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Everything posted by Commodus

  1. 15 adena per new post ! gia auto katebase kai tis times ! :D
  2. Na fantastw pos tou coyote to reply den to diabases. kai etima balanced skills na pareis , tha xreiasteis core support. Alla ti na katalabeis tora , preconfigured shit exeis .. ti se niazoun auta ..
  3. EKPTOSEIS ! VIP = 62.500 ADENA ! DONATOR = 25.000 ADENA !
  4. Proud Member of G.S.C : Commodus !
  5. Ti xanei members re .. les kai tha mazepsei kaneis ta adena gia esto ena item tou shop
  6. Orea katse esy me ta errors kai tis kokkines grammes.
  7. Orea se ligo mazevo ta adena gia VIP axaxaxax
  8. sto spam topic den anebenei to post count :D :D
  9. Omg spammers -.-' Travate se allo section re! afiste me na ton boithiso ;p Music , here is the solution : Click Me! Download , install kai ksana run as ant build. Kai to problima lithike :p
  10. Ego tha arxiso apo aurio na kanw 4.166 posts na gino VIP :D xaaxaxax
  11. Den to lew gia to sikgekrimeno topic :D to lew genika. Oloi arxisan to spam se diafora boards kai anti gia adena tha paroun eisitiria sto banland.
  12. Arxisan oloi to spam tora :D Nomizoun pos tha mazepsoun ta adena pou xreiazetai gia 1 toulaxiston item ;p
  13. Siga min katso na kanw 3.333 posts gia na parw karma :D
  14. Gia na gineis vip me adena thes 4166 posts :D xD
  15. MA POU TO BRIKES AUTO ?? www.l2jserver.com/nightly/svn Den iparxei auto to svn gia tin l2j server. Xrhsimopoihse auta pou sou edosa.
  16. Well , you all don't give a complete answer. @DAVC , let me explain you. There are 2 reasons why your java runs out of memory. Your java application has a memory leak or your Java application needs a lot of memory . More than 128 MB by default. So , java heap size can be increased using the following parameters : java -Xms<initial heap size> -Xmx<maximum heap size> You can set this in the java control panel or in the command line . Depending on the enviroment you run your application. This is what you must do in order to solve this problem . Good luck.
  17. Re spammers .. akomi den apantise kai milate monoi sas ? :D Omagad..
  18. Omg re music ... L2J Server SVN : www.l2jserver.com/svn www.l2jdp.com/svn
  19. Kitakste poso exoun ta items :D Den ta mazeveis ta adena oute se 1 xrono xaxa
  20. Afou den exeis kanei add svn links apo kanena project..
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