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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. new sign added thx
  2. soz dn krati8ika :/
  3. SoFaKi, `BloodyWarrior^, DevAnge®, Gurment, Demonic SouL, Cook, TeђGëØrge, Erol, Commodus, Fateful, ZeRo*, Coyote™, `NexiM™, ExTrEmEDwarf, FailTroll, Black Jack, leontwo, FoGaReL, VaXiL1sB@cK, Rozdex, Jimaras22, LoLeTo*, Hax0r, M1X0S, Morian, MiҳMasteЯ, jossoo, disast3r, NotAbastard, жŁзКЇж, Sуѕтємƒяєαк, Versus and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.
  5. SoFaKi, ExTrEmEDwarf, Black Jack, `NexiM™, ˚کe®κ, Erol, ZeRo*, Commodus, leontwo, Cook, Ventic, Fateful, Gurment, DevAnge®, Deurian, Jimaras22, jossoo, `BloodyWarrior^, disast3r, Morian, NotAbastard, жŁзКЇж, Sуѕтємƒяєαк, Versus and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.
  6. dn exw n pw tpt allo xD vrm na 3analew ta idia xD
  7. egkw vorioipiroti...
  9. wannabe greek?
  10. mn akous mlkies gia pota kai alles blakies.... apla pigene kai mila tis... kane ti palikaria kai dn 8 to metanioseis opoio kai an einai to apotelesma :/ ti protimas?? na tis miliseis kai n s pei oxi? i na mn tis miliseis kai n basanizese mia zwi p dn piges na to kaneis? :/
  11. sta @@ s? esy goustareis autin i tin ta3i sou? gt exw mperdeutei... ti kai an se akousoun p tis milas? kai mlkia 8a kaneis an tis ta zitiseis sti ta3i... 8 er8ei se duskoli 8esi... kane ti palikaria kai pes tis 8a er8eis ligo n s milisw? kai pigente kapou monoi sas
  12. AGRIEMENOS OXI!!!! EINAI I MEGALITERI 3ENERAAAAAAAA apla mila re an8rope :P to oti eisai ntropalos ta gamaei ola :/ kane mia prospa8ia na xalaroseis :/
  13. EASYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY loipon.... prota apo ola bges apo auto to kolokabouki sou xD mn ntrepese... eisai auto p eisai kai mn ntrepese na to dei3eis... kai opoia goustarei!!!! enas kalos tropos einai na to paizeis stenaxwrimenos alla kai dinamikos tautoxrona... dld OXI emo xD kati endiamesa :P APLA MN NTREPESE!!! oxi kai me xartaki re file :S dld pos 8 filiosastan? 8a grafate sta xartakia :* :* :* :* :S
  14. i hope u are saying this for good >.>
  15. thx for the re-share :P but can u plz remove the hide tags? XD i never hide my work :D its open for all the people :)
  16. Jesus and Jesus's Mother!!!
  17. i am sure 100% that they will start yelling to you >.< already the same happened with a Nazi shield :P
  18. are u rly gonna use a beta version? :P
  19. fix your title too :P add the client infos like [share]blabla [Gracia Final ct2.3] well for a first work its rly impressieve :P keep it up :D
  20. this make me sick :P
  21. you have 693 messages, 0 are new.
  22. this cant help you? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=136458.0
  23. yeah only for FFighter... xD maybe i will make one set "maybe"
  24. some parts of ur sign reminds me my sign style :o nice :D but u need to practise on one style more :o
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