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Everything posted by yaka

  1. Walker does not show HP of party members and dont show hp of targeted players. any idea?? what to do
  2. thnx anyway for the link, but i need, the reg file for version 1.31. this version has party buffs and party heal... check this link; http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1YF7HUHL buts it only a demo version, and if you got reg file, pls upload it thnx
  3. hi, can you pls give me link to the walker you are using, because my walker wont go :S nothing goes with my walker plss
  4. Men I looked everywhere, and its nowhere to get :( sh**
  5. ok, slow pls.... I am noob in using l2walker... is there any posible program to read hp of player in game... pvp and stuff... and l2agent to get to heal? dammn hard
  6. it doesnt work on echokinetics
  7. Blaster, would you be so nice to share your version of l2agent with us :)) thnx m8
  8. Pls somebody l2agent :S plssssssss helpppp meeeee
  9. Anybody got cracked l2agent latest version?? pls HELP :=) ty
  10. hmm, from system window, where it says X bought 1 sliver arrow*** pls somebody help. if it is possible
  11. could script use the system information who bought 1 arrow, to buff him ????
  12. hmm, for all who read this post, i ve gathered some info about making scripts, this is from past posts that were made... so here goes on MSG(X bought 1 arrow) {if privatestoresell(/stand)[target X (on MSG(X was not found in the game (/sit) else(BUFF)] var(X)=Name who bought an arrow from you var(BUFF)=[use Skill Empower] LABEL(buff) { USESKILL(Wind Walk[iD=1204],PLAYER,name) } DELAY(6500) { USESKILL(Shield[iD=1040],PLAYER,name) } DELAY(6500) { USESKILL(Might[iD=1068],PLAYER,name) } DELAY(6500) { USESKILL(Focus[iD=1077],PLAYER,name) } DELAY(6500) { USESKILL(Mental Shield[iD=1035],PLAYER,name) } DELAY(6500) { USESKILL(Acumen[iD=1085],PLAYER,name) Could this be useful on makin such script.... for all those who know much more than we do... please help us.. thnx cya
  13. good guestion, i am having the same guestion... I read somewhere you can do it with l2wind- (not for free), and somebody wrote down that it is imposible to do it with l2walker-scripting... hmm, Agahnim perhapos knows a way to do it! cya
  14. Maxtor what is this html help or what is this. what does this do??? sorry for this noobish guestion :) thnx a lot, u are the best ever to help
  15. Agahnim what is this?? and i ve got one more guestion, is there any script that buffs, selling buffs or so? thnx good forum this one...better than all others-- belive me :)
  16. Agahnim you are doing great :) hura for agahnim :) you made an excellent job. gratzzie
  17. Has somebody got a buff script... selling arrows and buffing?? thnxy
  18. When I try to login on Eternal sin... this comes out?? does anybody know what is wrong ??? ty 17:39:08 ->Login LoginServer Timeout. 17:39:10 Link LoginServer Succeed. 17:39:40 ->Login LoginServer Timeout. 17:40:25 Link LoginServer Succeed. 17:40:55 ->Login LoginServer Timeout.
  19. how do I use scripts in l2 walker 10.6.6?? how to run script??? i dunno ty
  20. Need this crack plz.
  21. token for Eternal sin?? port and ip the walker works fine, but on es it can not connect and how do i load script? thnx guyss, doing great job here...everybody owe thanx to you
  22. Is there a bug or trick to enchant on Eternal sin, I see lots of people on athena server who have enchantede over +16 ??? how do they do it... somebody said he used exploit plz help
  23. Has somebody patch, crack or keyfile for l2Agent.... demo version sux. it has no active functions that could be usefull thnx
  24. i ve done everything like in howto.html and i says this L2Walker for Lineage II Chronicle 4 ~~ Server: EternalSin Visit Our Forum www.maxbastards.gr/portal/index.php Copyright by Agahnim(<-@in.gr) 11:00:16 Agahnim's Bot Collection Version 1.7.2 11:00:37 ->Link LoginServer Fail.
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