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Everything posted by colt

  1. mais um Brasileiro perdido aqui, to voltando a atividade! :) abraço
  2. Hi all, I'm developing an NPC to confirm the player who made the donation to the server, that NPC the player puts the name of the character, amount and date of donation. I have prepared all the HTML and SQL, but have to get the data via Python in some kind of POST and do not know how someone would have thought? hug
  3. ok, thanx... gogogo walker from webthunder guys...pleaseeeeeeeee
  4. U$$ 50,00 paypal from cheater bypass the system. :P
  5. hi all, this server is invulnerable? www.webthunder.net l2walker works fine (IG VERSION), so, on logging in to the control panel i receive this information: "*Numero de Cheats: 1 " "Number of cheats: 1". the system detect ALL softwares... please, help our guys! :) sry, my english bla bla bla!
  6. yeah men, y know, so note that the description that I am talking about is in RELATED QUEST is not doing this because it is not in itemname, I think in this etcitemgrp but I do not know which line to remove the quest item!
  7. Guys, this file I have here I edited it with the etcitem and itemname and put in my description, it is interesting that he continues below giving RELATED QUEST, anyone know how to remove? PHOTO: thanks guys
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