go to C:/server/login...
right click on startloginserver.bat/edit
:: set JAVA_PATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20"
set JAVA_PATH=""
change to this
:: set JAVA_PATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20"
set JAVA_PATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10" <---- here you put the java path
Man the ports is opened in router and firewall but when i check with the program to see if the ports is open , he show me the port is open but show me this too
"we ware not able to ping you router" :(
1 question, My ip is chenges every time when i restart the router.
here is the screen how i open the ports in my router:
plz help :)
Hy gyus , i have a proble with port open, i open port in router but when i go to port cheker website and i chek if the port is opened , he told me the port "xxxx" is closed.
wath can i do?
Plz help me guys :(
Problem solved...i think :)
i change just this:
in ipconfig.xml i change just this gameserver address="my no-ip"
and i didnt change l2.ini with my no-ip , i let
and i add in host file "my no-ip l2testauthd.lineage2.com"
and now i can login without problems..
thx guis :)
i change the host file with " l2authd.lineage2.com" but dont work and i try with "local ip l2authd.lineage2.com" to
but the same problem , i cant login :(
The server dont run when i confing him with no-ip.
This is wath i config:
any1 know wath i have to do?
plz help :(