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Everything posted by rullezz

  1. in C:\server\gameserver\dist\data\multisell? lol... let me check!
  2. lol...i see this first time...;o Hmmm try to put again all you .jar file in gameserver or if not work reinstall a server or i can give you one good pack if you need
  3. Hi all. Can anyone tell me how i can fix my buffer...look i have low rate server and any one with 1-20 lvl can't do buffs bcuz no have mp :/ i know in l2gold/eurogold or l2forever npc buffer give to you buffs...like a npc debuff you :/(i have buffer..and if i press cov for example i do cov(self) not npc do it to me)....if anyone know how can i fix or if anyone have this buffer plz answer. i realy need this -.-
  4. opios epeze l2 gold i forever eki exi tetio buffer p leo...einai gia low rate server...dld patas as poume wind walk kai to npc s kanei..oxi player :/
  5. i don't have this in my db,i have grandboss_intervallist with tables: bossid, respawnDate, state. in respawnDate i see this 1248269158603 lol?
  6. yea and don't forget about ZeRo*, pack rock!!!
  7. dude 16 gb ram omfg undead PC...yea with out lag maybe 1k players 100%
  8. Hi all. Can some one tell me how to change Grand RB respawn time...like a baium,antharas,valakas,aq...? in my db ->> radboss_spawnlist i don't find this RB's (baium,antharas,valakas,aq...), i tried to add but nothing. some one plix help :/
  9. oxi file m dn einai afto...egw ipa oti thelo npc p kanei buffs dld san na eisai sto pt me to npc kai to npc kanei buffs se sena...
  10. pos mporo na fix to buffer m, dld gia na kanei to npc buffs st players kai oxi otan patas gia paradigma cov kai kaneis cov esy....egw omos thelo gia na m ta kanei to npc,gt an einai kapios low lvl dn mpori na kanei buffs(theli mp) an exi kapios tetio buffer i kseri pos na to fix plx kante ena post. thx
  11. Server updated...fix skills and armor add npc's to farming zones
  12. All who will pk at Leveling zone will be jailed for 30 min.thx
  13. just join and see you like or no...and then post ....dont' post random sh1ts about this or anather servers....you can't say anything about server if you don't play. Better check first and then post. about fix: adena drop and npc's now all ok..check
  14. ok i fix something now...all npc in all places adena drop up and more i don't remmember :P
  15. a look man in video you cant see good custom bcuz armor(effect) and wings(effect) in this video i make only screenshots...just log in the game and you will see
  16. if you dont like this server..so dont play...who like a pvp servers and rly pvp play...
  17. i don't copy,i just like this style... i copy only -= Retail-Like Systems =- and any more
  18. you don't need money for site (lol) you need any dikw if you know about it + no-ip for you site and then host to .tk or anather. Like this http://l2worldofwar.tk
  19. moved to http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=72814.0
  20. kalispera...exw to pack t zero...kitakste kanonika oly arxizei 18:00 etsi? nai... alla se mena dn arxizei lol ! tora einai 20:30 kai tpt m leei [glow=red,2,300]The Grand Olympiad are not currently in progress[/glow] an kseri kapios i Zero pite m plox...gt proti fora vlepo kati tetio
  21. otan ta perasa sto multisell t shop dn m ta dixnei alla mporo na t agoraso...
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