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About Sorceri

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  1. Wow, apokalupses ton dimiourgo tou website, dn 8a koimi8ei to brady to paidi ;D
  2. xdem. Are you still trying to ruin this people's try? huh. I can assure you that gotz+sorceri were together on ONE and ONLY ONE thing. This was no other than discovering the "holes" and keep destroying your noobish server. If this server was mine, i would not be on S-Grade now, believe me. Neither i would be playing for hours instead of fixing things (things which you use to do on ur NOOBISH SERVERS). Well, i would not bother playing here, but for first time i actually see that someone who took my pack, made it better than i ever could do. The online amount (max i saw was 60 on this first 24 hours) is dissapointing, but the + is that the report section of the forums is EMPTY, which means server is bugless. Also the balance looks perfect till now. Let's see on higher gears. Keep on the good work L2AQ staff, me and my clan (LineAIDS) will support you until the end, or atleast until u start acting stupid. Cheers.
  3. Well, the way you're trying to ruin this guy's try is just gay. However i'll take this as a compliment. I love that i still am a headache to you, even while being almost 2 years done with server administrating ;) As about the "deals and free items" part which detro mentioned,if this was really happening, i would never join as sorceri, believe me. Also, a professional admin would never accept this type of deal, even if i asked to. What can i say.. The rest will be solved ingame. Sorry to al qaeda's owner for being offtopic here, but i had to make some things clear. P.S. I will not reply anymore to this topic, unless if it's related to the server and it's features e.t.c
  4. Well, i wasn't about to reply but i think i have to make some things clear here. Lately, i've been really busy IRL, which doesn't allow me to start working on a new project for a while. So, no. I'm not the owner of this one. As i said to anyone who asked me, I've got paid for the server's features by the l2 Al qaeda staff. However, i don't really care what rumors say.. i will prove my point ingame (as i said above i'll be there ;) ) So, Let's go to the hate part. xdem aka infinity. You keep saying that his server is mine. Have you got any proofs for that? I guess not. So now, tell me this... Why the hell would i be playing 15 hours per day on ur shit server while i was preparing my own one? (I guess u have no answer for that) As about this "retard" GoTz with the low iq... Him (and most of LA members) found many major bugs and abused them. Imagine what would happen if we had "HIGH" iq... AAA BTW. Remember when you, me and gotz talked on skype after gotz uploading the picture with vesc? I was explaining u in every detail what you did wrong on ur server (after u asking me to do it). I was talking continuously for 30 minutes (10 minutes of these are recorded, so dont make me upload it) and every time i ended a sentence you were like: Oh, yes, you're right on that, or.. Oh, yes i should have fixed that, i was just lazy.Then, you end up like "Look sorceri, i know that you are a more professional admin than i am myself, and i know you know the game better than me"(this is recorded too). After this, you asked me to open a hi5 server together, And to be honest i was positive until i read ur post on this topic, cause i appreciate your java skills. But now, i'll chose one of your words. I cannot work with PUSSIES. (this is what you said for your old partners, and now i guess it's going against you). These from me. P.S. i still have more than 20 different situations to talk about, but i don't want to. This is a server advertisment topic and we shouldnt talk about our personal shits here in first place. Respect the person who's hosting this server. Have a good night.
  5. Btw i have a question, and i couldnt resist posting it here. If you abuse any rule, will you get banned or instantly shot by a AK-47 in the head?
  6. You're finally gonna open it huh? Expect me and my clanmates. We'll be like 25 people. And, dont forget to prepare the raidbosses cause we're gonna rape em all :D P.S. ROFL with that servername... i fell on the floor laughing when i saw it... Your GM char should be named 11/9
  7. Someone delete this topic.. it's too old.
  8. Your opinion, not mine. Many things are not as old times, server has changed, anyway cu
  9. oh nice to meet you again, take a look on our server if you want so :D
  10. Actually the subject isnt if i finally reach the "balance" level i want, it's the code itself.. as about the start of the code.. only what Bleadd posted.. any idea? thanks.
  11. i already said, the retail balance has nothing to do with my balance, i customized/edited everything.
  12. cant that code be created based on class id?
  13. im owning a custom server.. i've edited most of the classes . that's why i ask.. shall the code i got above work?
  14. I'm looking for a way to balance the characters' stats on olympiad but WITHOUT affecting the normal game.. for example "give skill id="x" to class id="y" while in olympiad , remove it after leaving olympiad... Does someone know how to do it , or is something like that already shared? Or anyway is there any way to balance olympiad without affecting the normal gameplay? Thanks in advance. P.S. my server is freya and im using L2j
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