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About srnr

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  1. 1. 2.
  2. first of all the poll isn't about is it fake or true fights. Everybody knows that wwe fights is just to make a good show but their stunts are incredible i don't think that everybody could do that what these "sportsman's" do. And i voted for RAW because in my country i can see just RAW fights :/
  3. srnr


    Paypal is known worldwide so i don't think they gonna risk to loose their competition just only cheating on one costumer. I have a friend who buys clothes, various stuff and even cars (it's for selling via internet or not). And always use paypal and haven't been cheated even once...
  4. Hi i want to ask someone to send me a refer code with a private message to play in retail. because i want to play on retail but much cheaper is to start playing with a serial code than buying whole packet. I would be very thankful if someone responds to my message. p.s sorry if i wrote something misunderstand able but I'm not in the mood ATM about thinking the right phrases... p.s.s sorry if i posted in the wrong section :/
  5. I don't know is it fixed on server i play but nothing happens for me :-\
  6. I've seen that in some servers same happens when you press 5 i think or some other number. It's useful when gm starts hide and seek event :D
  7. None. There is very few servers than NC closed i don't think they will do that again at the moment :-\ i think l2inc will go down for other reasons without NC help...
  8. Tried on about 5-6 l2j interlude servers where phx isn't detected while logging in but when i buy item there is no gap in packets like "MultiSellChoose" :/ just "BuyItem"... So i guess this bug won't work :-\
  9. I think its useless thing... Without seeing walls or trees you will stuck somewhere while running :/
  10. C3 i remember as bright game where light colors dominate :D i hate Gracia because everywhere dominate darkness... Just wanted to feel that game again :/ damn sentiments...
  11. I'm just curious is any C3 server left? ::) as i remember C3 was my favorite chorincle :-\ P.S sorry if it's wrong section but i didn't knew where to post it ???
  12. Anyone know how to configure oog/ig walker or l2net for l2 faction server? (i mean for server with 2 sides koof vs noobs) i want to make bot kill other people. And if there is pls post link of ig/oog walker configuration for l2 java server...
  13. Does anyone know how to configure oog walker for noobs vs koofs server? i mean to make bot kill other ppl :-\ If there is any guide in this forum please post link
  14. man u can't spawn items with phx...
  15. It won't help for me :/ because u spawn in statue so u cant target anyone inside it... unless u know his nick
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