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About Fllyyper

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    Toti suntem la fel mult prea prosti de prea mult b

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  1. Salut , nu am mai intrat aici demult ideea e ca vreau sa caut oameni care sa ma ajute sa fac o comunitate pe un forum . E vorba despre www.scriptzone.tk ... nu are rost sa zik mai multe care credeti ca sunteti dispusi sa postati si sa ma ajutati sa fac ceva din forumul ala v-a astept . Si o sugestie e foarte bine venita . Numa bine
  2. Pe filelist ?
  3. Information Liberty [L2] Interlude server [ PVP ] STARTED 18.01.2011 www.l2liberty.tk Patch Download : Link 1 : http://www.storageserver.co.uk/files/2060/L_Liberty_Patch_V1.0.rar.html Link 2 : http://www.uplbox.com/file/download/54818 Short info about our server Full geodata engine All skills are working perfect Server Info: Rates:Xp-3000/PartyXp-1 Sp-3000/PartySp-1 Adena-3000 Maxim Enchant Wep: +20 Maxim Enchant Armor & Jewels: +20 Safe Enchant: +7 Enchant Rate Wep: 80% Enchant Rate Armor & Jewels: 80% Enchant Bless Rate: 100% Custom: Mask Tattoos www.l2liberty.tk
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T32h15YlhL8
  5. akm vroiam sa il pun si eu dar vad ca esti rapid :)))
  6. Look :))))) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T32h15YlhL8
  7. Description: This plugin allow the administrator to make the audience without seeing the rest of the players. In short, one spectator put admin but it appears that such a team is a plugin to detect cheaters . Credits: Fllyyper Download: SMA Amxx Installation: 1. It invisible_spectator.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. It invisible_spectator.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: invisible_spectator.amxx Cvar's (add to the file amxmodx \ configs \ amxx.cfg): amx_inv_dead_percent <valor> - When the total amount of players are dead, "invisible audience" seems to be dead. Administrative orders (to type in the console, you must be an administrator): amx_spectate - This puts you spectator 'invisible'. If you have any question feel free to post here I will try to answer in the shortest time
  8. Show a little weird but its ok :D
  9. hello and welcome
  10. Why ??? Its a Addons for CS why he can not be useless ?
  11. I wanna share somme l2 website scripts for statistics i tink will be usefull for many people :D http://www.4shared.com/file/222023244/2759b73f/l2_scripts_for_website_by_l2ha.html Soo you have here : Top Pvp Top PK Online Player Castels Status Online Players Top 100 Clan List Clan Info Top karma Oly Points Heroes Server Status 7Signs top 10 list jail top 10 list online wedding Have Fun :)
  12. * Customs: * Dinasty,Icarus,Vesper Weapons * Dinasty,Vesper Armors
  13. So this plugin does not let you move from one team to another
  14. L ][ Habbana Features : * XP: 15x * SP: 15x * Adena: 15x * Spoil: 10x * Drop: 20x * * Enchant rate weapon: 66% * Enchant rate armor : 66% * Enchant rate Jewels : 66% * Blessed enchant Rate: 76% * Safe enchant: 3 * Max enchant: 16(weapon&armor&jewels) * Other: * Skill enchanter * Multishop * Gatekeeper * Buffer * Agumenter * Farm Zone 3 * Weeding system * Anti-cheat protection * Anti-Flood Protection * Noblesse System * Every Buff / Dance / Song only from NPC duration 3 H * Auto create account. * Customs: * Dinasty,Icarus,Vesper Weapons * Dinasty,Vesper Armors *100% Uptime 0 Lags !!! *100 Mb Uplink Public Connection Website : www.l2habbana.tk Vote : http://l2.hopzone.net/vote.php?site=78999 Join and u u will find more new features :D ciao
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