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Everything posted by AdlerBR
[SHARE] IG L2Walker Any Version Bypass/Crack ( WaBY )
AdlerBR replied to phear3d's topic in Botting [English]
I added this file to my virtual drive (http://adlerbr.4shared.com) : WABY 1.0: http://www.4shared.com/file/110867686/d4c7a836/WABY_10.html Hosts file for WABY: http://www.4shared.com/file/110868477/7fbf4057/waby_hosts.html VB runtime files: http://www.4shared.com/file/110868845/b3868bdc/vbrun60.html Regards, AdlerBR All credits for phear3d. -
[SHARE] OOG & IG L2Walker Any Version Bypass/Crack ( WaBY )
AdlerBR replied to phear3d's topic in Botting [English]
I added this file to my virtual drive (http://adlerbr.4shared.com) : WABY 1.0: http://www.4shared.com/file/110867686/d4c7a836/WABY_10.html Hosts file for WABY: http://www.4shared.com/file/110868477/7fbf4057/waby_hosts.html VB runtime files: http://www.4shared.com/file/110868845/b3868bdc/vbrun60.html Regards, AdlerBR All credits for phear3d. -
Look the ScreenShot: And be carefull: if the program asks you to input any login-pwd information is a 99,9% of probality that is a suspicious/malware program. []s AdlerBR
version_0_64 is fake. This program send your login and password to viptowalker.no-ip.org (Ip AdlerBR.
WTS [WTS] Armor/Weapons/ ETC at dragon 15x
AdlerBR replied to AdlerBR's topic in Marketplace [Items & Chars]
5 days too sell out 1/2 Price of all my stuff, or i will delete all my account an items.... who buy more than U$ 50,00 i will give one of my accounts login/pwd for FREE. accounts have: HE/DA + Warlord HE/WK Hierophant BD SWS Bounty Hunter and many others.... Start day: 01/03/2009 Finish day: 05/03/2009. Thank you all, AdlerBR Ps1. Don't Ask me for free stuff/account. I play alot for all of this stuff and my name isn't Madre Thereza. Ps2. For Brazilian players: Eu também aceito pagamento via pagseguro do uol e tb divido no cartão de crédito, pois tenho empresa aberta na pessoa juridica. -
WTS [WTS] Armor/Weapons/ ETC at dragon 15x
AdlerBR replied to AdlerBR's topic in Marketplace [Items & Chars]
I was on in game today to check prices and i changed it. (i was without play for 6 months). Regards, AdlerBR -
I'm Leaving server the dragon-network - dragon 15x SERVER D grade Armor sets: Price 0,50 US dolar 4 Brigandine Sets (Helm/armor/boots/gloves/shield) 6 Manticore Sets (armor/boots/gloves) + Plate helm (topd) 3 Mitril tunic Sets (armor/gloves) + Plate helm D grade Weapons: Price 1 US dolar Each 3 Light Cross Bow: Bow 191 P.atck/Slow atack 1 Scallop Jamadhr: fist 112P.atck/Normal C grade Armor sets: Price 1US dolar each 3 Full plate sets (helm/armor/boots/gloes/shield) 2 Drake leater Sets (armor/boots/gloves) + mitril or fp helm 1 Composite Set (armor/boots/gloves/helm/Shield) 4 theca sets (armor/boots/gloves) + Mitril or FP helm 1 Demons Set (armor/Gloves) + Mtril or FP helm+ FP or Drake Boots 2 Divine Tunic Set (armor/gloves/boots) + Mitril Helm 2 Karmian Sets (armor/boots/gloves) + fp or Mitril helm C grade Weapons: Price 1US dolar each 3 eminensse Bows 1 Yaksa Make 1 Dual katana*katana +3 1 Great Pata 1 Crystal Dagger C grade Wepons + SA + Enchanted: Price 2 US dolar each 1 Yaksa Make + health + 4 1 Orcish Pole Axe + Critical Stun + 4 1 Cursed Dagger + risk Haste 1 Dual Katana +4 (atack Speed) B Grade Armor sets: Price 1 US dolar each 3 Doom robe Sets 1 Doom Heavy Set 1 Doom Light Set 1 Avadon Heavy Set 1 Avadon Light Set 1 Avadon Robe Set 2 BW robe Set 2 BW light Set 1 BW robe SET 2 Zubei Light Set 1 Zubei Heavy Set 1 Zubei Robe Set B grade Wepons + SA + Enchanted: Price 2 US dolar each 1 Lance + critical Stun +0 1 Deamans Glory+ Health + 3 1 Aoba + health +4 1 Kris + focus +0 1 Bow of Peril + Quick Recovery +0 1 Dark Elven Bow + Evasion + 0 1 Hell Knife: Price 4 US dolar 1 Demons Dagger + Mortal Strike + 5: Price 8 US dolar A Grade Armor sets: Price 2 US dolar each 2 Majestic Light Set 2 Majestic Heavy Set 1 Majestic Robe Set 1 NM Light Set 3 NM heavy set 1 Dark Crystal robe Set 1 Dark Crystal Heavy Set (with shield) 1 Dark Crystal Light Set 2 Talum Robe Set A grade Weapons: Price 2 US dolar each 1 Dual Keshanberg*keshanberg +0 1 Dark Legions Edge A grade Jewels: Price 1 US dolar each 2 Phoenix Jewels set 1 Majestic Jewels Set S Grade Full sets and Weapons: 1 Draconic Set: Price 10 US dolar 1 Major Arcana Robe Set: Price 8 US dolar 1 Imperial Crusader Set (no shield): Price 14 US dolar 1 Dual Talum*Dark Legions Edge: Price 3 US dolar 1 Angel Slayer + haste +4: Price 18 US dolar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SOLD 01/03/2009 1 Dracobow+focus+5: Price 28 US dolar 1 Forgoten Blade: Price 3 US dolar 1 saint Spear: Price 3 US dolar 1 Basalt BattleHammer: Price 3 US dolar 1 tateossian Jewels SET +3: Price 2 US dolar Misc Items 13 Blessed Enchant Weapon S: Price 1 US dolar each 16 Blessed Enchant Armor S: Price 1 US dolar for 2xBEAS 18 Sumom Scroll Karik: Price 1 US dolar for 2xScrolls 1 Formal Wear: Price 4 US dolar 2 Secret Book Of giants: Price 1 US dolar each 180 Combat Haste Potion: Price 2 US dolar All 180 Wolf Lv 73 (with name): Price 4 US dolar Account with 5 Dwarfs (all Warsmith) with much mats and recipes(registred and not registred) for C/B/A/S grade: Price 20 US dolar All sets are full and unsealed. All Prices are negociable. Thx AdlerBR paypal: adlerbr@gmail.com (verified account) msn: adlerbr@gamil.com Mobile: +55-12-91513556 Phone: +55-12-31335272
I solved my L2walker IN Game Frezzing problem, need kill/Disable gameguard. Regards, AdlerBR PS. If i have my Uploader status back i Upload my working system folder for this server.
Thx I tryed use my IG version and your version too, but after 3-5 min playing my game frezzes, i can't run, write, trade. (client stop sending packets, but i receive server information). You have this problem too? Thx AdlerBR.
[Guide] Flash Guide: how to use DWARF CRAFT at l2walker
AdlerBR replied to AdlerBR's topic in Botting [English]
sltbnjr: I did this guide for interlude (C5), i think still works in new lineage II versions (CT1/Gracia). But jvoloski is wrong, Brazilians aren't the best. This is a multi-nationality forum, where people from all countries share they knowledge to other people. 90% of Brazilians are a poor and LAZZY people . I know this because i was born and i live here for 34 years, and i don't have pride for my poor Country. Yes Brazil is the best country of the World, but i can't tell the same about the Brazilian people :( Best Regards for all nationalities on forum, AdlerBR. PS. May the Moderator delete jvoloski post, because is a post without relation with the topic. Thanks. -
[GUIDE] ByPass Bake-Ice Step By Step (Works For Interlude) [IG]
AdlerBR replied to ZoOoOoM's topic in Botting [English]
There is No problem with my virtual drive. :P try again: http://adlerbr.4shared.com Best Regards to all... AdlerBR -
[GUIDE] ByPass Bake-Ice Step By Step (Works For Interlude) [IG]
AdlerBR replied to ZoOoOoM's topic in Botting [English]
TO HELP I UPLOADED TO MY VIRTUAL DRIVE (http://adlerbr.4shared.com): L2FORK: http://www.4shared.com/file/51884895/4397c720/l2fork.html PROXIFIER 2.7 CRACKED: http://www.4shared.com/file/51885704/56b26ca7/Proxifierv27Cracked-MAZE.html Best Regards, AdlerBR -
WTS WTS Accounts at DN dragon15x Server
AdlerBR replied to AdlerBR's topic in Marketplace [Items & Chars]
Up -
I had some issues with interlude skills, mobs missing from my 1.79 IG client (i had problems with primevil island mobs), but just follow this simple procedure to correct the issues: 1. Download ENGLISH OOG Client 10.8.3 (http://www.4shared.com/file/16222303/f8ce62d2/L2Walker_1083.html) 2. Copy the OOG 10.8.3 L2InfoA.dat file into IG 1.79 folder (overwrite the original) 3. Enjoy ;) Regards, AdlerBR
Man i don't know how the DN protection works. I just removed it from the system-folder. But i think if you use my game-system maybe you also can log with OOG. I didn´t tryed it because i don´t use OOG. I can give you the IP and port, but i don´t have token for it. I'm at work now, when i arrive at home i post the IP and PORT. Regards, AdlerBR
NOT WORKING ANYMORE (11/04/2008) NOW DRAGON USING BACK ICE SYSTEM I usually play at dragon-network, and i decide try the new test INTERLUDE test server, but when i try use IG l2walker, my game froze, is strange because only client side stops works. After a little time i got a solution. I remade my game-system folder with original interlude l2.exe and NO Gameguard. Let's start work: 1- Download and install Lineage 2 Interlude - client = http://games.internode.on.net/filelist.php?filedetails=7053 2- Download and unzip the dragon-network updater = http://www.dragon-network.net/dragonnetwork.zip 3- launch the dragon-network updater and do a full-check. 4- Download and unzip my remade game-system folder and unzip it for the original lineage2 game system folder. usually: c:\program files\lineage2\system\. Is a very good idea make a backup from the game-system folder FIRST. Remade Game-ystem= http://www.4shared.com/file/41963341/d810c776/dragon_interlude_game_system__to_run_l2waler_at_50x_Server_.html 5- Download hosts.zip file and extract it to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\. hosts file = http://www.4shared.com/file/15793016/3db0c41f/hosts_file_for_l2walker.html 6- Download l2walker IG version 1.79 and l2asrv051.zip. Extract it to a folder (anyone you want). If you don't have microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 download and install it. L2walker 1.79 = http://www.4shared.com/file/19727315/99ede7ce/L2Walker_179__178_fixed_for_Interlude_.html l2asrv051.zip = http://www.4shared.com/file/15793076/6bea6399/l2asrv_ver051.html 7- Reboot your machine. 8- run l2asrv.exe and l2w.exe (will ask you to browse the l2.exe file) 9- login at game and enjoy it :) Some Hints for new player at 50x arena server: At giran you can buy at DONNY NPC 5 donator coins for 1kk, and trade them back (5 DC) for 5kk. Do it many times and you will have all money you need to buy armors/weapons. You can Buy ALL Soulshots/Spirit/Blessed and Arrows at Cats (1st Option A). Don´t ASKED ME ABOUT OOG, BECAUSE I DON´T USE OOG. I need give some thanks for Varacolaci, i got the gameguard interlude patcher from his website: http://varacolaci.com/WolfHeart/ If you will post this GUIDE at any other FORUM Please Give me the credits, because i did it my self and im sick to see people copying my works (like shares, guides, scripts etc) and receiving the credits for it !!! Regards, AdlerBR. visit my virtual-drive: http://adlerbr.4shared.com
You are right. I changed it at my virtualdrive But I need find my old l2walker versions, i have a backup in DVD, but are many DVDs to look. []s AdlerBR
L2Walker problem after reinstaling Windows XP
AdlerBR replied to Lain's topic in Request Botting [English]
Very strange error, only l2walker.exe on the report. But i sugest you: 1st. Download again the l2walker, disable anti-virus, firewall and other programs and try run it (try use "msconfig" comand at Start>RUN, you can stop running many unusefull programs with this comand). or 2nd. Download all the last version for necessary drivers for your motherboard/vga-card,etc. Make a backup. FORMAT your computer and install winxp PRO from zero. Install lastest download drivers and necessary programs to run l2walker. Try run l2walker again. PS.: only a question: You added more memory to your computer? Many windows errors are caused by mixing diferent memory modules. If you have 2 memory modules, try use only 1, and change the modules to see if you still have the error. Remember: windows XP x86 (32 bits) can only handle up to 2GB, for more memory you need install windows XP pro x64 (64 bits). I hope it helps you, AdlerBR -
c3 : OOG 10.4.9+ / IG 1.30+. c3/c4 : OOG 10.6.0+ / IG 1.40+. c5 : OOG 10.7.1+ / IG 1.60+. c6/ct1 : OOG 10.7.8+ / IG 1.78+. I know the l2asrv v0.51 runs l2walker IG from 1.30-1.79. But I don't know what OOG versions works with l2asvr v0.51. Older l2walker aren't related. For exemple the IG 1.64 version = OOG 1.7.7 version and they are for C5.5 version.
L2Walker problem after reinstaling Windows XP
AdlerBR replied to Lain's topic in Request Botting [English]
Please: click on "click here" at windows error message: To see what data this error report contains: Click here. Print screen the report and post it.