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Posts posted by legendkay

  1. Their point is not to state/post something useful for other members, is just to harm NeverMore since their friends (for legenkay talking) got banned from sunrise for sharing their source's.

    Simple as that.


    But they fail all the time since sunrise/reunion is almost 3 years online and still have more users than their servers players :D.

    Who is my friend that got banned from sunrise?

    nik? he don't need your shitty pack for sure

    karasu? he dissapared months ago

    so for who i'm fighting for?

    all i'm sayng is for saving people from get scammed

    you are bla bla a lot but all i'm sayng still no work

    (also you can clarifiy the situation with a 4 sec video but ofc you don't do that because don't work)





    test this :

    Stuns that don't get removed by hits (Whoa even l2j clean have it fixed)

    Crash in every instance raid bosses (ofc pc of all people fault isn't it)

    Any kind of rush don't bring at side/back of enemy

    No directional damage (if i hit from behind i should hit more no matter my class or hit or auto hit)

    buggy nexus event engine (gj you stealed one you putted it and it's working like 20%)

    Freya doesn't even work (WE ARE IN 2015 WAKE UP FELLA)

    antharas and valakas droplist totally wrong

    Geodata? should i call geodata that trash you putted in your pack?

    Pride Of Kamael Enchanted to m.atk should NOT give bonuses if you wear something different then a rapier (OFC NOT FIXED)

    Daggers damage formula by pack default is something would make even hitler ressuct from the grave and die again laughing

    Combo rush are ofc not fixed

    Macro for delay OFC not fixed

    Macro for don't use auto hit after did a skill OFC not fixed

    a weird bug about summons on events that i don't even remember correctly but was hilarius

    Insane Crusher totally broken (but c'mon that is easy to fix)

    Skills that should do damage if they are alredy casted by 60% and enemy turn the corner (hide behind a wall) NOT FIXED



    (i reported them 1 year ago and they are not fixed even in last revision, have fun)

    No rushe's between char's as offy

    No shadow steps as offy

    No skills that can by pass objects (like insane crusher)

    No directional damage (hit people form side or back should increse your damage)

    Pride of kamael freaking bugged

    Disarm and weapon blocked if they land when the enemy is doing a skill you will take a full damage anyway (LOL?)

    If the you are casting a skill and the enemy hide behind a geodata your skills will be interrupted no matter what (LOL? if skills is 70% casted have to land anyway)

    Rushes don't bring at enemy backs

    Bluff don't have all 3 effects that should have (or land all of them togheter or nothing)

    Shield Bash don't have chance of removing target

    Should i have to continue or you get that even the basic things (Skills) aren't working on your pack?



    Yes if you want i can give you the first rev of l2jreunion to test the skill engine and then come here, and make an 100% legit review ;)

    Also you said your opinion once, you dont have to remind us your childish behavior everyday by spamming on my topic.

    Let people use their brain and make their choices.

    44 sec

    Make a video that work on your server and i will not do any negative comment again

  2. i tought that on h5 str gives crit dmg, dex gives crit chance.

    Dex give crit chance and speed

    however damage are not really afflicted by str (you will notice 50 damage less between -4 or -4)

    so the fact is that, if you are a player that wanna play oly aswell dex is required.

    if you are only a pvp player str can work out

  3. since i never played mystic mouse, good try joke 

    ofc you never did what i say

    like you never was a stallone dog

    the funny thing is that you actually have to do this forum wars for get attention and get items or 10 euro

    are 10 euro a lot in your country? lol

  4. since you have no proff, i wont talk with you anymore bcs your brain is so dead and you talking still bulshit what are not true 

    Achylek... you have only to thx god that i'm not the kinda of guy that screen all sh1ts or at this time i was posting all way your pms on Freya (that you don't know was me)

    "can you teach me mystic muse?" little wanker troll do you always pm hero for learn to play a class? :)

  5. Hello guys . I am playing on a H5 server pvp x20, and i am comfused about Adventurer build since i didn't played adventurer on h5 before. So my main question is to go for full attack or defence?


    Which Weapon to take? One handed dagger critical damage or duals?

    Which Dyes To take?

    Which Belt to take? PvP Skill Damage or PvP Defence?

    What About buffs? G.Shield and no Berserker Spirit?

    What Augment to have? Duel Might passive or P.Def?



    I will wait for your answer . Thanks!

    1 if you play in a good server 1 handed

    2 dex con and wit (str give you more chances to double crit around 14% more but you will completly sux in olympiad with str dye)

    3 generally i advice pvp defense but daggers can use skill damage aswell

    4 g.shield y no berseker

    5 duel might all the way



    have fun

  6. k now u show your brain dead 


    it was 13:3 for him, u lost vs most random zerker ever lol 


    1 week of boting at l2 = 500-600 euro,  1 month at work = 900 euro


    please if i boting (i can be afk all time) l2 just week i had almost same euro like you in 1 month at work 


    also as dbska said, stalonka got for ruby 150k euro, u still think playing l2 as player is good? 

    40:13 for me pershap

    sorry to to dissapoint you but the db that can kill me is not born yet

    however yhea sure same money with the difference that when l2 server will be gone you will end up at 30 years with no job and no experience

    what you will say at job interwiev?

    "i'm good at botting"

    give me a break, as you said in the past you don't even have the money for buy and internet connection and you steal it for the school near you

    do something for your life instead of be a wanker troll

  7. ya and now try use fuck brain (oh wait it must be hard for retard like you)


    since l2 is dead and first week of server is adena price big, oh wait someone like you wont get it bcs never used bot. 


    please you losing vs nonamer tito lol









    when we were flaming tito about you > him  he posted screens how you got 13x rekt at skirmish and other servers, pls dont talk about olly if tito kill you so easy. 

    On a server with unlimited match 24/24 he win 13 times (as you are sayng)

    immagine how many time i win then

    however is not even important for me to discuss about that if you check the crest and you played skirmish you know why he got the hero, or for better sayng even naked char in emeraldisky clan taked due to the fact they had 8 char with 600 points on everyone of them for feed

    KenRen is something that i can't even handle anymore, i'm too famous and this is the price of be famous really hard to handle when you make shackle everyone

    anyway that don't change the fact that, adena seller my ass achylek

    you lick admin ass they give you item -> you sell it?

    gj spending 40 hours to licking asses for what 100 euro? you know that a normal job would give you 800 euro minium?

    keep wasting your life like that fella problem is yours

  8. since you dont know about my life nothing, i will not speak about you


    you speak everytime about same, and you are only one who still playing l2 like retard 

    I'm not the one that start every week on a new server, you are confusing my self with you

    bring your bullsh1t somewhere else with me that bla bla don't work

  9. Skirmish is full russian now, 2 weeks ago skirmish had 120 players online in a oly server... just sayng

    120 people doing oly at same time is something you didin't see even on your tallesky with 20k onlinesky

    however achylesky now sell his ass to l2 mid, wtf is wrong with you man...

  10. Last time I remember he was banned from L2Euro cause they thought he exploited oly or something...

    i got banned because i findend the gm char with olf shirt ._.

    (Char: Thor (olf shirt can't be taken in anyway even wih secret donation)

    he used it by mistaked i stealed it (hero slh) i try to spoke with admin and badabum BANNED

    ofc why ask to admin why he is corrupted?

    so dumb! i lose my char in l2 off server QQ

    i kinda agree on skirmish however

    no donations

    not how l2 is since once you try off every server java seems full buggy but 10 times better of any other java around

    skirmish for life!

    expect that skirmish lack of a thing

    a currency for exchange that is basically stop people for playng

    let's face it, even if is a pvp server you need something to farm and something to trade

    like emerald when you can buy weird weapon apparence and armor and so on, there is a currecency and adena worth a lot

    Just for that i was looking in aeron rummors about re-opening

    stable with a currency and so on

    ofc hoping will be not like last time when db was hitting 500 with skills and pole guy 1k ;)

  11. Ofc i didin't test last revision all the bug i said are fixed and bla bla bla bla

    but for who want to buy (LOOOOOL)

    test this :

    Stuns that don't get removed by hits (Whoa even l2j clean have it fixed)

    Crash in every instance raid bosses (ofc pc of all people fault isn't it)

    Any kind of rush don't bring at side/back of enemy

    No directional damage (if i hit from behind i should hit more no matter my class or hit or auto hit)

    buggy nexus event engine (gj you stealed one you putted it and it's working like 20%)

    Freya doesn't even work (WE ARE IN 2015 WAKE UP FELLA)

    antharas and valakas droplist totally wrong

    Geodata? should i call geodata that trash you putted in your pack?

    Pride Of Kamael Enchanted to m.atk should NOT give bonuses if you wear something different then a rapier (OFC NOT FIXED)

    Daggers damage formula by pack default is something would make even hitler ressuct from the grave and die again laughing

    Combo rush are ofc not fixed

    Macro for delay OFC not fixed

    Macro for don't use auto hit after did a skill OFC not fixed

    a weird bug about summons on events that i don't even remember correctly but was hilarius

    Insane Crusher totally broken (but c'mon that is easy to fix)

    Skills that should do damage if they are alredy casted by 60% and enemy turn the corner (hide behind a wall) NOT FIXED



    (i reported them 1 year ago and they are not fixed even in last revision, have fun)

    No rushe's between char's as offy

    No shadow steps as offy

    No skills that can by pass objects (like insane crusher)

    No directional damage (hit people form side or back should increse your damage)

    Pride of kamael freaking bugged

    Disarm and weapon blocked if they land when the enemy is doing a skill you will take a full damage anyway (LOL?)

    If the you are casting a skill and the enemy hide behind a geodata your skills will be interrupted no matter what (LOL? if skills is 70% casted have to land anyway)

    Rushes don't bring at enemy backs

    Bluff don't have all 3 effects that should have (or land all of them togheter or nothing)

    Shield Bash don't have chance of removing target

    Should i have to continue or you get that even the basic things (Skills) aren't working on your pack?



    Yes if you want i can give you the first rev of l2jreunion to test the skill engine and then come here, and make an 100% legit review ;)

    Also you said your opinion once, you dont have to remind us your childish behavior everyday by spamming on my topic.

    Let people use their brain and make their choices.

    44 sec

    Make a video that work on your server and i will not do any negative comment again

  12. How you can play that trash?

    i would be ashmed of my self if i would play on a java sh1t like axel

    Aeron is gonna be back don't waste time on trashness (omg i just sayed a words like aeron was a good l2j i have to kill my self also ._.)

  13. Should i even reply? No, we've said the same and the same things milion times.


    Through the history, mxc members know reunion/sunrise haters. Its not even funny anymore.

    In the past i was replying to you , making you look silly and rediculus each time.

    But this time i will not.

    Yhea you are the good guy and i'm the bad guy

    Just sayng, we had in italy (italian server only are just 1 every 1 year but are really croweded) and we had in 2014 an italian server with your "fixed" pack

    Let me tell a story

    since italians server only appars only once in a year or almost they usally last 2 years at minium

    the last server was using your packet and lasted 20 days

    want to know why?

    Stuns that don't get removed by hits (Whoa even l2j clean have it fixed)

    Crash in every instance raid bosses (ofc pc of all people fault isn't it)

    Any kind of rush don't bring at side/back of enemy

    No directional damage (if i hit from behind i should hit more no matter my class or hit or auto hit)

    buggy nexus event engine (gj you stealed one you putted it and it's working like 20%)

    Freya doesn't even work (WE ARE IN 2015 WAKE UP FELLA)

    antharas and valakas droplist totally wrong

    Geodata? should i call geodata that trash you putted in your pack?

    Pride Of Kamael Enchanted to m.atk should NOT give bonuses if you wear something different then a rapier (OFC NOT FIXED)

    Daggers damage formula by pack default is something would make even hitler ressuct from the grave and die again laughing

    Combo rush are ofc not fixed

    Macro for delay OFC not fixed

    Macro for don't use auto hit after did a skill OFC not fixed

    a weird bug about summons on events that i don't even remember correctly but was hilarius

    Insane Crusher totally broken (but c'mon that is easy to fix)

    Skills that should do damage if they are alredy casted by 60% and enemy turn the corner (hide behind a wall) NOT FIXED

    Should i continue my beloved "DEV"?




    Our first project L2Legend.ro was a real succes, even if the pack we had was a little too old and with some problems.

    In six months, with honesty, transparence, hard work and love for lineage 2, we have managed to create a community of over 800 players from an international environment wich have had a lot of fun and who created clans and allyances who disputed the "prizes" of server.


    Because the ex owner of our L2Legend site decided himself to take back his domanin and site (even if he, at the beginning promised something else), we will make a new lineage 2 brand, on a new domanin, with a new name, but the same responsability and the same respect for our players.


    So, our new project will be called L2Mythras and it will be a 50x craft - PvP server and nobody will have anything to loose, because we will keep the same database.





    Our next project will be up in no more than 10-12 days!




    We Love to Entertain You!!!




    Basically l2 atlantis (pvp server) admin is taking his server back

    opening l2 atlantis and fuck you guys off (l2 legend/mythras)

    now my question is

    you are gonna open a 50x that is more a pvp server then a mid rate (since on your servers all are +10-16 at last)

    l2 atlantis is gonna opening once again tryng to steal money once again (pvp server 1000x)

    but how you guys think you can success when there are so many rummors about aeron re-opening?

    i mean if the trully open again you will left out with 0 players since the tipology is the same pvp server so change your rates to a x20 but that is just my thought

  15. why so?

    We are in the end of 2015

    No one is opening project's with classic l2j that we well know have not fixed right even movement's and auto hits

    now we have there a kid that use that classic l2j that in front of even a bugged fandc pack is a 0, adding some htmls and want make us belive he sell 50 packs monthly (that is a big amount of money if is true)

    now let's say that his words are true

    basically 50 people buy a pack that is a clean l2j with some htmls and a nexus event engine (events that was funny in 2010-2011) that is totally bug since is a leacked stealed nexus.



    Our new website is almost finished.

    Will support online real time support/contact.

    Video of quests proving that works retail like.

    Information for each and every feature of l2jsunrise.

    Additional information for each plan

    Useful information

    Clear and nice interface

    And more

    About l2jsunrise our community is still growing, 20 days before there was 56 upgraded users, and today we count more than 62.






    Biggest scam in past month basically

    gj your managed to take people money

  17. Be happy you had 3 years of free money now is averia turn

    after who knows?

    ofc if you guys think the problem of "super donations" and "close and reopening" is solved you are wrong

    but at last this madafaka will need a real job for survive

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