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Everything posted by xarrek

  1. @pere @kyosune @angelshero Just GTFO from this topic.. It is not a qq/flaming another server while having ur own(Useless angelshero.. But he is just looking for conflicts as always)/etc.. //Edit @pere @kyosune Maybe I should show up some "Direct lies" and how you make dramas.. also some other things? @Ghost Its not logical thing saying that both are on editted freya engine.. even for care of own players..
  2. its mostly random idiots with do it...
  3. who knows .. who knows.. he seems kind of that person drama wars? not good to have it here.. Its retarded that elcardia is called "stealed server" just because people know part of truth and even not brothering read all of story... In my Opinion server is 7.5/10 Could use some improvements but seems admin change it quite slower with time
  4. 1. 2h+ if you even dont get Killed by " Noobs Who want free frags" with that Loled farming spell.. 2 Soon Video On youtube or my own3d/twitch D: 3 Vamp still working on mobs with frag/karma Yay 4.You Should see logs/chats... you Will see some ppl on server thinks voider IS gm...
  5. Quotes taken from your 1st post, Your website, and even forum, Anti captcha is My job special maded for this server , I dont share with it to anybody About vamp part... Its still LIE vamping on 1 debuff(cant share name) Making it possible. Ingame lie - you maked Voider kind of "Official" GM ... while he IS NOT
  6. Worster sever EVER... Not true.. IG bots Rocks.. making it useless... checked... Cutting down some classes balls.. just by blocking weapons.. like got sws 2h sword/blunt .. etc, TO Cut Down any % to balance server Missing alot of raids... FFS There are any more lie posted on forum? I dont think so.. now Inside they website I dont see ever 2% of "balance"... Its like 5-7h to get nearly all +20.. while max is +30 FFS "TODO" list on forum I still can vamp from everyone.. in PvP its a bugg or its next lie? If I found something More "fails" I will add to THIS list
  7. odezwał sie .. ten co ma afryke w kraju ? google translate ? Zgadłem?
  8. czemu odrazu fail? //btw to chociaż uzbierac adena ne vipa.. lub donatora
  9. No To Czas Na trolowanie :D Im Wiejcej Postów Tym Lepiej .. wiecej haxów bedzie można odczytać :P
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