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Everything posted by KimOoO

  1. The next rev will be posted soon . Just wait :)
  2. Emulator: Bassed on l2p NOTE : We will go private after rev 1.0 Chronic: Goddess of Destruction [GoD] Version: 0.3 Website : http://moonblade-project.info Download : http://www.2shared.com/file/3ghkKz3y/MoonLand_Rev_03.html Fix list : Added Skills for all 4th class Elemental Strike Elemental Crash Elemental Destruction Death Breath Death Howl Elemental Blast Elemental Storm Devil's Curse Mass Devil's Curse Ignore Divinity Unleash Hell Death Mass Unleash Hell Tornado Shot Bow Strike Quick Shot Ponpoint Shot Impact Shot Recoil Shot Multiple Shot Heavy Arrow Rain Lure Shot Diversion Slow Shot Bullseye Update: spawn data (new NPCs) Fix dialogs for NPC: Fioren Fix: Teredor Raid Fix: Mammon functional Fix: Crystallization Added Harnak Location Spawn Data in Arkan City Major Fix
  3. add me on skype yougotpunk , maybe i will put you in our dev :)
  4. and what you will say to them ? We are not a sponsor members
  5. the admin handelr don't work . SO you have one ideea how to make the skills works?
  6. for shure no problem . Btw do you know how to make the effect PheoWizard skills works ? Cuz i press on water stance and the skills don't have water effects
  7. -1 is human xD . This is the correct class.sql for awaken class . ('H_SigilKnight_PhoenixKnight',139,90,0), ('H_SigilKnight_HellKnight',140,91,0), ('E_SigilKnight_EvaTemplar',141,99,0), ('DE_SigilKnight_ShillienTemplar',142,106,0), ('H_TyrWarrior_Duelist',143,88,0), ('O_TyrWarrior_Titan',144,113,0), ('O_TyrWarrior_GrandKhavatari',145,114,0), ('D_TyrWarrior_Maestro',146,118,0), ('K_TyrWarrior_Doombringer',147,131,0), ('H_TyrWarrior_Dreadnought',148,89,0), ('H_OthellRogue_Adventurer',149,93,0), ('E_OthellRogue_WindRider',150,101,0), ('DE_OthellRogue_GhostHunter',151,108,0), ('D_OthellRogue_FortuneSeeker',152,117,0), ('H_YuieldArche_Saggitarius',153,92,0), ('E_YuieldArche_MoonlightSentinel',154,102,0), ('DE_YuieldArche_GhostSentinel',155,109,0), ('K_YuieldArche_Trickster',156,134,0), ('H_PheoWizard_Archmage',157,94,0), ('H_PheoWizard_Soultaker',158,95,0), ('E_PheoWizard_MysticMuse',159,103,0), ('DE_PheoWizard_StormScreamer',160,110,0), ('K_PheoWizard_MaleSoulhound',161,132,0), ('K_PheoWizard_FemaleSoulhound',162,133,0), ('H_IssEnchanter_Hierophant',163,98,0), ('E_IssEnchanter_SwordMuse',164,100,0), ('DE_IssEnchanter_SpectralDancer',165,107,0), ('O_IssEnchanter_Dominator',166,115,0), ('O_IssEnchanter_Doomcryer',167,116,0), ('K_IssEnchanter_Judicator',168,136,0), ('H_WinSummoner_ArcanaLord',169,96,0), ('E_WinSummoner_ElementalMaster',170,104,0), ('DE_WinSummoner_SpectralMaster',171,111,0), ('H_AeoreHealer_Cardinal',172,97,0), ('E_AeoreHealer_EvaSaint',173,105,0), ('DE_AeoreHealer_ShillenSaint',174,112,0);
  8. I know what is the problem with the classes , you must correct class_list.sql xD
  9. No problem , i try as i said to make a new core , my personal core , better then inproject , because rev 547 have alot of bugs
  10. I just edited The rev 547 http://www.2shared.com/file/e9mW9IbV/INProjectrev547.html Now he have external ip . Have Fun xD
  11. Yeap ... i just found this http://godworld.ru/ . Check dude xD
  12. maybe weeks i think , or years o_O , trust me nobody will share
  13. yeap i see . Maybe someone finaly will share the update or somthing :D .
  14. i have 3 mouths of java xD i dont't know all so good , or good . I'm just a newbie in this chapter xD
  15. Yea i know is a little more bugy , but hell yea ,is free mate , i don't wanna spend my money on a project that will be a ghost in maybe next 4-5 mouths max . I'm right ? I wanna see more improvments at this project and maybe after i will invest my money in this pack . Btw you know html ? i have a question for you for one html for one npc
  16. dude he can enter i just shared a system 415 protocol , and i can login , and he can login ;) . This is not the problem . The problems is the pack , have some bugs like enchant R grade , the scrools don't work
  17. can you be more expicit ? + if your friend have that but he can't share ?
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