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About rockalapacs

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  1. just a bit rework: package com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.events.CTF; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.events.DM; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.events.TvT; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; public class Eventjoin implements IVoicedCommandHandler { private static final String[] VOICED_COMMANDS = { "join", "leave" }; public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target) { if (!TvT._joining && !DM._joining && !CTF._joining) { NOevent(activeChar); } if (command.startsWith("join")) { if (TvT._joining) { JoinTVT(activeChar); } if (DM._joining) { JoinDM(activeChar); } if (CTF._joining) { JoinCTF(activeChar); } } else if(command.startsWith("leave")) { if (TvT._joining) { LeaveTVT(activeChar); } if (DM._joining) { LeaveDM(activeChar); } if (CTF._joining) { LeaveCTF(activeChar); } } return true; } public String[] getVoicedCommandList() { return VOICED_COMMANDS; } public boolean JoinTVT (L2PcInstance activeChar) { if ( activeChar == null) { return false; } NpcHtmlMessage npcHtmlMessage = new NpcHtmlMessage( 0 ); int playerLevel = activeChar.getLevel(); if (activeChar._inEventTvT) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are participating this event already.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } if (activeChar.isInOlympiadMode()) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are in olympiad.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } if (activeChar.isInJail()) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are in JAIL.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } if ( activeChar.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are not allowed to participate to the Event with a Cursed Weapon.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } else if (playerLevel < TvT._minlvl) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You must be at least level "+ TvT._minlvl +" to participate to this Event.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } else if (playerLevel > TvT._maxlvl) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>Your lvl is bigger than "+ TvT._maxlvl +", sorry you cannot join.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } else if (activeChar.getKarma() > 0) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are not allowed to participate to the Event with Karma.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } else { TvT.addPlayer(activeChar,""); npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are joined to Event.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return true; } } public boolean JoinDM (L2PcInstance activeChar) { if ( activeChar == null) { return false; } NpcHtmlMessage npcHtmlMessage = new NpcHtmlMessage( 0 ); int playerLevel = activeChar.getLevel(); if (activeChar._inEventDM) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are participating this event already.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } if (activeChar.isInJail()) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are in JAIL.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } if (activeChar.isInOlympiadMode()) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are in olympiad.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } if ( activeChar.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are not allowed to participate to the Event with a Cursed Weapon.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } else if (playerLevel < DM._minlvl) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You must be at least level "+ DM._minlvl +" to participate to this Event.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } else if (playerLevel > DM._maxlvl) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>Your lvl is bigger than "+ DM._maxlvl +", sorry you cannot join.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } else if (activeChar.getKarma() > 0) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are not allowed to participate to the Event with Karma.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } else { DM.addPlayer(activeChar); npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are joined to Event.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return true; } } public boolean JoinCTF (L2PcInstance activeChar) { if ( activeChar == null) { return false; } NpcHtmlMessage npcHtmlMessage = new NpcHtmlMessage( 0 ); int playerLevel = activeChar.getLevel(); if (activeChar._inEventCTF) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are participating this event already.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } if (activeChar.isInJail()) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are in JAIL.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } if (activeChar.isInOlympiadMode()) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are in olympiad.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } if ( activeChar.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are not allowed to participate to the Event with a Cursed Weapon.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } else if (playerLevel < CTF._minlvl) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You must be at least level "+ CTF._minlvl +" to participate to this Event.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } else if (playerLevel > CTF._maxlvl) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>Your lvl is bigger than "+ CTF._maxlvl +", sorry you cannot join.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } else if (activeChar.getKarma() > 0) { npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are not allowed to participate to the Event with Karma.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return false; } else { CTF.addPlayer(activeChar, ""); npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><body>You are joined to Event.</body></html>"); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return true; } } public boolean LeaveTVT (L2PcInstance activeChar) { if ( activeChar == null) { return false; } TvT.removePlayer(activeChar); NpcHtmlMessage npcHtmlMessage = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); npcHtmlMessage.setHtml( "<html><body>Your participation in the Team VS Team has been removed.</body></html>" ); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return true; } public boolean LeaveDM (L2PcInstance activeChar) { if ( activeChar == null) { return false; } DM.removePlayer(activeChar); NpcHtmlMessage npcHtmlMessage = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); npcHtmlMessage.setHtml( "<html><body>Your participation in the Death Match has been removed.</body></html>" ); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return true; } public boolean LeaveCTF (L2PcInstance activeChar) { if ( activeChar == null) { return false; } CTF.removePlayer(activeChar); NpcHtmlMessage npcHtmlMessage = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); npcHtmlMessage.setHtml( "<html><body>Your participation in the Capture The Flag has been removed.</body></html>" ); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return true; } public boolean NOevent (L2PcInstance activeChar) { if ( activeChar == null) { return false; } NpcHtmlMessage npcHtmlMessage = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); npcHtmlMessage.setHtml( "<html><body>We don't have any event now. Sorry</body></html>" ); activeChar.sendPacket( npcHtmlMessage ); return true; } } - you can use .join/.leave command for TVT,CTF and DM. - you can't join from jail - you can't join when you are at olympiad and i think much more :) for L2jFree enjoy
  2. if you dont want global chat then just turn off that... and set REGION the trade chanel
  3. why do you want an interlude server? :)
  4. LOOOOOOL damn you have an l2j server... and you don't know how to create an item????? OMG S.U.I.C.I.D.E
  5. how much topic do you need with same value? :) btw l2jfree... (as in another topic.. :) )
  6. {HUNGARIAN L} csao, hát ebben nemhiszem hogy sokan segítenének neked. mivel több féle fajta módon meglehet csinálni és aki nem kezdő a lineage-ben akkor az meg is tudja csinálni. nagy munka, de hát ez van :) ps.: frissíts az 1.2.10-es pack-re :P {/HUNGARIAN L} sorry for non english language :)
  7. +1 reason to make a lot of bot :P :D but thx for share :D
  8. you can download the full stapable version. http://l2jfree.com:8060/changelog/l2jfree/ created by L2jFree team
  9. do you tell me how can i make these items? its so wonderful :D thx share and your answer(ofc if i will get it :P)
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