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About Nizzikef

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  1. Makes me feel good that after years of downtime the L2Pride experience is still sought after. :) Any new pride like servers coming out soon? xa.xa.xa.
  2. Creates topic about date being pushed back Massive backlash from community Removes his original post about the delay and deletes all other threads about the delay Reassures players launch will go as planned "<@Dradden[NoPM]> about a hour...start chugging redbulls" Timer hits 0, login screen not moving Timer hits -3 minutes and forums locked and countdown timer reset for 16 hours IRC moderated :poker face:
  3. It's been awhile.
  4. So who posts from Colville's forum account now? You or Komple?
  5. I can't do anything for L2Pride, that's Dav's job.
  6. You really tried to copy Undone's video? lol
  7. I've never been warned. I merely pointed out your ridiculous claim that you've edit "over 200 weapons, 4 armor sets and 200 accessories." And you deleted my post :|
  8. so now everyone's opinions aren't welcome I guess. lol
  9. I've checked your server out, and it's actually worse than it was before if that was even possible, it's like you forgot defensive stats on everything, and now everyone just runs around hitting each other for 6k and dying in 5 seconds lol. What were you doing for the last 6 months while you were "Updating" your server.
  10. lol you still don't get it, your vesper weapon doesn't give the crit it says it does, he reported it and you locked his topic telling him to farm more.
  11. Now honestly here, I could care less but I couldn't help myself, I just don't understand how people think this server has amazing GM support. l2wargate.com/forum/index.php?topic=3614.msg45878 Rhydorn created a bug report topic complete with screenshots and details about the crit rate not working as stated in the item description, and the official response was "get the next tier item". lol
  12. For your 6th Grand Opening, I expected more :(
  13. This character has been banned.
  14. This guy could be selling L2Finest's Datapack, but some of the features he's listing cannot possibly be included in the pack, as the owner/admin of L2Finest use to play on L2Pride, and I know them. And these features weren't there. Everything in the original post was copy and pasted directly from my website. I should know I typed it. http://www.l2pride.net/info/ This feature is 100% unique to our server, you will not find another server with an Equipment Viewer like this, but if he would like to provide a screenshot with his own equipment viewer, I will shut up. http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/1968/toppvp.png http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/7752/equipmentveiwer.png I dunno who's datapack you're trying to sell but it's nothing close to L2Pride's lol.
  15. yet we still have 700 people online daily for over 5 years..
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