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Everything posted by Commodus

  1. www.l2jserver.com/svn www.l2jdp.com/svn Apo auta ta 2 links tha breis to core kai to datapack.Tha kaneis checkout ta arxeia tou chronicle pou thes , kai eisai etimos.
  2. Ta xeirotera sites.Ean thes na ftiaxeis ena kalo site , kalo tha einai na kaneis register stin webhost kai na xrhsimopoihseis ftp client gia na kaneis edit to website sou.
  3. Tha boreseis na to baleis. Hacking Program.
  4. Ti ennoeis ama baleis sta login kai sta gameserver? Tha ksanakaneis install to mysql , tha baleis new username kai password kai tha kaneis episis edit kai ta database infos sou apo ta configs.
  5. panteli , tin epomeni fora xrhsimopoihse [c o d e] [/ c o d e] gia toso megala texts.
  6. -.-' Me fileedit to anigeis.Brisketai mesa sto system.
  7. Sto l2.ini sou ip h einai auth : (?)
  8. Alakse to min kai to max protocol revision se 1 kai 999.
  9. Nai.To smf forum sou na einai se version 1.1.11 kai na katebaseis auto to mod pou sou estila sto proigoumeno reply.
  10. Download Mod Katebase to. Tora , koita ti tha kaneis. Admin -> Packages -> Download Packages -> Package to upload: Tha kaneis ekei browse to .rar arxeio tou shop pou katebases kai tha patiseis Upload.
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=101678.0
  12. Pigene sto cpanel kai bres to MySQL. Tha deis meta stin selida pou tha sou emfanistei to Create new database and user.
  13. Ean thes na doulepseis se Interlude , kalo tha einai na kaneis compile to pack ths L2J FREE.
  14. 1)Kane login: http://members.000webhost.com/login.php 2)Pigene sto CPanel -> Software Services -> MySQL 3)Tha sou bgalei mia selida me ta mysql infos. 4)Des panw deksia pou sou exei ta Account Informations. 5)Sto server name pou sou zitaei tha baleis Server name apo to account information. 6)Ftiaxe mia database kai ena user: Create new database and user 7)Sto username pou sou zitaei tha baleis to username pou eftiaxes kai sto password episis. [ Create new database and user ] 8)To database name kai to table prefix asta etsi opos einai. 9)Den exei :D Eisai etimos.
  15. Stamata na xrhsimopoieis preconfigured packs.! Katse kane compile kai tha eisai mia xara.
  16. Server: Bale to domain sou. Port asto etsi opos einai. Username : To username tou ftp. Password : To password tou ftp. Install Path : public_html , sbise to /home/a3276783
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