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Everything posted by dagreekplayah

  1. what are the consequences??? i just wanted yo cancel the trade cause your service SUCKS(for me...if other like it ok...)!... i get ban now?? ok ban me pf ... i see your working like an amateur...
  2. Its not my fault its middleman fault, he should be sure he can do a safe trade, other excuses like paypal blocked the money and so on does'nt have any value, when you make a service you should be able to make it through, that's why people come to you since YOU propose that service, enough said, anything going after is your responsibility since you did not respect your engagement. I don't get why people always criticize low posts members, they are not all for trash you know, sick of this situation in this forum
  3. he didnt scam me.. i only cancelled the trade and he is crying... doesnt it look very fake??? he is scammer and nothing else.... dont believe him
  4. LOL? i said give HIM the money back .... i dont want nothing from you!! you dont understand it? i just got my items back.... now give the money to the other guy... and the trade is CANCELLED ... BB
  5. give him money back and all is ok... but you are scammer thats what not you like... he was you ... or a friend.. and you wanted to scam me ... but not at me!!!
  6. i want to cancel the trade.. your service doesn`t meet the terms you give... fast?? pf... i wait so much days... i want to cancel my trade and nothing else... -1 to this guy...
  7. ok lets see... you`ve been trough this one time so you should be able to handle it a second time...waiting for the money .....
  8. middleman he said fast delivery.... you say his transaction freezed too? and 1-2 weeks? why he didnt mentioned it??
  9. i dont care if i get banned ....i want my money and nothing else... Middleman if i get my money i will stop calling you a scammer....i wait for speaking you in msn...thx for reply...
  10. i want my money! how are you sure that i get my money???
  11. these are your first 2 post in this forum?? what the facking hell you want here?? middleman maybe its you?? scammer noob
  12. what do you want now??? what is your problem man?? i would like if you would get scammed....
  13. he is moderator and he scam me ... what now?
  14. yes thats what is making me crazy...after he said i go to eat i got facking mad.... now i will brake my pc if he dont come online
  15. the only think that makes me calm down right now is this... all other fucking shit is getting me nervous like hell
  16. how could he get with this facking crazy unsecure service a sticky ??
  17. you see the conversation??? its 99% sure he is scammer... i just wait ....
  18. how can i be patient? ofc i am nervous... you see the conversation?? how can i be patient ...look what he says... im going to eat in 2-3 min back... and 1 + hour passed...
  19. still oflline after 1+ hour.. scammer
  21. Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: hello you added me Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: hello yes i want to trade with a person Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: on what chronicle ? Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: c4 l2 elite Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: server? I see what items / what price Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: i sell items db +24 focus, elite light +4 price 550 euro paypal Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: I see, I just got pmed by another user you sell to him right ? Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: yes Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: all right, let me make account and login into server Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: make a party ok add him to conversation Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: he is from yahoo I think yes, yahoo Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: it dont work on yahoo? Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: no :/ Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: ok np Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: anyway, listen how I middleman most secure way Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: lets see.. Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: I held items, then give to other in trade to check but don't press ok he tells me if these are the items if ok then he sends me money I send to you money Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: yy Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: and I confirm to his trade Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: i understant and give me money its simple Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: yes Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: but you must follow i mean be trusted Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: tell me your paypal account Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: i think you are what must i say? email? Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: yes Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: i dont know much w8 Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: email account from paypal that u registered Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: 1 sec i make a call\ Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: ok I logged Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: w8 Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: into l2elite my name is middletrader Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: ok Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: human fighter Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: pt Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: the other user told me to come gludio Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: ****** Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: ok Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: i make you pt cause in l2 elite you can get ban with this conversation so you have my email? Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: yes ***** Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: yy right Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: ok now give me items to hold on all? Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: elite light +4 set, and db +24sa this Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: weapon and armor set right ? Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: yy man/... Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: ok Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: i am afraid Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: relax man I did many trades and high amouns Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: i know.. Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: I didin't scammed anyone, chill out Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: ok i trust you you speak with the other guy too? 550 euro was our deal Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: yes 550 euro he will send me and I send to you Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: if not send give me items Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: yes Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: i dont know exactly how paypal works so after tell me how to do it Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: wait, he is sending money to me just have patience Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: ok soz Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: ok, he sent to me 550 euros Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: nice puah Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: now I will send to you Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: ok then give him the items and we finished our trade Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: ok I confirmed trade Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: and i write in mxc YOU ARE THE BEST Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: I got a question for you your paypal account is verified ? Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: tell me yes Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: it tells me it's not verified, I just checked I'm asking this you because If you get 550 euros in your account you will be able only to withdraw 100 Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: rly? Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: to verify paypal account you must attach an credit card to it mastercard / visa Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: w8 one call Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: ok Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: at me it says verified Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: no, you verified it by e-mail but to verify it means by credit card to lift up the limit of 100 euros Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: he says its attached to the bank Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: let me check again Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: (question) (from where you) Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: **** Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: ? Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: right? Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: yy Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: ok, let me check Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: it is verified it says look status verified it says and i press and it says this You are now a Verified PayPal user. In addition to increased security, buyers and sellers value your Verified status because it indicates you have passed PayPal security checks. Most importantly, you can now send unlimited payments with your PayPal account. Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: **** is PayPal Unverified PayPal's Verification System allows you to learn more about users before you pay them through PayPal. Verify that the information below is consistent with the business, organization or person you wish to pay. Email: ***** Status: Unverified Account Creation Date: Sep 28, 2007 ? Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: it cant be w8 and what the minus if i am inverified you said? i can get only 100 euro? Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: u can receive how much money you want but you can't withdraw them only in al imit of 100 euros in a limit* Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: where can i see if its verified? status? Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: got teamviewer? Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: it says verified no.. w8 to install.. Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: google and teamveiwer Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: yy Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: viewer* and install Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: 1 sec should i request money? Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: no, this method takes a lot Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: ok 326 231 283 Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: pass? Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: 7432 damn, too much white from this lineage i close it w8\ better? w8 I reconnect ok better what you want to make? haNIGE ok? you see it? Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: yes Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: ok Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: ok, I'll send you right away please wait I go eat 2-3 mins I come back Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: ok my friend ? man asap Ο χρήστης Middle λέει: wait man 2-3 minutes I come back I go eat Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: i am afraid man.. dont stop now.. man come back pls... my items come back man.... MAN i am facking getting crazy Μόλις στείλατε μια δόνηση. Ο χρήστης Vola λέει: MAN pls come back... i dont have money... and i dont have items.. and you go eat?? come back plssss my money.... 2-3minutes are dead.. come on...
  22. about 35 min offline... i am 99% sure that he scam me ... but i wait more to be 100%
  23. why off? why ....whats going on... my items gone... no money?? LOL? i trusted this guy
  24. maybe he just made all good trades to wait for the big money?? 550e isnt low..
  25. the buyer got the items... only me got still nothing.. and he is still offline...
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