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Posts posted by Nefer

  1. cR7UquC.jpg
    Hello guys,
    This is the eighth ALPHA rev [V.8] about L2jFrozen 2.0 called "Floran Village".
    Fix list about V.8
    - Updated checkItemManipulation()
    - Fixed setOwner() bug.
    - Updated check on dropItem().
    - Fixed setQueuedSkill() bug.
    - Default punishment changed from 2 (kick) to 1 (gm warn).
    - Improved Augument anti script protection.
    - Increased ClientPacketQueueMax as default value.
    - Fixed private craft with offline shop.
    - Improved isTeleporting status.
    - Added new debug log for CTF and TVT teleport.
    - Added new logs for Multisell phx users.
    - Fixed bug with depositing augmented weapon.
    - Fixed bug using Blessed scroll of escape.
    - Fixed some NPE on all the code using eclipse NPE finder.
    - Removed all @SuppressWarnings("null")
    - Fixed meetRaidWarCondition() always gone on false.
    - Fixed some redoundant check with FindBug.
    - Fixed setImobilized exploit.
    - Fixed duel bug exploit with snipe and UD.
    - Fixed bug with private store sell.
    This rev is the eighth ALPHA version and it will be first uploaded and tested on the Official Test Server. All the ALPHA rev will be tested from the inner circle, only the BETA will be the first rev that member could test. On this version we focused on a new system on MMCORE to monitor alive client.

    Our official Test Server using V8 ALPHA is online and you can log easly downloading this system:
    Thank you for all the people that are logging to test and report!

    You can continue to report bug here:


  2. qOMPLhq.jpg
    Hello guys,
    This is the seventh ALPHA rev [V.7] about L2jFrozen 2.0 called "Hunters Village".
    Fix list about V.7
    - Defined new Clients Netcore manager in order to properly maintain the clients status and activities traces. To be improved with monitoring capabilities.
    - Implemented debug log to stacktrace error "Unevenly distributed hash code - Degraded Performance".
    - Fixed "Unevenly distributed hash code" in SkillTreeTable().
    - Fixed "Unevenly distributed hash code" in loadAllSkills().
    - Fixed restoreFakePlayer open connection.
    - Fixed kick for Offliner and FakePlayer (//kick namechar)
    - Fixed kick for massive kick for offliner and fakeplayer (//kick_non_gm)
    - Reworked leave olympiad observer mode.
    - Added flood protector on StartRotating.
    - Added connection count on ConnectionCheckTask.
    - Removed Botcheck during Events.
    - Removed SevenSigns useless error print.
    - Added new checks on SendWareHouseDepositList.
    - Added new checks on SendWareHouseWithDrawList.
    - Added new checks on RequestSellItem.
    - Added new protection on TradeList.
    - Added new log for Tradelist.
    - Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for decreaseBoxed().
    - Fixed NPE on addDamageHate()
    - Fixed NPE on moveToLocation()
    This rev is the seventh ALPHA version and it will be first uploaded and tested on the Official Test Server. All the ALPHA rev will be tested from the inner circle, only the BETA will be the first rev that member could test. On this version we focused on a new system on MMCORE to monitor alive client.

    Our official Test Server using V7 ALPHA is online and you can log easly downloading this system:
    Thank you for all the people that are logging to test and report!

    You can continue to report bug here:
  3. 25psV4O.jpg
    Hello guys,
    This is the sixth ALPHA rev [V.6] about L2jFrozen 2.0 called "Heine".
    Fix list about V.6
    - Removed from source/DP/SQL VIP Event.
    - Added config for PacketsLoggerManager.
    - login-src moved all enum classes on new file.
    - game-src moved all enum classes on new file.
    - common-src moved all enum classes on new file.
    - netcore-src moved all enum classes on new file.
    - Corrected PM_MESSAGE_ON_START config.
    - Added Bot protection after mob kill.
    - Removed botCheckstart in enterworld.
    - Bot system ignore SIEGE and PVP ZONE and other cases.
    - Players that didn't answer on the bot checker will be teleported to town and not kicked.
    - Fixed bug with TVT/CTF using AURA skill on team member and player start autoattacking.
    - Update on AddTradeItem.java
    - Update on ValidatePosition.java
    - Fixed IllegalArgumentException: No enum for stat/stats command.
    - Added config for enable/disable vote commands.
    - Added missing check to load .stat and .stats command.
    - Fixed redundant removeBoni after weapon disarm.
    - Fixed bug with same augumentation in two different weapon.
    - Fixed Zaken zone bug to avoid Boss zone summon inside.
    - Removed unuseful debug log.
    - Added useful log for zone DEBUG.
    - Fixed cleanUpDB() queries using DEBUG mode inside IdFactory.
    - Added new logger level of c3p0 removing debugging message.
    - Fixed NPE on disconnectAllCharacters().
    - Fixed NPE on L2GameClient.
    This rev is the sixth ALPHA version and it will be first uploaded and tested on the Official Test Server. All the ALPHA rev will be tested from the inner circle, only the BETA will be the first rev that member could test. On this version we focused on the DEBUG/LOGGING part. We focused a lot and this will help us on the future.

    We want also to inform you that our official Test Server using V6 ALPHA is online and you can log easly downloading this system:
    You can continue to report bug here:
  4. VC7i3ha.jpg

    Hello guys,
    This is the fourth ALPHA rev [V.5] about L2jFrozen 2.0 called "Oren".
    Fix list about V.5
    - LoginServer and related Threads have been updated to latest L2j version organzation.
    - Packets Logger has been improved allowing better debugging in XML format.
    - Building has been improved to properly include needed configuration files.
    - CharStatus.java optimisation.
    - Optimized calcStat() function.
    - Set fakeplayer client as Detached.
    - Updated and optimized method checkIfInRange().
    - Fixed setzone Olympiad.
    - Improved little problem with Townwar event.
    - Fixed bug with CTF/TVT using revive.
    - Fixed infinity spear cancel like L2OFF.
    - Fixed bug with Manor setting price protection.
    - Fixed /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter problem. for .sh files.
    - Added config to enable/disable Seven sign festival.
    - Added config to enable/disable auto open door.
    - Fixed L2BugReport NPE.
    - Added on L2BugReport the possibility to do multiple report for each player.
    - Improved some DEBUG log.
    - General cleanup
    This rev is the fifth ALPHA version and it will be first uploaded and tested on the Official Test Server. All the ALPHA rev will be tested from the inner circle, only the BETA will be the first rev that member could test.
    Welcome back to Sternwal to be a part of our Team as Global Moderator!

    Next update will be on the test server. We are creating a server to join and be playable for 1 day. So we can do a little test about stability.
    We also started working on the Marketplace, where will be showed all our products!  ;)

    You can continue to report bug here:


  5. Just a thing i noticed. Unless those players are actual players connected to your server then you are proving nothing but that you pc can render up to X amount of objects.


    They are super lightweight and in fact they don't even have AI to stress the server in any possible way.

    People that actually know their shit laugh on tests like this. It's like you loaded 5k npcs without AI.


    You are wrong thinking it. These test are not to simulate "real" players, these test are only to see if the server got problem if TOT player are online on the same time (also if they are offline).


    We these tests we found lot of problem that helped use to improve some part of the code, some examples:



    .Restore time of 10.000 players

    .ConcurrentModificationException during event partecipating with 1000 players

    .LS disconnection to GS after 5000+ connection


    You can use also some program to monitorate your java process like visualvm and see how 5.000 spawn of player influence your server and you can improve each method called and see also if there is something wrong. We caught an important bug with this.



    So these tests are good to find problem that are difficult to see.


    What you are speaking about are different tests, however we are working also on it. We was thinking to simulate an L2Client to log in x players to have an alive connection to the server, these can help us also to do a better test.



  6. 2cIN3aH.png
    Hello guys,
    This is the fourth ALPHA rev [V.4] about L2jFrozen 2.0 called "Dion".

    This version should be bigger but we decided to split the update. We took this decision because next version (V.5) includes a big rework about GS and LS connection with lot of improvements. Next update includes the l2j LS killer, the flood attack on char select/login, the checksum packet issue and the disconnection between GS and LS after massive login.


    Fix list about V.4

    - Implemented inactive Fake player spawn.
    - Added command //fakeplayer.
    - Added table fakeplayer.
    - ServerStatus updated.
    - Optimized the load of fakeplayers and offlineplayers during the server startup.
    - Removed redundant check in knowlist.
    - Optimized ServerStatus module.
    - Fixed notify Event with offline shop bug.
    - Fixed Offline shop can be attacked by aggro monster.
    - Set client detached after closeNow() to prevents more packets execution.
    - Fixed double spawnMe at login.
    - Fixed .gotolove can't be used if dead.
    - Fixed sell item exploit.
    - Optimized Gs start up log organisation.
    - Fixed RecipeShopMsg NPE.
    - Fixed Offline trade store NPE.
    - Fixed RegionBBSManager NPE.
    - General cleanup
    This rev is the fourth ALPHA version and it will be first uploaded and tested on the Official Test Server. All the ALPHA rev will be tested from the inner circle, only the BETA will be the first rev that member could test.
    Welcome back to OnePaTuBHuK to be a part of our Team as Global Moderator!
    Next updates will include also the fixes about events that are under debugging mode:
    You can continue to report bug here:
  7. I think that use fake chars to "trick" your players as an Admin is a very very bad idea. You can create something perfect but it's always easy to spot a fake player like a bot player.


    Maybe an admin can use fake player to create particular gameplay feature like a specific event or something like that. But i don't see nothing useful to use fake chars to populate your server.




  8. nLK4dYa.jpg
    Hello guys,
    This is the third BETA rev [V.3] about L2jFrozen 2.0 called "Gludin".
    Gameserver has been updated with following improvements:
    - Configuration files have been properly cleaned and moved from main config folder to proper folders
    - Loggin configuration has been improved
    - BoneCP has been removed due to obsolescence. New pool solutions are going to be evaluated
    - XML RPC have been removed due to unsecurity. New JAVA WS solutions are going to be evaluated
    - Removed IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
    - Libraries have been cleaned and updated removing unuseful ones when possible
    - Building has been improved
    - Massive CONFIG reorganisations.
    - Implemented Enchant script phx protection.
    - Implemented Augment script phx protection.
    - Fixed warning on server startup. WARN: L2TradeList 363 364
    - Fixed slf4j failed to load class org.slf4j.impl.staticloggerbinder
    - Implemented NPC L2BugReportInstance.
    - Put useless log on DEBUG.
    - Removed exceptions print for votehandler.
    - removed extenders/extension feature to avoid possible server failures on wrong customizations.
    - removed Engrave custom and related configurations.
    - readded bsh shell and engine in order to support feanor.
    - Fixed TvT bug with countTvTdies not reseted.
    - Cleanup GS from Telnet deprecated.
    - MMOConnection structure has been improved to avoid unuseful content.
    - SelectorThread packets processing has been improved;
    - Gameserver and Loginserver SelectorThread instances have been moved to SelectorThread Multiton;
    - OfflineTradersTable restore implementation has been tuned to avoid multiple database connections on each player restore;
    - OfflineTraders management has been improved and some bugs have been fixed.
    This rev is the third ALPHA version and it will be first uploaded and tested on the Official Test Server. All the ALPHA rev will be tested from the inner circle, only the BETA will be the first rev that member could test.
    We are doing a Stress test on the official L2jFrozen test server with offline shop using V3:
    You can continue to report bug here:
  9. [V.2] L2jFrozen 2.0 version "Gludio"


    Hello guys,
    This is the second rev [V.2] about L2jFrozen 2.0 called "Gludio".
    - Added value "enchantmentLevel" for enchanted item on multisell.
    - Added "enchantmentLevel" for ingredients.
    - Fixed bug for no-delay with summon skill.
    - wh clan load items problem
    - Vote system reworked for hopzone, topzone, l2network.
    - Removed russian comment.
    - Removed visual rotation bug.
    - Cleanup eclipse login-src.
    - Cleanup eclipse common-src.
    - Cleanup eclipse game-src.
    - Cleanup eclipse netcore-src.
    - Removed TakeFort.java.
    - Removed "customs" folder on DP.
    - summon_items.csv moved to folder /data/csv/
    - summon_items.csv moved to folder /data/csv/
    - staticobjects.csv moved to folder /data/csv/
    - Moved boat.csv
    - Moved boatpatch.csv
    - Moved cursedWeapons.xml
    - Moved dimensionalRift.xml
    - Moved door.csv
    - Moved extractable_items.csv
    - Moved recipes.csv
    - Moved scripts.cfg
    - Moved seeds.csv
    - Removed armorsets.csv
    - Removed custom_drops sql folder
    - Removed custom sql.
    - Custom zone installed removed.
    - Removed all sql about custom zone.
    - Removed updates sql folder.
    - Removed anti_ddos.sh.
    - Enabled by default custom spawnlist save.
    - Minor correction.
    This rev is the second ALPHA version and it will be first uploaded and tested on the Official Test Server. All the ALPHA rev will be tested from the inner circle, only the BETA will be the first rev that member could test.
    You can continue to report bug here:


  10. 8RpvGxD.png
    Hello guys,
    This is the first rev [V.1] about L2jFrozen 2.0 called "Talking Island". Every rev will get an unique name.
    Here is the list about the rework that we did that will allow us to help developing easly the pack. Now Gameserver and Loginserver are completly indipendent from each other. Loginserver folder passed from 12mb to 5mb for example.

    The following improvements have been implemented:
    - sources have been separated in four different modules, netcore, common, login and game modules, in order to properly manage each of them separately
    - coupling between separated modules has been reduced, providing this dependency schema:
          -- netcore is independent from anything
          -- common is independent from anything
          -- login depends on netcore and common
          -- game depends on netcore and common
    - Configuration properties have been reviewed and in such case improved, separating them based on specific module impact
    - building script has been reviewed to support separate login and game module distribution
    - project libraries have been updated
    - Telnet feature has been removed.
    - IRC feature has been removed.

    This rev is the first ALPHA version and it will be first uploaded and tested on the Official Test Server. All the ALPHA rev will be tested from the inner circle, only the BETA will be the first rev that member could test.
    The next version will get also gameplay updates already done.
  11. Hello guys,
    Finally is up the official bug report system of l2jfrozen! With this system it will be easier track new bugs and see what is in progress or not.
    Official bug tracker
    LINK: http://server.l2jfrozen.com/bugreport/
    You don't need to register on the system but you will be logged in automatcally as 'anonymous' user and you will get the access level of 'reporter'. You can create new report, see the existing one and see what we fixed. So you can see the actual timeline of the project.
    If you got any problem, issue, advice for this new platform please write on this topic.
    Official topic on forum



    i would like to suggest you about making a special section for you here like acis and lucera.




    let me know. thank you.


    Thank you for the offer, i will let you know next days.

  12. Hello users,
    We want to inform you that our official Test server is online using public Rev 1132.
    Here you will find some usefull links.
    You can easly download our file system at this link:
    You can read here all the details:
  13. This is the new section about buyable Custom code!


    If you need a fix or an help or also a new code, this is the right Board. All devs can take the requests! Not only L2jfrozen team.


    You must only write these details on your topic:


    1 - Your budget. Can be also a range so you can put for example 100-200$.

    2 - Explain what you need. Try to give more details so the Developer can have an idea in what he must work.

    3 - Priority, write if you need the code with urgency or not.

    4 - If can be shared. You can write if the patch can be shared or is private. Obviusly if is sharable the price is lower.


    Enjoy :)




  14. Hello guys,


    SVN: http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/L2jFrozenInterlude/trunk/

    Timeline: https://www.assembla.com/code/L2jFrozenInterlude/subversion/changesets

    Blog: http://www.l2jfrozen.com

    Forum: http://www.l2jfrozen.com/forum


    It’s been a while since the community left the development on SVN repository

    and moved to a new one based on GIT system. With time, a lot of fixes were made

    on the new repository, but for some circumstances as troubles compiling with the

    new builder (Maven) and not getting used to the workflow of a GIT repository the

    project was stuck. So with the staff we decided to merge all the fixes that were

    made in GIT repository onto the OLD (the loved for you: rev 1004) SVN

    repository. It took some time due the implementations of Spring, Hibernate and

    other stuff in GIT by the newest developer Vadim did, so some fixes made use of

    this frameworks and they couldn’t be merged (maybe they were fixes for

    something that broke with new implementations and in rev 1004 they were working



    So to make it short, we moved all the fixes made on GIT

    (https://bitbucket.org/Shyla/l2jfrozen) to the old SVN

    (https://www.assembla.com/spaces/L2jFrozenInterlude/) repository and did a big

    code clean up. At the moment all this fixes are in Beta because we want to be

    sure that they work as they should so here’s a list (a little long) of what

    has been fixed since revision 1004:


    Fixed NPEs

    Fixed NPoly zone bug

    Fixed Damage zone hits only players

    Fixed exploit with packet CannotMoveAnymore

    Fixed Topzone votereward (thanks Amnesia)

    Fixed admin edit command ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

    Fixed MoveOnAttack task

    Fixed L2Protector works also for summon and not only for players

    Fixed Topzone votereward bug

    Fixed bug with delete on custom table

    Fixed NPE during deposit on wh clan

    Fixed Raid boss database update.

    Fixed exploit with healing outside baium lair.

    Fixed HP/MP Heal shouldn’t heal through invulnerability state.

    Fixed DropItem flood protector config load.

    Fixed Oath/Apella armor usable always by Gm player.

    Fixed clan log.

    Fixed NPE about alliance.

    Fixed weight getMaxLoad formula like L2OFF.

    Fixed bug with varka/ketra about summon taking aggro by monster

    Fixed bug with Mage/Warrior bane that don’t delete all buffs. (like OL/WC


    Fixed register Olympiad and VoiceCommand

    Fixed login NPE exception

    Fixed private store bug. Incorrect display selled item after cancel trade

    Fixed backstab on monsters. Issue: the AI rotates before the skill is finished.

    Fixed bug with archer skill and move

    Fixed bug with auto attack after skill

    Fixed Summon attack request bug

    Fixed Summon follow his owner after using skills (Now continue auto attacking)

    Fixed lag issue with monster

    Fixed multisell list with corrected sell/buy information

    Fixed global task load

    Fixed shield block

    Fixed quest “Enhance Your Weapon”

    Fixed dagger skills “Type=Blow” Success Critical Sound – thx OnaHa

    Fixed Adventurer’s Box: Hair Accessory and Pollen item

    Fixed Bluff skill

    Fixed Pagan Temple gatekeepers

    Fixed weight getMaxLoad formula like L2OFF.

    Fixed skill Arcane Power Like L2OFF.

    Fixed skill Focus Skill Mastery Like L2OFF.

    Fixed skill Accuracy Like L2OFF.

    Fixed buff stats of Symbol of Sniper skill like L2OFF.

    Fixed quest “Proof Of Clan Alliance”

    Fixed quest 621_EggDelivery

    Fixed quest 622_SpecialtyLiquorDelivery

    Fixed skill Summon Feline King like L2OFF

    Fixed skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn like L2OFF

    Fixed skill Summon Spectral Lord like L2OFF

    Fixed skill Mystic Immunity like L2OFF

    Fixed skill Focus Mind like L2OFF

    Fixed skill Critical Power like L2OFF

    Fixed skill Focus Mind like L2OFF

    Fixed skill Critical Power like L2OFF

    Fixed skill War Frenzy like L2OFF

    Fixed skill Shock Stomp like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list

    Fixed skill Mass Fear like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list

    Fixed skill Mass Gloom like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list

    Fixed skill Erase like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list

    Fixed Item Skill: Magic Barrier like L2OFF.

    Fixed Monument of Heroes HTML for Noble characters.

    Fixed quest 7000_HeroItems like L2OFF.

    fixed spawn protection removed on player move (Bug target NPC and use attack)

    Fixed champion mobs HP.

    Fixed issue with small and grater CP potion, couldn’t be used at the same


    Fixed offline trade

    Fixed signet skill effect not working.

    Fixed spawn protection removed on player move (Bug target NPC and use attack).

    Fixed quest “Proof Of Clan Alliance”

    Fixed players can’t hit team mates on event.

    Fixed time for connection check.

    Added config to GM color name and title

    Added Olympiad debug config

    Added debug for zones

    Added configuration for participation of AIO in events

    Added useful logs to Olympiad System in order to discover possible issues

    Added check client Z coordinate instead of server z to avoid exploit killing

    Zaken from others floor.

    Added DB cleaner in order to remove from table if reuse_time = 0

    Added checks in order to avoid possible sell/buy tricks

    Added config to enable/disable client flood protector

    Added debug log for olympiad crash (added custom logger to do this)

    Added Paagrio fist on buff count

    Added command //l2jfrozen for Admin.

    Added new config for CleanDBTask delay. Changed some logs.

    Added html monument of heroes like L2OFF

    Added L2OFF weight penalty formula

    Added core support to lvl 79 & 80 enchant.

    Added login server checks to avoid double clients connected

    Added freight inventory check to avoid possible duplication items exploit

    Added class “EffectMpConsumePerLevel”

    Added XMLRPC Management Service to support TestServer autoRestart feature

    Added XMLRPC Configuration details;

    Added two platform gameserver restart scripts

    Added config ally template

    Added mobs id 27181 can teleport players near cabrio Like L2OFF

    Added the use of reuseHashCode in order to get the reuse of the skill both based

    on its level and it’s id.

    Added skill Mortal Strike to enchant skill list

    Added skill Major Group Heal to enchant skill list

    Added skill Summon Swoop Cannon to enchant skill list

    Added skill Aura Flash to enchant skill list

    Added skill Summon Nightshade to enchant skill list

    Reworked enchant skill trees like Intelude retail

    Reworked of Queen Ant AI.

    Updated source version to 1.7 compliance.

    Updated observer mode

    Updated MMOCore Source. (thanks L2jserver)

    Deleted unused directory 622_DeliveryOfSpecialLiquor

    Deleted unuseful Broadcast Messages to improve system Scalability

    Deleted custom script load by default

    Deleted unused web services (PayStream, SMS, etc)

    Deleted old folder of ANT build

    Deleted effect teleport protection. (bad broadcast to all players)

    Deleted fortress npc from npc.sql and spawnlist.sql (NOT INTERLUDE FUTURE)

    Deleted useless broadcastUserInfo.

    Renamed netcore config class to avoid issue with general config class (TODO:

    should be merged with general config class)

    Some check and clean up

    Checked some skills like L2OFF

    Refactored loggers


    As you can see a lot of things were fixed. With time if the tests go well we are

    gonna marge all this beta fixes onto trunk (stable) and continue fixing new

    bugs. Cheers!


    L2jFrozen Staff

  15. logo.png

    Special offer from http://n2p.it:2014 for L2JFROZEN's users.

    N2P are in the hosting's field for a long time. I can confirm that the Administrators are serious and reliable.

    .Machine (VPS) details
    CPU: E5-1620v2 4c/8t 3,7 GHz+/3,9 GHz+ (shared)
    RAM: 4Gb
    Disk space: SSD raid 20Gb (RAID 0, double speed.)
    Line: Garantuee 500Mbps, burst 1Gbps
    Anti-DDoS: until 3Tbps (Included in the price)
    Automatic daily backup (completly free)
    PRICE: only 100€ / 1 year

    To take this server please send an email to supporto@n2p.it telling them you are a l2jfrozen's user.

    It's possible only install Linux OS, with desktop or commandline.

    This is a good VPS to host a stable medium server. N2P also will help you if you have problem for manage the VPS! The Server is HALF MANAGED, then if you have a problem with something n2p will help you!

    Tell me if you need more infos, i will speak with n2p! Contact me if you have question!

    You can directly contact them at this Email: supporto@n2p.it or check their site http://n2p.it:2014/

    IMPORTANT: The VPSs are limited, this is only a temporally offer from N2p! Do not miss this offer! ;)


    Official topic on l2jfrozen's forum:


    You can trust them,


  16. logo.png

    Special offer from http://n2p.it:2014 for L2JFROZEN's users.

    N2P are in the hosting's field for a long time. I can confirm that the Administrators are serious and reliable.

    .Machine (VPS) details
    CPU: E5-1620v2 4c/8t 3,7 GHz+/3,9 GHz+ (shared)
    RAM: 4Gb
    Disk space: SSD raid 20Gb (RAID 0, double speed.)
    Line: Garantuee 500Mbps, burst 1Gbps
    Anti-DDoS: until 3Tbps (Included in the price)
    Automatic daily backup (completly free)
    PRICE: only 100€ / 1 year

    To take this server please send an email to supporto@n2p.it telling them you are a l2jfrozen's user.

    It's possible only install Linux OS, with desktop or commandline.

    This is a good VPS to host a stable medium server. N2P also will help you if you have problem for manage the VPS! The Server is HALF MANAGED, then if you have a problem with something n2p will help you!

    Tell me if you need more infos, i will speak with n2p! Contact me if you have question!

    You can directly contact them at this Email: supporto@n2p.it or check their site http://n2p.it:2014/

    IMPORTANT: The VPSs are limited, this is only a temporally offer from N2p! Do not miss this offer! ;)


    Official topic on L2jfrozen's forum:


    You can trust them,


  17. 1320763917_frozen.png

    [HOT] New release of L2jfrozen GIT version BETA. Version 1.3.4

    You can download the compilted pack here (the source are the last version of GIT developer):
    Download: http://www.l2jfrozen.com/l2jfrozen_beta_1.4.7z

    How to use the pack:
    1 - You must install java 8, is a MUST!
    2 - Unzip the pack and run the tools on "database" folder. (remember to check id,pass,db)
    3 - Register LoginServer->Gameserver.
    4 - Run LS and GS.

    Please report all the bugs here:




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