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About kiusad

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  1. Anyone have the token for this server? I have the protocol and the ip... but i need the token [Myst] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2106 ProtocolVersion=656 ServerList=Eden;Olympus; www.l2myst.com Thanx, kiusad
  2. you can't
  3. sergio_bhz@hotmail.com =D
  4. agahnim rocks =D
  5. post in english please
  6. U need option.ini
  7. I want to help =D haha tahnx guys
  8. Maxtor i tryed but i got nothing, did all what u said.. i will post screen later
  9. whats the token for it?
  10. Sorry but i didn't understand you, and thanx!! EDIT: It didn't work, maybe i need the offset too?
  11. ok guys eternal sin changed.. i got the ip and loginserverport EDIT:ALL WRONG TOMORROW GET AGANIHM NEW VERSION ITS ETERNAL SIN WROKING!!! but now i need token.. and i used the maxtor's guide for token but i didn't got it.. =D if you guys could share it thanx EDIT: MOVE TO HELP SORRY
  12. I think there is no way to hide it =P
  13. I need the new eternal-sin token and ip, can you put please agahnim? Thanx EDIT: Ok i got it: LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=7777 i login but i need token now the old one isn't working... thanx again
  14. I tryed all ways.. skill after dead, other heal, combat heal, policy short attacks etc.. if u can help me my msn is sergio_bhz@hotmail.com
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