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Everything posted by Commodus

  1. ( + ) Add the lines. ( - ) Delete the lines. ( if you see them in other codes )
  2. Find this one : setIsPendingRevive(false); And add below the lines that have +.
  3. If it doesn't have + and - lines you can't install it manually. Cause you don't really know what to search in order to edit them. The codes that you can add manually are the ones that have ( + ) and ( - ) lines. Try to apply this one and tell me if you got any errors.
  4. Em pos thes na boune afou ta configs sou einai oti nane. Loginserver.properties : LoginServerHostName=* LoginHostName=* InternalHostName= ExternalHostName=l2deathangel.no-ip.info Server.properties : Gameserverhostname=* ExternalHostName=l2deathangel.no-ip.info InternalHostName= Ftiaxta etsi kai eisai etimos.
  5. Den ginetai giati kai to patch na pareis pou exei tis idies armors , den tha exei ta idia ids. Ara oute tha sta bgazei kai den tha exoun kai name oi armors.
  6. Gia na min sou dixnei tis armors , paei na pei pos loipon ta systextures apo tin armor auth. Kai kalo tha einai , na to kaneis delete etsi opos to katebases kai na asxolithis me compile. Tha exeis polla errors pio meta , kai den tha mporeis na ta ftiaxeis me tipota. PS : Lathos Section.
  7. That's why i told you that the files of your npc are corrupted. Try to download another skill enchanter and try again.
  8. .Diff files can be applied in eclipse. But usually , you have errors when you apply a patch , that's why it's better to install the mods manually.
  9. Gia otidipote allo xreiasteis , edw eimaste ;) Locked.
  10. Exeis kanei to idio topic kai sto request dev help gr. Locked.
  11. To il project ths archid tha aniksei se ligo kairo kai private. An exeis compiled pack , kratas ta data sou , copy ola ta .jar arxeia kai backup tis database sou. Meta kaneis implement ta new sql files kai eisai etimos.
  12. Anikse tis ports 2106,7777,9014 se protocol TCP/UDP. Ftiaxe ta configs & to l2.ini. Klise to firewall.
  13. An den to exeis kanei compile to pack , den ginetai dioti den exeis ta .jar arxeia. Kai profanws den to exeis kanei dioti h archid eklise prin kairo to IL project.
  14. E tote to mod den einai perasmeno sosta.Den sou eipa na stamatiseis ta preconfigured packs kai na asxolithis me to compile?
  15. Den benoun katholou ta xromata h den sta dixnei etsi opos ta exei sto site?
  16. Okay.Afou esena ta preconfigured packs sou fenonte mia xara , sinexise na ta xrhsimopoieis. Alla otan anikseis ton server kai tha exeis diafora bugs opos to attack pou tha tros apo noobish error/l2j attacker tha arxizeis na kaneis topics gia help. Egw sou protinw na kaneis compile oso to grigorotero ginetai , tha to metanioseis ama den me akouseis.
  17. Lathos.Einai xoris to #.Apla kaneis paste ton kodiko tou xromatos. Alla opos sou eipa merika den einai etsi opos ta deixnei.
  18. Pare apo edw ta colours pou thes : http://www.w3schools.com/HTML/html_colornames.asp Kai ontos , merika apo auta den einai etsi opos ta deixnei stin eikona.Alla merika , oxi ola.
  19. Sou leei ta anikse ta ports tou.Kita prin kaneis ena post. Locked.
  20. Nope , if he wants something that , he will post it in exploits section. Here is L2J so he made that post in order to help him fix this thing. djsiac and you understand wrong.Addytzu is right. Let's wait for author's reply.
  21. He needs to fix the bug in his server not the way he can do that. First read and then reply.
  22. Wrong configuration of files.The npc got corrupted files or you didn't setup it correctly. ( wrong imports or script config )
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