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Everything posted by WebM0nst3r

  1. xalaei to fenksoui allou re palikari :P teleutaia eklisa to photoshop dn 3anakanw alli !!! :P
  2. PARADEIGMA EDOSA !!!!! dn eipa oti 8a kano to teleio :P ante na kanw mia teleutaia prospa8ia na afanisw to kefali :D
  3. WebM0nst3r


    hmm i use Windows 7 x64 i think is the best OS (from xp too) supports more ram - vista style this OS is just perfect ;)
  4. sto spam eimaste opote dn purazei ean kanw double post opote exoume autes tis duo pics + to apotelesma ? OMG OMG GHOSTZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  5. min bazeis pli8intiko emeis apla s leme tis istories mas esu exeis klasei 100 mentes :P
  6. omg another fallen angel!!!
  7. what the hell ? i gave ya 0,76cents to make me no1 !!! :P just kidding :D congrats to all winners ! cya next year ;)
  8. you don't know the amount of money i own u nab :P also i got bigger dick than him owned ? u suck too :P wtf ? who told ya that we are flamming each other ? :P
  9. who cares ? at least i got a sign made by me and i don't got MJ ;) owned :P w/e i didn't said i am pro and i didn't also said that my signature is teh best if you wanna use it, if you don't just continiue having MJ :P
  10. don't remember anyone asking for your opinion :P
  11. Hello mates, you may see my gallery with my photoshop creations (yeah i know i'm not the pro one but may i can help you become :D) Okay let's start First you have to create a new layer (size: 380x120 i use this one you can change it *Tip: don't make it TOO big*) Example: Now you will have to unlock your background, you can do this by pressing the "lock image" near the word "Background" and then pressing okay to the new windows which is gonna pop up. The next step is to find a good render to use. ( I always search in Planet Renders V3 For my signature i will use This One!. Okay now we got our render. We click File and then click the "Place" Now find your render and hit "Place" Okay now you will have to put your render in the place you want (i usually place it in the middle of my signature) If your render got credits (credits are something like that) Well if your render got credits you have to remove them, in order to do something like that you must right-click on your renders layer, the click rasterize type, then take your Marquee Tool select the credits and press Backspace http://i32.tinypic.com/htty4m.jpg[/img] If you did the steps correctly you probably got something like that Okay now we got our background and our render, the next step is to create 2 new layers Your render probably have 2 main colors (mine have blue and red) So in the Layer 1 we wil select the Red color and hit "OK" Now click on the Layer 2 selecet Blue color and hit "OK" Okay now select your Brush Tool And brush all over your signature, your result will be something like that : Now click on layer 2 and brush the rest image with a brush tool colored blue, your result should be something like that : Don't worry you didn't destroyed the picture, now you'll have to take the Layer 1 and 2 and drop them down from your render (you can select them by clicking CTRL + LAYER1 + LAYER2) Your results by now should be something like this : Okay now you will have to downlad a C4D (i still use Planet Renders V3 for C4D's too I Choose This One! Okay now you place your C4D in the same way you placed your Render. *Tip : When you trasform your C4D always remember to press SHIFT When you find the correct place you'll have to make it "Darken" http://i28.tinypic.com/dmtwn5.jpg[/img] So when you'll put your C4D you will got something like that : Okay now, in order to put more effects you will use the Lighting Effect, go to Filter -> Renders -> lighting Effects... Now you will see the settings of lighting effect, most ps users, put the lighting spot in the middle of their image, here are my settings. Now hit OK and you will got this result : Press one more time CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+E so your text will not be affected by lighting effect Now you should search for a cool Font, you can search for fonts Here! For mine signature i will use This One! Okay now we will add our text (never locate your text in the center cause is gonna be fail (maybe EPIC)) *Tip Don't use BIG letters cause is gonna be really really ugly* So here is my first "action" with the text : Now we are gonna add some effects, Right click on your text's layer and then press Blending Options : Check the Following : Now go to Bevel and Emboss and change the soften to 15 px : Now you will have to go to Stroke and change the Size to 2 px : Hit OK and you are done now press one more time CTRL+ALT+SHIT+E and now go to Edit -> Stroke : Now make the Width 3 px and the color turn it to black, hit ok and you are done : Congratulations you created your own signature ! Here is my result : Credits : WebM0nst3r try to leech my topic and i will cut your balls.
  12. are u retard or what ? they are trying to explain that this is not a default skill of mages this is a GM SKILL. . .
  13. an k latris ton AUDI 8a psifisw BMW z4 New
  14. really nice tutorial ;) i didn't knew how to make something like that xD
  15. WebM0nst3r No.6 Signature added should i use No.6 or the one i got now ? :D Updated Avatar Added !
  16. well pigene ligo pisw oxi polu 1-2 xronia prin bgoun oi prwtoi satanistes, pio palia upirxan satanistes? :O oi an8ropoi dld tote itan ili8ioi p dn pisteuan ston sata k 3afnika to IQ tous ekto3eu8ike k 3ekinisan na ginonte opadoi enos ONOMATOS (gt k o 8eos k o satanas k o alax k opoioi alloi einai apla onomata) sobareutite oso einai noris meta 8a kopoun ta frena k bour gia gkremo ;)
  17. sugkrine k 3analew, eipa egw oti pisteuw pou8ena ?:P
  18. yy na s anaferw xaraktiristika oti to tsirko einai oloi sou i ideologia dld ntinome sta maura, bafo tous tixous maurous, ta matia m maura, maura nixia, maurous toixous (apo tous kapnous u know oles auta p kete kata tin diarkia tis "teletis") k ola auta mono o zogkler lipi na petaei portokalia ston aera se ligo 8a bgei k eidiki mpogia gia tous satanistes me slogan "mpeneis aspros bgeneis mauros" etsi oste na olokliro8ei to mauro panigiri sas ;) No hard feelings ;)
  19. eipa oti pisteuw kapou k dn to ktlb ? :O egw aplos anefera oti 8eoritika eimai xristianos to ti pisteuw einai diko m problima.
  20. @K4rMaArr0ws aderfaki mou esu exeis minei pollu pisw o MJ to polu na sizitite stis prwtes 1-2 selides meta piasame satanades - xristous - panagies - 8eous - kalo - kako - swstos dromos - kakos drwmos - proseuxes - lineage ta panta ola ti na leme twra :P
  21. no dn exoun anti-cheats 8a kanei auto rez me to phx :P
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