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Everything posted by kor0o0

  1. Lol 1st one reminds me Naruto wth Pikatchu mixed :O Gj mate...Thank you for sharing those Unique armors here...Great start thnx :D
  2. Πραγματικά έχω βαρεθεί να βλέπω αυτά τα κόμεντ...Ρε φίλε πως το έφτιαξες το gm shop? Δεν μπήκες στο σέρβερ να το δοκιμάσεις?Βαρεθηκες να βάλεις μια φώτο?? EDIT:Απότι είδα από το html είναι κλασσική...προσπάθησε να βάλεις φώτο πάντος...
  3. Guys it just needs update ;) http://subclipse.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectProcess?pageID=p4wYuA I think so ;)
  4. Α sorry for posting greek,I just confused... :S Lusy thnx for helping me...I'll try it ^^..lock the topic plox :P
  5. Νομίζω ο τίτλος του τόπικ τα λέει όλα...Θέλω να βάλω στη dynasty,passive noblesse (δηλαδή όταω φοράς την dynasty, και πεθάνεις,να μην φεύγουν τα buffs)Γίνεται? Ευχαριστώ προκαταβολικά!!!
  6. Lol I've solved this issue...I've forgotted...Plx lock the topic :D
  7. HOHOHOHOHO!!!Anal...It pwnz hard man gj...Bleach pwnz...! You should make Ishida's bow or something for all weapons!!!Keep up the good work
  8. Alloz...Here I am...I have a problem with my client or server, I don't really know what it is... I start my private server normally, batch files show me that I'm normally connected to my server, but when I open L2.exe, I fill in username and password and nothing happens...Like my pc freezes but it doesn't... I tryied everything please help..!! EDIT: My ports are all open...!An firewall closed..
  9. Hello guys...I'm trying to "install"a preconf pack and I cannot create a connection in Navicat... I mean, I go Connection >> Connection name: localhost, creating the connection, but when I try to connect to install the backup file, it "errors" me with: 1045 - Acces denied for user 'root'@ 'localhost' (using password: NO) The pack has no db password and I have installed mySQL properly...Help me plx :D Thnx in advance!!! EDIT:Akyro pedes, vrika tin akri...plx lock it :D
  10. Dn m exei er8ei i teleytea ekdosi gia update...exo tin jdk1.6.0_17 Aptin alli omos m erxete ena minyma gia enymeroseis apo microsoft gia to .Net Framework 3.5 k dn m ginete install...les na fteei ayto?
  11. >.<...Tin exo egatestimeni apo tote p egatestisa ta Windows :S Apo programmata ola kala eimai pisteyo...O Itrepid m eixe pei oti kati ftaiei apo tis metavlites siustimatos k xristh... :(
  12. Re pedia edo k mia vdomada exo ayto to prob...Ti sto kalo simvenei??? Pio prin mporousa na dokimazw opoio pack i8ela...Tora dn 3erw ti simvenei... Parte pic: http://img27.imageshack.us/i/39890846.jpg/ PL000000000000X help :D
  13. You have something wrong with the external and internal IPs...
  14. You mean like this? http://img196.imageshack.us/i/96179799.jpg/ If you mean this it's the same..The error again :/ EDIT:Nah my bad you meant the down bracket...it's the same though..Nothing changed :(
  15. Ok but look something here... http://img503.imageshack.us/i/35640213.jpg/ What should I delete and change from here? I need no more info but these... :D
  16. I didn;t know that I should add a new one O_o Btw I did it but it has the error again :S
  17. I know,but when I try my personal path it gives me the error...can you give me a screenshot of your variable path window? To see the configs
  18. Are you sure this is the right one? I got this one C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_17\ :/
  19. Here you are...! http://www.4shared.com/file/148914700/e4790d64/error.html Sorry for the translation I suck at life in english :D My windows is in greek thats why i translated it for you..
  20. I increased it,but I set the system variable too...Now it has a running script in gameserver that i cant even read it...It scrolls like crazy... :S
  21. Hello guys...I'm searching 2 days now about how I can fix this error... http://img30.imageshack.us/i/errq.jpg/ I've tried to install and reinstall Java..I've installed all java's download section to find out whats happening... Someone help me pl0x? :D
  22. Gay but still good work :P 1st is angel slayer?
  23. Dude i dont want to insult you but:#Last favor:Lock this topic till someone pm him and help him...(Too much spam) If you want to tell me something more pm me... I already request it :D
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