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Everything posted by Escordia

  2. link doesnt work... share the link without the img u have wrong codes if u dont fix it i will lock it
  3. new sign added :P For MasterDisaster:
  4. its a render and one background.... it was hard to blend it on this bg xD cause behind the girl was a kid xD
  5. go to import / video to frames / type the name of ur GIF / select it and import it
  6. well nice.... but fix the title make it like [share] Sacrifice Jewels [interlude]
  7. i didnt banned him... he flamed over morian at his topic so not my fault :) i didnt did anything rulebreaking... and i warned when i said i will report it... (i dont have ban rights)
  8. I mean THE RULES: Spam and Flames Rules: In this forum we dont tolerate any threating or flaming comments, such replys will be deleted and user will be banned Spam is not allowed, users will be warned and if they keep spamming they will be banned Language Rules: In this forum we speak only English and Greek. Only one specific board for Russians. All other languages not allowed. Speak English only in English Sections , and Greek only in Greek Sections In sections that language hasnt been noticed,you only speak English! Offtopic section must have a [GR] or [ENG] prefix in subject.
  9. kidding me right? 1st of all here we talk only english. like the rules: english only except if the topic has tags 2nd learn to speak better japanese 3rd stop flaming me or u will be out of place again 4th dropouts like u have no permittion to say me stupid
  10. nothing to do with the topic... reported for spam
  11. u can fix it easy xD go to id name 57 (adena) and type the same things... change only the ids and the name :P and u are done xD
  12. nah... i wanted to colorize the eyes to red then i will make a stroke to them with black line and then i will make the 3 signs with a fill on a layer and erase some parts :P i made it actually :D but it wasnt fit on this "theme" i am planning to make an other sign with naruto's aura and sharingan eyes :P with an emo girl xD
  13. my project was to make her eyes like a Sharingan from naruto xD but i changed it :P
  14. did i said its gothic? :/ Gothic StyleZ is my Design team xD its not gothic just a pic :P
  15. is just a render xD and one bg :P i dont have them right now it was a stock bg with a little kid on it :P i added infront of him the render... look closely the shadows between the legs xD
  16. Hello people :) I hope u like this one :D It was a bit hard to made :P it took me more time than usual but i am quite excited about the result :) Hope u like it too Rate & Comment :)
  17. some of those shares are for int but the rest for gracia :P
  18. HAHA LOLED AT THIS ONE (i have already 4 wynverns at my srv >.> ) well on topic... ITS VERY EASYYYYYYYYY just go to the npcgrp.dat find the wynvern go to the texture name and file... the go to the texture extract the tga edit it and make it a new one... and then go back to the fileedit and replace the new texture with the old and u are done :)
  19. i am carefull >.> some guys here hired one assasin for me so i have to watch out >.>
  20. Greece - Athens
  21. at gracia final there is already one hat and one glop... for armor u can wear the Oath armor ;) u will look like a police xD w8 to show u an img if u can adapt the hat u will look like this:
  22. well i dont remember it... but i was typing at search console names like.. fairy or girl or female u will find that for u ;)
  23. i am about to end the update and i will post the dmg too btw 666 posts? :o Devil is around u
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