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Posts posted by AlemanOtaku

  1. L2 Inc maybe, f

    nc soft closes the servers that make too much money on donations, its copyright or something, but other servers are good commercial for official servers, a lot of ppl start on private servers, and then they move to retail


    Ownage was a no donator server, and was shutted down by NCSoft anyway


    I think L2 Inc is the next, is the server of the moment i think (i dont like it anyway xD)

  2. Maybe your LineAge2 Folder have some problem... try to make all your lineage2 file's official ...!!



    i said i already try with full check!!!!!! and still nothing, i have the installer, and 30 minutes ago try after full check


    im angry because the features of this server likes me, and i cant play only in this ¬¬

  3. im really want to try this server, but i have gameguard error (hacking tools, 620, etc etc) i have the hosts of the page, i try with gameguard emu, other lines in the hosts, but nothing works :/

  L2authd.lineage2.com L2testauthd.lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com update.nProtect.com update.nProtect.net


    also, i try with a system without gg, but after 30 seconds... disconnect


    full check and still the same


    PD: no other servers is giving this errors right now, only this :/


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