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About Magok-Sama

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  1. awsome server!!! seems very promissing!!! definitely joining this one!! cya online!!!!
  2. I'm aware of that, updateing the scripts right now to do that!
  3. I fixed it! I manage to delete characters through SQL... awsome!
  4. different classes apparently..... and deleting a char seems more complicated....
  5. Nop, apparently thats not working.... thanks for the help tho... i'm still working on it....
  6. Hello, I have been working on a "Permanent Death" version of Lineage server and I need some help.... even tho I have the onDie part ready I can't get the character deleted, do you have any suggestions how to send packets to issue character delete or directly delete from database? base engine is L2Frozen ps. I can output the char name or the charid to use for the delete but nothing seems to work....
  7. Hmmm not really, with some lowering balance in damage and removing some lethal effects you can get this done! Bishops would be effective ofc, still wroking on it btw!
  8. Thanks, for the suggestion I will work on it tonight and if i get it to work i will share the code, i find it pretty intresting for a pvp server where players will take it more seriously :p
  9. Hello there! I guess the title axplains a lot but I will give some extra informations. I'm trying to create a L2 server using (L2J frozen project) where will hjave the following function: Once a character die (for any reason) he will have 1min to recieve ressurection (going to town won't be available option) if the time pass his character will be DELETED. If code isn't available I would really appreciate some guidelines to write my own code I'm kinda familiar with java but i have never worked with the L2j coding and its kinda confusing... Any help is appriciated, Thanks in advance! :)
  10. awsome helmet!!! btw i can use the textures to a helmet, yes?? i mean when somone equip his helm to show like this...
  11. ty!! nice texture!
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