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About fxbio6600

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  1. thanks for the script... i try it,but doesn't work :S for the town invasion event anyone can help me? :)
  2. Hi all, can anyone give me the seven sign status script for the site of my shard? Also i want to implement in my shard ,the town invasion event,can anyone tell me how to do it? thx Smiley
  3. Hi all, can anyone give me the seven sign status script for the site of my shard? Also i want to implement in my shard ,the town invasion event,can anyone tell me how to do it? thx :)
  4. mmm the npc for event spawn only at TvTEventInterval = 9:00,15:00,21:00,3:00 ?
  5. Hello, i want to setup in my server a tvt event engine... i set in l2jmods.propertis # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Team vs. Team Event Engine (by FBIagent) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable/Disable TvTEvent System TvTEventEnabled = true # Times TvT will occur (24h format). TvTEventInterval = 9:00,15:00,21:00,3:00 # Registration timer from start of event (in minutes). TvTEventParticipationTime = 60 # Event running time (in minutes). TvTEventRunningTime = 20 # TvT Event NPC (create a custom npc of type L2TvTEventNpc). TvTEventParticipationNpcId = 70010 # Location for TvTEvent NPC to spawn. TvTEventParticipationNpcCoordinates = 83425,148585,-3406 # Min/Max amount of players allowed in each team. TvTEventMinPlayersInTeams = 1 TvTEventMaxPlayersInTeams = 20 # Min/Max level of players that may join the event. TvTEventMinPlayerLevel = 1 TvTEventMaxPlayerLevel = 85 # Repsawn and exit delay timers (in seconds). TvTEventRespawnTeleportDelay = 10 TvTEventStartLeaveTeleportDelay = 10 # First Team - Name, Start/Death x,y,z location. TvTEventTeam1Name = Team1 TvTEventTeam1Coordinates = 148695,46725,-3414 # Second Team - Name, Start/Death x,y,z location. TvTEventTeam2Name = Team2 TvTEventTeam2Coordinates = 149999,46728,-3414 # Reward for winning team. # Example: TvTEventReward = itemId,amount;itemId,amount;itemId,amount TvTEventReward = 57,100000 # TvTEvent Rules TvTEventTargetTeamMembersAllowed = True TvTEventScrollsAllowed = False TvTEventPotionsAllowed = False TvTEventSummonByItemAllowed = False # Door ID's to open/close on start/end. # Example: TvTDoorsToOpen = 1;2;3;4;5;6 TvTDoorsToOpen = TvTDoorsToClose = # Should both teams get reward if there's a tie? TvTRewardTeamTie = False but nothing appare... why?
  6. Hi, can anyone help me to find any exploit working in server http://www.l2myda.com/ thx
  7. don't work in my shard...when i put 2 weapon this weapon are enchanted and not the first...
  8. i try to send this code but nothing appened..why?
  9. go to pagan temple with a EE and kill mob...you got much exp and money :D
  10. later i will try... but i think it isn't legal XD
  11. work whit necro?
  12. if in my server there are no gm shop i can't use l2phx?
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