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Everything posted by AmazingEnthusiasm

  1. @posva im not watching this thread every second u know... ill make it very clear again. if u dont want 2 try it, then dont nobody is forcing u to even read this thread it is EXTREMELY likely the dupe is fixed by next maintenance, i posted what i had, do what you want with it if you want to try it theres nothing else i can do.
  2. wat does that mean and it only works on official servers cuz its a official server bug? l2j has bugs that dont work on official, etc.
  3. teon, but for obvious reasons i would prefer not to give my name here x.x
  4. when it works it will say starting dupe....... and when ur full it will say 'char full!'
  5. yes... i know that is a HUGE hassle...................... but its definitely worth it
  6. very weird.. i use a totally unmodified system folder 2 try deleting ur system folder then fullfcheck anubis i really wish i could tell u, but im not a hax0r lol i didnt make this, i dont have the slightlest clue wat the number is....
  7. but as i said, the last number can change, i hav no idea y, i have no idea wat it does.. ;/ i only know u hav 2 find ur number.. but it never changes rest of the options as u can see i keep them like default 4 example, now that i found my number that works is 33, i dont need to search 4 it anymore, its always 33 it never changes but u will probably have a different 1
  8. it is normal 2 get tat error ingame, u have 2 play with the last number until u get the magic number 4 u my number was 33... its trial and error boring i know, but when you finally get the number 4u ur rich lol @posva: I made it Login condition again u can download now
  9. oh, no. it is for gracia latest version only, tats wat my friend said
  10. VERY VERY sorry all, my friend sent me the wrong version link updated in first post, all of you who had an error when pressing start, other version fixes it feel free to scan again
  11. ... i explained already leave options liek default set path to l2.exe press start login, go to giran go to wh freightmen Parman target it and start talking to him, the duper will detect the text and start duping with Parman u neeed .netframework, if it does error u dont hav it
  12. the only thing i get from sharing this extremely rare leak is accusations of keylogger i think i will just delete my posts and keep it for myself like the russians did
  13. this n once ingame to go parman in giran WH if it does ereor u must play whit the 2nd number (originally 50)
  14. Hello all, I can finally give back to this great community I came across a working version of the dupe hack currently going on on Teon/Franz/Luna It still works as of the 8/10/08 maintenance, so be sure to use it while you still can! It DOES work on the other 5 retail servers, it's just it had stayed secret on euro servers so far. All my accounts are currently filled in adena, so I figured, why not share to the world? ^.^
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