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Everything posted by Arcagelinos

  1. Omg, blame blame, flame, and more flame. Unless you have something that could help my server please dont even post, but I think I should say thanks for bump at least.
  2. Lineage 2 Coloseo Mid(x70) Rates: XP: x70 SP: x70 Drop: x30 Spoil: x35 Adena: x95 PartyMultiplier: x1.5 Features: 40 Buff slots 6 Debuff slots Buffs last 2 hours. Full buffer, except resistance buffs. No Customs at all. Raid Manager NPC No Clan Penalties Subclass Quest Disabled Nobless Quest Retail Vote Rewards (Nob Quest ingridients, Enchant Scrolls) Very active and friendly GMs (I am online many hours.) GMShop has D,C,B(A,S are crafted) No Customs Server Machine: Location: Germany 2 Core VPS 100mbit Internet Connection Site: L2Coloseo.ucoz.com
  3. I didn't really try to steal any names. Me and my friend were thinking of names. There are so many many servers it's pretty much impossible to get a cool one without stepping on someone else's name. I'm sorry if you feel violated but I'm not really trying to steal any name.
  4. Lineage 2 Aurora Mid(x70) Rates: XP: x70 SP: x70 Drop: x30 Spoil: x35 Adena: x95 PartyMultiplier: x1.5 Features: 28 Buff slots 6 Debuff slots Buffs last 2 hours. Full buffer, except resistance buffs. No Customs at all. Raid Manager NPC No Clan Penalties Subclass Quest Disabled Nobless Quest Retail Vote Rewards (Nob Quest ingridients, Enchant Scrolls) Very active and friendly GMs (I am online many hours.) GMShop has D,C,B(A,S are crafted) Server Machine: Location: Germany 2 Core VPS 100mbit Connectivity Website: http://eliciun.wix.com/L2Aurora Bad site, will be moving to UCoZ.
  5. O grim ennoouse atoma san ton chillout
  6. retarded, you need to reply to this topic to see it.
  7. Tryndamere, Annie!, Warwick, Xin.
  8. I've installed Windows 7 x64 and for some reason it seems that the JAVA_HOME variable is stuck at C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6 anyone knows how to change it. I have tried Computer(left click)>properties>advanced system settings>Environment variables
  9. Chronicle? Int? Hi5?
  10. What does this has to do with THIS share? Post in a better suitted category.
  11. On my Interlude client I cant see the image of the buttons. When you update your NPC next could you change the image of buttons for the IL version? Where do I change the required items for the Subclass?
  12. Εγκατέστησα τα Windows 7 πρόσφατα και έχω ακριβώς το ίδιο πρόβλημα. Τα αρχεία του server είναι ζιππαρισμένα απο το L2jServer. Τα αρχεία του java είναι τα ίδια. ΜΑ ΤΙ ΣΤΟΝ _______!
  13. Nop. Thats how it is configured. Well... with a more up-to-date version but this pic must be old.
  14. Psakse to Notepad++ mporeis na anoikseis ola ta .properties arxeia kai na psakseis se ola. isws pareleipses kati
  15. Directory of C:\Program Files\Java 10/24/2010 09:51 PM <DIR> . 10/24/2010 09:51 PM <DIR> .. 10/24/2010 04:17 PM <DIR> jdk1.6.0_22 10/24/2010 09:51 PM <DIR> jre6 0 File(s) 0 bytes 4 Dir(s) 378,189,254,656 bytes free maybe its l2jserver's fault anyone knows any other freya l2j project?
  16. File m... ti les? o idios thelei na mpei ston server p esteise gia na testarei merika pragmata. Pisw sto thema mas, diegrapse ton fakelo gameguard/ etsi tha to kaneis na ksanakatevasei tyxon xalasmena arxeia. Tha kanw edit kai ena akoma prama meta. twra prepi na to vrw. EDIT: http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/ psaksw sto parapanw link exei kala pramata vres ti sou teriazei.
  17. no my pc os language is english
  18. BTW i have teamviewer if anyone wants to take a closer look just pm me.
  19. Intel Core i7 2.66Ghz x 4cores 3GB Ram ddr3 1333mhz(downclock to 1066 due to cpu shit) 500GB HDD for os and 650 for uTorrent stuff. GTX260 896MB i think 520W psu dont think it counts. Buildfile: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build.xml clean: [delete] Deleting directory C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build verifyRequirements: init: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build [mkdir] Created dir: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\classes [mkdir] Created dir: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist [mkdir] Created dir: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\login [mkdir] Created dir: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\gameserver version: [exec] Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "svnversion": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified compile: [javac] Compiling 1505 source files to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\classes jar: [jar] Building jar: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\l2jserver.jar [jar] Building jar: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\l2jlogin.jar [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\login [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\gameserver jarsrc: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\libs [jar] Building jar: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\libs\l2jserver-src.jar dist: [copy] Copying 3 files to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\login [copy] Copying 2 files to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\gameserver [copy] Copying 13 files to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\libs [copy] Copying 2 files to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\languages [copy] Copying 5 files to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\images [copy] Copying 2 files to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\doc [copy] Copying 9 files to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\doc [copy] Copying 10 files to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\login [copy] Copying 5 files to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\gameserver [mkdir] Created dir: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\gameserver\log [mkdir] Created dir: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\login\log [mkdir] Created dir: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\login\config [copy] Copying 21 files to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\gameserver\config [copy] Copying 3 files to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\login\config [mkdir] Created dir: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\gameserver\data [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\gameserver\data [mkdir] Created dir: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\gameserver\data\geodata [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\gameserver\data\geodata [mkdir] Created dir: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\gameserver\data\pathnode [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\dist\gameserver\data\pathnode [zip] Building zip: C:\L2jServer\eclipse stuff\L2_GameServer\build\L2J_Server.zip BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 28 seconds 12th line says there is an error but papaditsa on her guide said its normal.
  20. Eclipse SDK: Version: 3.6.1 Java: Version 6 Update 22
  21. oxi dn akolouthises to guide ths papaditsas. ama to akolouthouses dn tha sto ebgaze. dn exeis kanei install to java.
  22. ??? English? I just downloaded it no customs. I cant log on my character It DCes me right when i enter the actual game. It is not a java problem i have uninstalled and reinstalled. Thats about it
  23. Δυστιχώς δεν ειναι. @echo off title Game Server Console :start echo Starting L2J Game Server. echo. REM ------------------------------------- REM Default parameters for a basic server. java -Djava.util.logging.manager=com.l2jserver.util.L2LogManager -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -cp ./../libs/*;l2jserver.jar com.l2jserver.gameserver.GameServer REM REM If you have a big server and lots of memory, you could experiment for example with REM java -server -Xmx1536m -Xms1024m -Xmn512m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -Xnoclassgc -XX:+AggressiveOpts REM If you are having troubles on server shutdown (saving data), REM add this to startup paramethers: -Djava.util.logging.manager=com.l2jserver.L2LogManager. Example: REM java -Djava.util.logging.manager=com.l2jserver.util.L2LogManager -Xmx1024m -cp ./../libs/*;l2jserver.jar com.l2jserver.gameserver.GameServer REM ------------------------------------- if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto restart if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error goto end :restart echo. echo Admin Restart ... echo. goto start :error echo. echo Server terminated abnormaly echo. :end echo. echo server terminated echo. pause
  24. Ναι οντώς οταν ειχα server έβαζα μονο του φιλους μου
  25. Psakse sto loginserver.properties Kapou grafei ForceGGAuth = true nomizw. kanto ForceGGAuth = false. ama dn to vriskeis kane copy paste olokliro to arxeio. I mporeis na to rithmiseis na mn se kickarei ama dn to vreis. metefrase to loginserver.properties kai prakse analoga.
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