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  1. UPDATE: Ok here's how I solved my problem. Instead of rewriting all the textures with animations-cycles into my custom UI, I took all the custom UI textures in my utx and put them into an updated working retail UI. This took like 8 hours, and it may have been shorter the other way, but I learned a lot and it also prevents more future missing textures in the utx from showing up later. I extracted multiple "groups" at once with UTPT, but excluded any replacing any textures with animation-cycles and did those manually instead if i so chose. I know it was a very specific kind of problem, so no worries to the community on not being able to help. Hope this helps someone else who looking to do big projects faster.
  2. Hard to describe in just the title, but this is a troubling question that I could not google/search any easier. So I want to "update" this old UI Mod I have for Interlude. But this particular mod happens to be missing a few things, which is fine because most of this I can fix myself by importing from an L2UI_CH3.utx that has the missing textures. But problems arise when it comes to one particular "Group" holding the effects for the augmentation window. Here's screenshot so you can picture what I'm talking about (from complete retail L2UI_CH3): So I begin logically by creating the missing "groups", beginning with "RefineryWnd", and then filling them with the necessary DDS files from retail utx and then lastly checking their properties (mask, alpha, animation, etc) to match the original. "RefineryWnd" was completed without flaws. I move on to "RefineEffect" group. The problem gets vicious at this very moment. There are, what looks like, over a thousand dds files in this one group to make the silly animations when you augment an item. Now this wouldn't be so bad, until I realized all of them must be linked, in order, with the previous one in it's set (but all in the same group "RefineEffect"). Here's just one of the "thousands" (billions feels like) of dds in that group, showing it's properties, and this horrid "Animnext" field I'd have to put in 1 by one. As you can see, this would take for--beep-ing-ever! What I was hoping someone could help me with, is teach me a way to: not only export the group as a whole, but to import into a separate L2UI_CH3.utx at once, with their "Animnext" fields all intact. Is there a way to do this? Maybe with L2tool that I haven't seen? Mass-import of dds files with texture property values not being "lost in translation" (not needing to be typed in again manually)? I'll be glad to share the UI when it is complete. But mostly I don't want to give up on this project. Any help or advice would be extremely appreciated! Thankyou!
  3. Ya, but I also saw in the new dats shoulder textures being called for. I been so non-stop busy with learning/testing/making different things I did not have time to try and mess around with the shoulders yet. But I'm sure I can figure it out eventually. Just so this thread doesn't lack in closure, I have gotten the light set to work. It was an arduous task of replacing almost every named column and a few 1s to 2s, but the rest I, or anyone, can do themselves with the above knowledge. Just about ready to swing back and finish heavy lol. I'll also try adding shoulder codes in the similar and different ways as stated. Game crashed when I first tried doing anything with the original systexture. I think this might be because it's not for Interlude, so I'm hoping rewriting dats will get it to work. :)
  4. I wasn't seeing how to add reputation, that's all. I got what I was looking for from your first response. You were pretty clear as it was, but thanks for the reiteration. Coming back to it now for a recheck shows the specificity indeed makes a difference after all. Although while we're here, I might as well ask the educational questions; I ran into your newer "2.7" version which included the shoulder which, let's face it one we saw it - we needed it, I suppose I would add to the line in a similar fashion to the way you just taught me. And also for the FFighter, etc. I'll do my end of the deal and test the above and post again if results are positive.
  5. worked perfectly, you are once again, the man. i'd give u +rep but not seeing how to do this.
  6. come on, let's get real about this. You got the best stuff Grr, let's get over it. Testing now
  7. I want to take some custom armor skin that is made to be separate pieces for upper/lower, and put them in to replace items on a server that is made to have upper/lower combined. For example, here is armorgrp.dat code for current armor top/bottom as 1 item: 1 9604 0 3 6 2 0 dropitems.drop_mfighter_m007_t78_u_m00 epicdrop.mfighter_m007_t78_u epicicon.armor_t1005_ul_i00 epicicon.armor_t1005_u_i02 epicicon.armor_t1005_l_i02 90 4780 47 1 0 15 2 Fighter.MFighter_m011_u Fighter.MFighter_m011_l 2 epicmfighter.mfighter_m011_t1005_u epicMFighter.MFighter_m011_t1005_l 1 0 2 Fighter.FFighter_m011_u Fighter.FFighter_m011_l 2 epicFFighter.FFighter_m011_t1005_u epicFFighter.FFighter_m011_t1005_l 0 0 2 DarkElf.MDarkElf_m007_u DarkElf.MDarkElf_m004_l 2 epicMDarkElf.MDarkElf_m007_t1005_u epicMDarkElf.MDarkElf_m004_t1005_l 0 0 2 DarkElf.FDarkElf_m007_u DarkElf.FDarkElf_m010_l 2 epicFDarkElf.FDarkElf_m007_t1005_u epicFDarkElf.FDarkElf_m010_t1005_l 0 0 2 Dwarf.MDwarf_m004_u Dwarf.MDwarf_m004_l 2 epicMDwarf.MDwarf_m004_t1005_u epicMDwarf.MDwarf_m004_t1005_l 0 0 2 Dwarf.FDwarf_m004_u Dwarf.FDwarf_m004_l 2 epicFDwarf.FDwarf_m004_t1005_u epicFDwarf.FDwarf_m004_t1005_l 0 0 2 Elf.MElf_m008_u Elf.MElf_m007_l 2 epicMElf.MElf_m008_t1005_u epicMElf.MElf_m007_t1005_l 0 0 2 Elf.FElf_m008_u Elf.FElf_m007_l 2 epicFElf.FElf_m008_t1005_u epicFElf.FElf_m007_t1005_l 0 0 2 Magic.MMagic_m011_u Magic.MMagic_m011_l 2 epicMMagic.MMagic_m011_t1005_u epicMMagic.MMagic_m011_t1005_l 0 0 2 Magic.FMagic_m011_u Magic.FMagic_m011_l 2 epicFMagic.FMagic_m011_t1005_u epicFMagic.FMagic_m011_t1005_l 0 0 2 Orc.MOrc_m003_u Orc.MOrc_m003_l 2 epicMOrc.MOrc_m003_t1005_u epicMOrc.MOrc_m003_t1005_l 0 0 2 Orc.FOrc_m003_u Orc.FOrc_m003_l 2 epicFOrc.FOrc_m003_t1005_u epicFOrc.FOrc_m003_t1005_l 0 0 2 Shaman.MShaman_m007_u Shaman.MShaman_m004_l 2 epicMShaman.MShaman_m007_t1005_u epicMShaman.MShaman_m004_t1005_l 0 0 2 Shaman.FShaman_m007_u Shaman.FShaman_m006_l 2 epicFShaman.FShaman_m007_t1005_u epicFShaman.FShaman_m006_t1005_l 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 4 ItemSound.armor_leather_5 ItemSound.armor_leather_1 MonSound.Hit_normal_9 MonSound.Hit_Shell_4 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_leather ItemSound.itemequip_armor_leather 1 0 1 5 0 276 0 0 armorgrp for separate top/bottom I want to make 1: Upper: 1 26004 0 3 10 4 0 DropItems-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_drop_MFighter_m014_t95_u_m00 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MFighter_m015_t111_u Munch_AbyssalArmor.armor_t95_u_i00 4294967295 4140 46 1 0 10 1 Fighter-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_MFighter_m015_u 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MFighter_m015_t111_u 1 1 1 Fighter-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_FFighter_m015_u 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.FFighter_m015_t111_u 1 1 1 DarkElf-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_MDarkElf_m003_u 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MDarkElf_m003_t111_u 1 1 1 DarkElf-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_FDarkElf_m013_u 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.FDarkElf_m013_t111_u 1 1 1 Dwarf-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_MDwarf_m010_u 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MDwarf_m010_t211_u 1 1 1 Dwarf-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_FDwarf_m010_u 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.FDwarf_m010_t211_u 1 1 1 Elf-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_MElf_m014_u 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MElf_m014_t111_u 1 1 1 Elf-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_FElf_m014_u 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.FElf_m014_t111_u 1 1 1 Magic-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_MMagic_m015_u 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MMagic_m015_t311_u 1 1 1 Magic-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_FMagic_m015_u 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.FMagic_m015_t311_u 1 1 1 Orc-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_MOrc_m010_u 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MOrc_m010_t111_u 1 1 1 Orc-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_FOrc_m010_u 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.FOrc_m010_t111_u 1 1 1 Shaman-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_MShaman_m006_u 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MShaman_m006_t311_u 1 1 1 Shaman-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_FShaman_m006_u 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.FShaman_m006_t311_u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 4 MonSound.Hit_Normal_10 MonSound.Hit_Bone_4 MonSound.Hit_normal_12 MonSound.Hit_normal_3 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_cloth ItemSound.itemequip_armor_cloth 1 0 1 5 0 178 0 0 Lower: 1 26005 0 3 3 4 0 DropItems-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_drop_MFighter_m014_t95_l_m00 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MFighter_m015_t111_l Munch_AbyssalArmor.armor_t95_l_i00 4294967295 1320 46 1 0 11 1 Fighter-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_MFighter_m015_l 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MFighter_m015_t111_l 1 1 1 Fighter-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_FFighter_m015_l 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.FFighter_m015_t111_l 1 1 1 DarkElf-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_MDarkElf_m004_l 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MDarkElf_m004_t111_l 1 1 1 DarkElf-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_FDarkElf_m013_l 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.FDarkElf_m013_t111_l 1 1 1 Dwarf-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_MDwarf_m010_l 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MDwarf_m010_t211_l 1 1 1 Dwarf-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_FDwarf_m010_l 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.FDwarf_m010_t211_l 1 1 1 Elf-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_MElf_m014_l 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MElf_m014_t111_l 1 1 1 Elf-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_FElf_m014_l 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.FElf_m014_t111_l 1 1 1 Magic-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_MMagic_m015_l 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MMagic_m015_t311_l 1 1 1 Magic-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_FMagic_m015_l 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.FMagic_m015_t311_l 1 1 1 Orc-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_MOrc_m010_l 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MOrc_m010_t111_l 1 1 1 Orc-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_FOrc_m010_l 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.FOrc_m010_t111_l 1 1 1 Shaman-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_MShaman_m006_l 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.MShaman_m006_t311_l 1 1 1 Shaman-v.Cleo_Chaos_Master_FShaman_m006_l 1 Munch_AbyssalArmor.FShaman_m006_t311_l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_cloth ItemSound.itemequip_armor_cloth 1 0 1 5 0 111 0 0 I want to be able to put this 2 items 26004/26005 into item 9604, and have it show both. I don't care about icons, I can change that myself, but how to get the 1 item to show 2 textures?
  8. Ya sorry i changed the topic title a few times lol. That's a bit odd to say that though, because your share was originally posted into the L2 Client only Mod section. All the problems now-a-days are too broad anyway if you can't find it on google. Moreover, it's so strange that one wouldn't be able to change the client to set player hair with any item if one really wanted to. I think the fact that's stopping me most is it's rather difficult perceiving a way to do this at the moment with regards to my learning curve. A shame, I was going to be quite the player. Thanks for the reply anyway tho mate, although a bit improbablistic don't you think?
  9. Ok, so as I thought, all of the animation ukx files came named at the end like: HAT_MFighter_m003.ukx, HAT_FShaman_m003.ukx, etc. So these [animation] files already have m003 at the end of their UKX names. Other than the ANIMATION files that are included as such, there is of course 1 UTX texture file for the whole package to get textures from. Is the problem I have to make staticmeshes? Because this pack seems to only need animation folder files and systextures folder files to operate for everyone else. I got to try the hat with every hair style, even no hair at all, and none work good except the "no-hair" path. Except then you have huge holes in your head lol. Original Topic Shared by GRR here: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=246742.0 Grr and Crit obviously too busy to help a fan. They're in celeb mode maybe . This is the line I used to replace into armorgrp.dat: 1 [iD#HERE] 0 3 5 5 0 Munch_Snapback_MFighter_m003.Munch_Snapback_MFigh*er_m003 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 Munch_HatsTex.Element_i00 4294967295 10 8 0 0 19 1 Munch_Snapback_MFighter_m003.Munch_Snapback_MFigh*er_m003 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 1 1 1 Munch_Snapback_FFighter_m003.Munch_Snapback_FFigh*er_m003 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 1 1 1 Munch_Snapback_MDElf_m003.Munch_Snapback_MDE*f_m003 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 1 1 1 Munch_Snapback_FDElf_m003.Munch_Snapback_FDE*f_m003 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 1 1 1 Munch_Snapback_MDwarf_m003.Munch_Snapback_MD*arf_m003 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 1 1 1 Munch_Snapback_FDwarf_m003.Munch_Snapback_FD*arf_m003 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 1 1 1 Munch_Snapback_MElf_m003.Munch_Snapback_ME*f_m003 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 1 1 1 Munch_Snapback_FElf_m003.Munch_Snapback_FE*f_m003 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 1 1 1 Munch_Snapback_MMagic_m003.Munch_Snapback_MM*gic_m003 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 1 1 1 Munch_Snapback_FMagic_m003.Munch_Snapback_FMa*ic_m003 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 1 1 1 Munch_Snapback_MOrc_m003.Munch_Snapback_MOr*_m003 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 1 1 1 Munch_Snapback_FOrc_m003.Munch_Snapback_FOr*_m003 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 1 1 1 Munch_Snapback_MShaman_m003.Munch_Snapback_MSha*an_m003 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 1 1 1 Munch_Snapback_FShaman_m003.Munch_Snapback_FSha*an_m003 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 LineageAccessory.Mfighter_middle_ages_m003_a 1 Munch_HatsTex.Element_Hat_t00 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_glove ItemSound.itemequip_armor_cloak 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is this a "noob proof" release and I just have to replace those asteriks before it will work? Lol who knows, but I'll try anything at this point.
  10. The smartest thing I've heard all day sir, thank you. I'll post here what happens.
  11. Without having server access to change armor tables, can I still make these custom hats work as just a player? YES I searched! I googled and searched for 7 days!!! The problem I was having was where my hair is sticking through the hat. The game does not change hair to be changed for hats like it will with Wizard or Jester hat. I have tried changing more values to be different in armorgrp.dat, and have also tried prying open helmet.grp and hairaccessorylocgrp but nothing i tried helped after that. I was thinking to add a new line into hairaccessorylocgrp.dat with the new textures for first or so value, but this didn't help either. So is there any way to get this working right without having to change the server's existing MySQL armor tables? Was I on the right track? The item I am trying to replace client-side is one of the "phantom of the opera" half-masks. I am coming from Aion developing so thanks guys for baring with me.
  12. Yo lemme first say Grr, that i seen your work and its amazing especially from development perspective. I got to this by first trying Crit's hats which were also awesome and cool. But I like the backwards hat better than forward like a baseball player lol. But one that would be even better than both, would be a hat going, not sidways, but 45degrees from the front, and maybe up a bit. Now that's a player hat! xD Saying that, I had problems when trying to install this into my client, but without having server access to change armor tables. I simply want to use it as a player. The problem I was having with both Grr's and Crit's was where my hair is sticking through the hat. The game does not change hair to be changed for hats like it will with Wizard or Jester hat. I have tried changing more values to be different in armorgrp.dat, and have also tried prying open helmet.grp and hairaccessorylocgrp but not sure what I do after that. I was thinking to add a new line into hairaccessorylocgrp.dat with the new textures for first or so value, but all of those seem to be for things that don't change hair like tiaras/etc, and the hats are already in right location. So is there any way to get this working right without having to change the server's existing MySQL armor tables? Was I on the right track? The item I am trying to replace is the half-masks. I am coming from Aion developing so thanks guys for baring with me.
  13. Hey. Frozen Giran uses giran_village_t.utx So does the "green Giran". Here's file for green Giran: http://www.mediafire.com/?xc7181umx32xvva
  14. I will bump this because I have also searched for hours and days for this kind of thing, but I can't find it. Partially because I don't remember what exactly it was I used to use to do that. For now I'm using a .bat file, but there's DEFINITELY a way to have one icon load up your whole buff station each with their own custom ini. Super thankful for anyone who shares it to meh! :>
  15. Lol guys its not a trick or exploit or anything. It's the official way to get reputation. You HAVE to be a clan LEADER in order to see anything but quest button from the Clan Trader in Rune. From this npc you can hand in blood oaths/ blood alliance/ knight's epaulettes for reputation AND you can purchase Apella sets and Improved Apella sets (They cost clan rep + adena + knights epaulettes). In my experience, when trying to get TONS of rep the easiest item to get alot of is blood oaths. It is NOT the same as blood MARK which drops from bloody queens and stuff. You can get blood oaths from GM shop (if on ur server) or from the dwarf in your fortress -- A certain amount of blood oaths get generated for you to claim every so often.
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