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  1. Server is reall good...but thats true..enchant max should be lowered ... but its still best PvP server arround ... :) JOIn JOIN!!
  2. http://lineagers.com/lineage2/1885K936 !! JOIN
  3. This is a very good server!! Very balanced, just need some more people to join!!! You should give it a try!
  4. Still down :(?? commin up today?? Note: im asking here since nothign is said in web:S
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mBIOXaydXM&feature=player_embedded check this out :)
  6. Do u get gear fast? and enchants etc?!?
  7. WEll basicaly 4 mobs and ur lvl 85...server is very nice:) u farm appella in 200 mobs..+50 for tatto...u get custom hair items for having each 100 pvps... good events...TvT event... good community..althought were like, but hopefully will increase fast...i jsut hope in a week or so we have 20++ :)) so bring it on! come check server bring uur m8s !! so i can kill them!! hehe!!! if u need help ingame pm me!! im not a gm..but i can help u...farmin whatever!! my name is AnCeStRaL!! HOPE to KILL YOU SOON!!
  8. no:S EDIT: Now on!
  9. HUm dont think so... but what ever... server is really good... you should try it.... :P :D ;D
  10. Server is not mine... i put it here wit hgm authorisation!! dunt know..most probably they will make a new web!! server is real real good!!! and has got 2 days...
  11. Gracia Final server :D Eternal Lovers We have an stable running server. Massive pvp, fun events, active Gm's, good support and unique server in every way. Server Host in: Cpu: Dual Quad Core Xeon E5420 - (8x)2.50GHz - 2 x 12MB cache MBram: 4 GB DDR2 667 ECC HDD: 73GB SA-SCSI 15K RPM HDD2: 73GB SA-SCSI 15K RPM Connection: 1000mbit up/down SERVER 1- Eternal Lovers Rates: Exp x70 Sp x70 Adenas x90 Drop x1 Spoil x1 Features: - GMShop - Global Gatekeeper - Safe enchant +3 - Max Enchant +16 - Rate Enchant 60% "Normal Scroll" - Rate Enchant 77%"Blessed Scroll" - NPC Buffer (Smart Buffs) - Weddings - Auto learn skills - Noob Buff Protection - Auto Skills - 1 Hours Buff - Spawn protection SERVER 2- Eternal Lovers2 Rates: Exp x2500 Sp x2500 Adenas x1000 Drop x1 Spoil x1 Features: - GMShop - Global Gatekeeper - Safe enchant +5 - Max Enchant +18 - Rate Enchant 70% "Normal Scroll" - Rate Enchant 85%"Blessed Scroll" - NPC Buffer (Smart Buffs) - Weddings - Auto learn skills - Noob Buff Protection - Auto Skills - 1 Hours Buff - Spawn protection WEBSITE: http://eternallovers.ucoz.net/ FORUM:http://eternallovers.ucoz.net/forum
  12. AGAIN SERVER HOT News Server Will implement Gracia The Final! Few servers have it!! New Agathion Seals(horse...etc) armors(vesper LIght-Dark) weapons(vesper Weapons) and more (join and See) Also New Farm areas...!! RATES REMAIN SAME! ----------Updated---------- updated login server name updated Vesper armor( the stats of armor will be need adding on later this week ) updated Vesper weapons ( the stats of armor will be need adding on later this week ) Updated Vesper Hair ( will be added this week sometime) added nude patch to system folder lol New Npc in Giran
  13. NEW COOL SERVER!!! NOW in BETATEST!!! Server Website: http://l2majestic.ucoz.com/index/0-2 Server Rates 500x Exp 500x Sp 600x Adena Enchant Rates Safe 3 Max 20 Normal Scrolls: 70% Blessed Scrolls: 80% Server Features Auto TvT every hour. Custom Armor. 2 Farming Zones. 3 Types of Currency. GM Events. Friendly Staff. And Much Much More! Join US !!!!
  14. Due to hsotign problems; server is down... were solvign problems..But to let ya knwo server will ebcome highrate and CT2... TY
  15. Having Same Problem....Cant find good servers like tht :S if some1 knows PLz POSt HEre ...TY xXKurushiXX
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