offi?
2. If YES, Do you know that there are just A FEW ways to dupe there?
3. If YES, Don't you think it's worthy to get 400 posts or to become a donator and support the site and thus (and the fee here is a symbolical one compared to the gain of knowledge to advance faster on offi, where you pay sh1t loads of money for monthly fees)?
4. If YES, You do find your post absolutely ridiculous and awkward, don't you?
5. If answered NO anywhere, your post is a stupid spam!
@shmeq - Checked it and it works perfectly fine. Are you sure the patch isn't working (sometimes it takes really long time to find a full chest). Easiest way to check that out is simply to alter the name for any mob and check it out. If still not working, which I doubt (since zoom is working), you can PM me for details to get it working for you, mate! ^_~