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About stefanutzz17

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  1. is sonthing rong with you hexid.....try to register the gameserver again
  2. Make sure you multisell is in you shop htm
  3. go to C:/server/login... right click on startloginserver.bat/edit :: EXAMPLE PATH :: set JAVA_PATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20" set JAVA_PATH="" change to this :: EXAMPLE PATH :: set JAVA_PATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20" set JAVA_PATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10" <---- here you put the java path
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=186888.0 Next time use search
  5. u have to delete the l2jdb from here too: go to "C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data" and delete l2jdb. GL..
  6. Increase the stats: ex: <add order="0x40" stat="maxHp" val="500"/> <!-- hp ----> put 500 or how much hp do you want and to other the same
  7. Man the ports is opened in router and firewall but when i check with the program to see if the ports is open , he show me the port is open but show me this too "we ware not able to ping you router" :( 1 question, My ip is chenges every time when i restart the router. here is the screen how i open the ports in my router: plz help :)
  8. I disable firewall but nothing happen (the same problem). I check the ports with "PF Port Checker" Program and he show me this: Help me plzz :(:|
  9. 2106 9014 7777 3306
  10. Hy gyus , i have a proble with port open, i open port in router but when i go to port cheker website and i chek if the port is opened , he told me the port "xxxx" is closed. wath can i do? Plz help me guys :(
  11. Problem solved...i think :) i change just this: in ipconfig.xml i change just this gameserver address="my no-ip" and i didnt change l2.ini with my no-ip , i let and i add in host file "my no-ip l2testauthd.lineage2.com" and now i can login without problems.. thx guis :)
  12. i change the host file with " l2authd.lineage2.com" but dont work and i try with "local ip l2authd.lineage2.com" to but the same problem , i cant login :(
  13. i do wath you say , now the game server and login server run without errors but i cant log into game.:(
  14. The server dont run when i confing him with no-ip. This is wath i config: server.properties login.properties ipconfig.xml any1 know wath i have to do? plz help :(
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