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Hello, Both l2w and l2net are blocked in firepoint, while running l2w it will get stuck at server selection, if l2net is in "listen" mode, when you run the window and press login the client will close itself. Any bypass suggestion? Tower works but has some inconvenients. Thank you.
IG_L2Survival.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/189719255/IG_L2Survival.rar Size: 7100 KB Status: File available Contains: WP507F (Instead of l2asrv [backdoor detected]) Password: 94371582 -2S.
http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/6045/shot00072bo6.jpg[/img] http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/2795/shot00077eu7.jpg[/img] http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/5821/shot00007uy5.jpg http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/6045/shot00072bo6.jpg http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/2795/shot00077eu7.jpg
[glow=red,2,300]Configuring Your Buffers | A.I.O. w/ Walker [/glow] Hello MxC Members, I was looking around, found a walker guide, but it's not specific, well mine is. I'm going to explain to you how to set your buffers the right and smart way. You must understand that this is mostly for servers with OOG working, and high rates so you can easily level buffers, it's also mostly used for In town buffers, not botting buffers. So, let's get started: 1st Step: Logging the Buffer, I'm using OOG walker, but IG will work as well, just skip the first steps if you are using IG. -Character Logged. 2nd Step: Very Basic, opening the Menu (IG Menu, without Script Section). http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/2step510.jpg[/img] -Menu Opened. 3rd Step: Configure the buffer to buff himself (To buff faster, ex: Acumen, Haste, Berseker,...) http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/3step686.jpg[/img] -Berseker Set for more casting speed (Acumen is not set because WC is set to give party acumen - Flame Chant). 4th Step: Party Buffs, the regular way to buff, Now the thing is, You can't configure it well enough, You can add your name in the buffs you want, sure!, but if you change sub, you will no longer want certain buffs, same thing if you use the bots to buff other players); http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/4step270.jpg[/img] -1: Select Party Buffs Menu; -2: Range, Very important!, This is a good way to properly configure your walker, Let's say, You usually play a dagger, like me, you set the buffs you need for dagger, and add something like 100 Range, so, If you are using the dagger, all you need to do is run close to the buffer, and he will give you the "Dagger Buff Setup [You can see my dagger setup buffs in that screen shot]", so, you run to the PP he will give you dagger buffs, you approach the WC he will give you evasion buff, SWS songs and BD Dances, you will be fully dagger buffed, fast and simple! And if you are not on the dagger, just stay away from the buffers and follow the rest of the guide; -3: No Name: This means it's a regular buff, if you get on the 100 Range, it will give you the non class specific buffs; -4: Names: Simple, will only give the buffs to the players whose names match the list, if they get in the defined range; -5: Repeated buff: Add the names of the other buffers and leave it checked, so they will always be buffed as well, for faster buffing; Understand that you can follow this guide and use it with an AIO char, but since those are mostly donated chars, I wouldn't risk using OOG with it, IG would be "OK" but don't forget a GM can check your pm's and will easily ban the character; 5th Step: Choosing regular buffs and predefined buffs. http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/5step261.jpg[/img] -6: Regular buffs stay checked, so when in range you will get those buffs, now you ask, "but you keep the 100 range?", Yes, because walker only detects if you have or not the buffs, Ignore the delay, If you over buff and lose those regular buffs, the buffer would give them to you again, and mess with your primary buffs, so once you have the regular buffs, just step away; -7: Cancel the check on the class based (Dagger [example in the screen]) buffs if you usually don't play one class more than another, If you want to leave them checked, you must keep in mind that you can't get close to the buffer to get the regular buffs, because it will buff you dagger style until you move away (if you are not on the dagger that is); 6th Step: How to Buff, without using Party Buffs Options, Control Setting, What you should know is that control setting works through PM, you PM with a text in the buffers walker, and they will read it and use the buff corresponding to the text (It targets the player who sent the PM); http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/6step200.jpg[/img] -8: Check Recv Request (Meaning, receiving PM(Request) will continue to the actions); -9: Send Name: Add the names of the players you want the buffers to buff here, It will ignore any PM of a player that isn't in this list; -10: Range: Add the range you want to, I have 1000 on that screen so I can use my macro "buffs" to buff the bots without getting any buff ( That could be done close to them, just by being without party, not that important), Recommended range is 600, this means you have to be in a 600 range for them to follow the action, if you send them a PM for far away, they won't do anything; -11: Adding the Text: Simple step, If you add "Windwalk" - Skills "Wind Walk", you just need to PM that character saying "Windwalk", the character will target you and buff you with wind walk, But you can see on the following screen that the text is irrelevant, you can also add "1" - Skills "Wind Walk", buff I recommend you to either name them in a way you can understand or write them down in a paper; -12: Just press the Arrow to select the Skill you want the text to match with; -13: Select that skill; -14: Add it to the list, 1 buff done and ready to work!; 7th Step: Adding all the buffs necessary to the list; http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/7step540.jpg[/img] -Just Add all the buffs that will be useful to the list, you can always add / delete / change later; 8th Step: Party Setting, just a basic section, you should check it anyway; http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/8step302.jpg[/img] -15: If you want the buffers to make the party, stay in party and when you are close by, the buffers will invite you (names on the list) and buff; -16: Instead of having the buffers making the party, you make it yourself and with this option they will automatically accept party (only works if you are nearby); -17: This only applies to the party leader, Select the "Other" section; -18: Take the check away from "Aptitude Dance and Song", if you leave it checked what it will do is kick the BD from the party if the SWS is giving songs or the opposite, only the party leader must follow this step; 9th Step: Scripts ( Mana Script ); http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/9step259.jpg[/img] -19: Don't forget to select the mana script (Provided at the end) on all the buffers, so they will keep on buffing, or any other script you might want to run; -20: Press .Run. to start the script, if you want to stop it press .Pause. and then .Stop.; 10th Step: Saving the Options; http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/10step680.jpg[/img] -You can choose between Save Option or Save Option(name and psw), this last one is better, you can log faster with it since you don't need to input your character name / password; -Next time you want to use it, just select Load Option. -If you are done editing options with OOG, you can select "View" > "Hide Window", so it will be minimized to system tray (Clock's little bar) 11th Step: Configuration is done, Time to understand how it works (In-Game); -Press Alt+R to open Macro List, this is not necessary but very useful; -What you do now is create some Macros pm'ing the buffers with the correct text (Added in Control Setting) in order to receive the buffs, Example; Macro name:Party Macro text: P T -Begin- /invite {name} //Prophet /delay 1 /invite {name} //Warcryer /delay 1 /invite {name} //Bladedancer /delay 1 /invite {name} //Swordsinger -End- For this example, I'm going to name the Prophet: PP, Warcryer: WC, Bladedancer: BD, Swordsinger: SWS; I get close to the Prophet to get the 3 regular buffs ( Unholy Resistance, Elemental Protection, Mental Shield) Macro name:MageBuffs1 Macro text: MAG1 -Begin- "SWS wind "PP windwalk /delay 3 (That's the delay Full buffed With Dark Crystal Or +15% C.Speed Armor) "PP magicbarrier /delay 3 "PP shield /delay 3 "PP btbody /delay 3 "PP acumen /delay 3 "PP berseker /delay 3 "PP gconcentration -End- Macro name:MageBuffs2 Macro text: MAG2 -Begin- "BD concentration /delay 3 "BD mystic /delay 3 "SWS earth /delay 3 "SWS warding /delay 3 "SWS vitality /delay 3 "SWS renewal "WC earthchant /delay 3 "WC cov -End- -And you can see the result of using those macros in the following screen; http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/12step790.jpg[/img] -Aptitude Dance and Song Off, and full buffed Mage Style (Healer +mystic); This is just a tip; If you want your buffer skills to refresh without having to manually restart it, here's what you can do: -Check Both of those options, Select Black Names; -Go to Names Setting, Add your/a name to the Black Name List, Having done that, If you want the buffer to quickly restart, just PM that character (buffer) with any text, The character will read the pm, compare the name of who sent it, if it's in the black list it will log out and 3 seconds after log in; -Those last 2 tips don't work if the server is protected with Bake Ice (It won't log back in) And it will work with depmax64, but the skills won't refresh, they will still be on reuse time. -If you set them to buff with Control Setting, then you can't use this option, at least not with your own name, because when you PM the buffer asking for buffs, it would simply restart. I Hope this guide is/was helpful, It isn't a copy/paste from anywhere, I wrote everything myself and took my own screenshots. If it wasn't helpful, at least respect the time i put into it and don't flame. Any mistake / typo or question, feel free to post or pm me. Extras: Mana potion Script: Label(BEGIN) //>>> Uses 1 Mana potion when character mp reaches 50% CharStatus(MP,<,51) { Label(MANA) USEITEM(Mana Potion[iD=728]) //>>> 2 seconds Delay DELAY(2000) //>>> If the character mp is still under 50%, uses another potion CharStatus(MP,<,51) { Call(MANA) } } DELAY(2000) Call(BEGIN) Images Link (Better Quality/Size): http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/1step880.jpg http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/2step510.jpg http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/3step686.jpg http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/4step270.jpg http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/5step261.jpg http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/6step200.jpg http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/7step540.jpg http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/8step302.jpg http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/9step259.jpg http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/10step680.jpg http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/11step512.jpg http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/12step790.jpg http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/13step543.jpg http://xs134.xs.to/xs134/08515/14step367.jpg IG, OOG and More, by Blitztrager: >>Lineage II Bots [English] > [sHARE] ALL OOG/In-Game/FREE/Maps Walkers (the newest and old) IN ONE PLACE http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=19305.0 Anyone who can, please hide it on Login or define some low posts count, I can only hide at 200 posts. Account made for shares only, -2Share.
Yes, I do have both IG and OOG, and also PHX working. Donate or post, you will find it.
Password added, Please modify the amount of posts to 15, can't do it myself.
Useful program, you can use it to minimize to tray programs like l2asrv, l2fork, C5toIL or even L2 windows. Freeware, 61 days trial. Official Page: http://www.actualtools.com/windowminimizer/ Download: http://www.actualtools.com//hfiles/awmsetup.exe *Recommended. -2S.
IG_L2Survival.rar /UPDATED. http://rapidshare.com/files/189719255/IG_L2Survival.rar Size: 7100 KB Status: File available Contains: WP507F (Instead of l2asrv [backdoor detected]) Password: 94371582 -2S.