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Everything posted by ExTrEmEDwarf

  1. i would ban him and call him retarded kid =^D
  2. it was an advertisement on 4shared, exte. took it and then we made a club with them =^D
  3. hahahaha prolly bar, but i got a call that there is a party at a friends home in few hours, i got to choose one of them :]
  4. and delete all the junk he made on this board http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=23.0 Im gonna prepare in few mins, then gotta go ;>
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=67530 ban
  6. Γράφεις τα commands, αλλά δεν λές τι κάνει το κάθε ένα /useless.
  7. None of them. When you buy a site you can upload the patch there, and download from the site with incredible speed. From eminence's site i was downloading with 1.3mbps ;P
  8. ότι flame γίνεται το κάνω delete . locked
  9. Glad to see new members here, he's not a bot -for now- as i can see from his post =^D
  10. Oh well, i coulda say that its a bot Welcome if im wrong ;>
  11. Raule, fresh meat for ya http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=67504;sa=showPosts Even if he have 2 posts he will continue with these emoticons :] And, if its possible tell me again how many mod logs i have, or give meh a pic =^D
  12. no i have checkboxes if i was deleting one by one all the flames since i had full access on spam board i would die in the keyboard
  13. good morning' gonna make a coffee and then gonna clean 3 pages of flames from gr spam topic, just to let them informed =^D
  14. This topic has been moved to Junkyard Posts. [iurl]http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=132302.0[/iurl] ?
  15. apff, im really bored to edit it again i leave it as it it =^D
  16. then hear some love songs and start smoking as i do ಠ_ಠ
  17. Wait till maxtor say if there will be an award or a membergroup and then i'll take action
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