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About Lucmaster

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  1. After you've done that just launch the game with the modded l2.ini where server IP is and log in. L2net should then show your character and stats and everything and you're ready to bot.
  2. I wanna play Human Blade Dancer! Or even better a Mercenary :O
  3. Ye they're same but I prefer Drac Bow because well...it actually exists in "real" Lineage aka retail.
  4. I see thank you. I'll try that.
  5. I can only do IG too. Don't know why OOG doesn't work. It's weird. Though it kinda sux that you always have to change the l2.ini if you want to start without Bot or with it.
  6. and ye latest version
  7. Just tried it and ye it works.
  8. Used it on some 1x server a couple times for quest cuz I had no money at all :D That was back in C3
  9. I think 1x is really slow enough... 0.5x rates would just be insane... Though you would actually care if you get PKed or die in PVP :D
  10. Friend of mine plays there and it seems like a pretty good server. It's really stable and not lagging, probably 300+ players but growing. PVP seems to be 2-sided so far. Not 100% sure about all that though... I Don't play there.
  11. 5-6 seconds with 3000+ and 2 gig ram
  12. Elven Elder cuz of faster recharge and clarity. You get c.speed from pots and empower from herbs anyways
  13. nice :) Downloaded
  14. Tallum all the way!
  15. I really love that afro...I so want it...
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