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Everything posted by WebM0nst3r

  1. Emena auth thn pic mu tin stilane se mail molis egina Z-Lister :P me thema Welcome to Z-List :D
  2. Look when you open a video up on info it says: This video may not be available in some regions. if you see this msg and you don't live in the Us then you can't watch the video if you CAN'T see any other video there is a problem with your DNS (small guide i made few pages before ;) ) The products get available ONCE a month and you have to buy them (with PTZ) really fast before anyone else got it ;) INDEED from this topic you can get invitation ONLY from WebM0nst3r and Blane all the others you can attrack members with signatures avatars titles etc ! i hope i gave answers to your questions ;)
  3. anf if you are Z-Lister (like me) you gain 4 PTZ for every invite :D
  4. nop :P today i made 24 invites :D
  5. I'm saying again, I got invites too, pm me if you need to get invited :-) haha you are trying to get my customers :D (just kidding :P) well the project is old and good ;) lockerz win and we win too simple and good :P
  6. are you dumbass dude or what ? :D :D :D http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=133382.msg939570#msg939570
  7. @Blane well it's free and if you can be patient it's really cool ;)
  8. in Us you can get something in 2 days (T-shirt) and the iMac in 2 weeks in Greece the minimum wait time is 2 weeks and the maximum is 5 weeks ;)
  9. invite 19 more people and you go to Z-List (douple points) you can invite as many as you want but it says you that you want 19 more to become Z Lister @Zero noob :P iPod touch is this in the lockerz loock the difference :D iPhone iPod Touch got the difference ? :D
  10. No comments :D :D dude you need practise :P
  11. @ZeRo* i guess so :D, i don't think they got iPhone but only iPod (touch - nano - shuffle)
  12. Don't go for the iMac from the 1st time :D, also if have patience you can win ;)
  13. Bunnies are only available in U.S :D
  14. if you can't see the videos do this simple thing Q-v5MIXf-HY&feature=related and where the guy changed the numbers you add this hit ok and tataaaan you can see the videos now ;)
  15. i gave my mobile (my old number i don't actually use and i put it on my old phone just in case they call :D)
  16. i don't think so ! :P oEf1j4mDNOU just a sample video you can search in youtube there are thousand of this ;)
  17. Change you DPS (tested 2 times by 2 of my friends ;) )
  18. Nop you just got 2 points when someone register
  19. go right and down and you will see your points also the products are on the green Z button up on the menu ;)
  20. No prob dude =] i just resended your invitation ;)
  21. *****@mail.bg Sent: 03/25/10 | NOT Opened yet | NOT Accepted yey you hadn't even opened the link from the mail (should i resend it ? :D)
  22. send i had the same problem only the first day, wait a little and if you still got the problem contact with them something may be wrong with your account =/
  23. http://www.lockerz.com/p/watch/1425613349:5ABb6DXEdv91dzh9Xt7wPC7GQnJLm4Eq try this one it works perfect for me
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