As to include help.htm on the numerous requests. 1. if you start game not through l2.exe, but with the aid of the charger - get rid of the latter. 2. file l2.exe must be original, it it is possible to select from other folders system (almost all of server its system they lay out), but him rarely they guide. 3. either you change nwindow.dll also by the original or you make the following (further my quotation): Quote: Initial communication from Sauron the solution for amateurs Winhex: (if certainly Heim gvard it is not neglected) is discovered process l2.exe, we search for module nwindow.dll we search for line 90908B11FF92B4000000 we change to 740C8B11FF92B4000000 Or search for and change this inside nwindow.dll, if it is not packed, certainly. © Sauron.