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Posts posted by rullezz

  1. Hello again! :)

    i re-share my oooold topic bcuz links and images are dead :P (http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/83160-share-special-click-first-time-in-l2-il-new)


    Here you can see what i make:








    I want to share with you my work maded 6 years ago  :P
    It working with Interlude client!

    Here some SS(Red):
    Here some SS(Green&Blue):
    Here some SS(Black&Blue):


    Just put LineageEffectsTextures.utx in Systextures folder.

    Download Red click: http://www.4shared.com/file/BNVp0W5h/Red_click.html
    Download Green&Blue click: http://www.4shared.com/file/RCTmB8Nb/Blue__Green_click.html
    Download Black&Blue click: http://www.4shared.com/file/OxULZ1Tx/BlackBlue_click.html

    CreditS: Me.

  2. exei pesi poli spam kai den tha sxoliasw gia kanenan 

    apo tin stigmi poy exeis loc Greece logika katalabenis kai elinika


    o codikas poy exeis kani kai oi lisis poy soy anaferoyn den exoyn na kanoyn me toy dual box alla me to dual ip

    kai gia pio katanoita den tha mporoun na mpoyn apo tin idia ip 2 parathira dld

    an se ena internet cafe einai 3 atoma kai paizoyn ston server soy ( exoyn 3 diaforetika pc ) alla 1 ip

    opote mono o enas tha mpori na mpi sto event

    opos kai kapios poy mpori na trabiksi proxy ip sto pc toy tha mpori na bali osa parathira theli sto event apo ena pc


    den mpenw ston kopo na dw to lathos toy codika kai tis analisis opos ekanan oi proigoymeni logo toy oti ayto poy zitas den ginete me ton tropo ayto

    gia na kopsis to dual box kalo tha itan na perasis kapio antibot san to catsguard poy einai kai free kai na kopsis apo eki to dual box me to hwid


    kali sinexia ( kai tha parakaloysa osoys apantane se ena erotima na to katanooyn prota ) kai na enimeronoyn gia tis epiptosis poy tha exei kapios an xrisimopihsi ton trexon kodika


    Euxaristo file...auto skeftomoun ...thelei hwid

  3. ye ye ok >.> i didn't check the String ip


    So again to the owner of topic since Tessa and Elfo both united against me cause they hate me do this:

    List<String> _ips = new ArrayList<String>(); //legs ftw
    String ip = playerInstance.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
       if (_ips.contain(ip))
         playerInstance.sendMessage("You have already joined the event with another character.");
    	 return false;
    	 /Code in case of success

    Or use a HashSet like this


    HashSet<String> hset = new HashSet<String>();


    After i add this lines:


  4. i try to add at my Event dualbox check, i put at "addParticipant " this:

    	      String ip = playerInstance.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
    	          if (playerInstance.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress().equalsIgnoreCase(ip))
    	             playerInstance.sendMessage("You have already joined the event with another character.");
    	              return false;

    and now i cant join at my event with one window, not even with dual box :P

    maybe some one know whats wrong with this code?

  5. You mean that you want block leaving party when teleporting?


    go at RequestWithDrawalParty.java and add a simple check  

    if (activeChar.isInFunEvent())

    Also don't tell SweeTs "i want make something different" cause he will rofl for hours in the end trust me.

    After all we've seen in this forum, this "different" is idk how to say... waste. Keep what u do for you.


    Also when we started learning about l2j we didn't even have youtube guides or tuts.. you know how many days i spended in solve problems? 

    At least you got plenty of help and many guides to help you so..

    not blocking leave party...when teleporting to event everybody who have party - leave it.


    And ..yeap about "differen" at this forum...after you seen all this crappy -beep- servers with frozen packs and another -beep-, some one maybe thinking what i am another one lazy ass :P  but i don't, i take aCis without any custom mode/shit/blablabla and try to adapt/make/fix/blablabla by my self and of cource with your help <3



    No, you try first, and we can guide you... it's better for you, believe me. :lol:


    i agree with you ;) after experements with code i will post what i did.

    Thnx you guys!

  6. Its simple check, think, you can do this..

    as i told you some weeks ago...i learning and try to make something different...not again an boring farm or craft server.


    let me do some experiments with code about join and leave party and then i post my results. :D

    if you want you can give me the right way where to put check :P

  7. Well baby it look fine but show me how u wrote the code at doDie. .


    public boolean doDie(L2Character killer)
    // killing is only possible one time
    synchronized (this)
    if (isDead())
    return false;
    // now reset currentHp to zero
    // Set target to null and cancel Attack or Cast
    // Stop movement
    // Stop Regeneration task, and removes all current effects
    if (!getActingPlayer().isInFunEvent())
    // Send the Server->Client packet StatusUpdate with current HP and MP to all other L2PcInstance to inform
    // Notify L2Character AI
    if (hasAI())
    getAI().notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_DEAD, null);
    final WorldRegion region = getRegion();
    if (region != null)
    return true;
  8. L2Character


    doDie() method






    if (!getActingPlayer().isInTvT()



    like this i think...bcuz stopAllEffects() as you wrote is in another method not at doDie :)



    public boolean doDie(L2Character killer)
    // killing is only possible one time
    synchronized (this)
    if (isDead())
    return false;
    // now reset currentHp to zero
    // Set target to null and cancel Attack or Cast
    // Stop movement
    // Stop Regeneration task, and removes all current effects
    if (!getActingPlayer().isInFunEvent())
  9. bres to void onKill sto TvtEvent.java,  


    katw apo to increasePoints bale auto: killerPlayerInstance.addItem("TvT", adenaid, count, this, false);  dwkimase k pes m. 


      * Is called when a player is killed
      * @param killerCharacter
      * @param killedPlayerInstance
     public static void onKill(L2Character killerCharacter, L2PcInstance killedPlayerInstance)
     if (killerCharacter == null || killedPlayerInstance == null ||
     (!(killerCharacter instanceof L2PcInstance) &&
      !(killerCharacter instanceof L2PetInstance) &&
      !(killerCharacter instanceof L2SummonInstance)) ||
     L2PcInstance killerPlayerInstance = null;
     if (killerCharacter instanceof L2PetInstance || killerCharacter instanceof L2SummonInstance)
     killerPlayerInstance = ((L2Summon)killerCharacter).getOwner();
     if (killerPlayerInstance == null)
     killerPlayerInstance = (L2PcInstance)killerCharacter;
     String playerName = killerPlayerInstance.getName();
     byte killerTeamId = getParticipantTeamId(playerName);
     playerName = killedPlayerInstance.getName();
     byte killedTeamId = getParticipantTeamId(playerName);
     if (killerTeamId != -1 && killedTeamId != -1 && killerTeamId != killedTeamId)
     killerPlayerInstance.addItem("TvT", 57, 100, this, false); 
     if (killedTeamId != -1)
     new TvTEventTeleporter(killedPlayerInstance, _teams[killedTeamId].getCoordinates(), false, false);


    Error (Cannot use this in static context)

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