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Everything posted by tsop1992

  1. Devil may cry 4(interesting but easy game).Sacred 2,Assassin's Creed 2,nba 2k10,fable 2.Moreover i heard halo 3 is soon coming on pc.
  2. i have the same problem :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
  3. server seems good except enchant rate.i would suggest max 25 and rate 75-80%
  4. DMC 4 for sure.
  5. 1.Gta 4 2.Halo 3 3.Assassin's Creed 4.Army of Two 5.Pes 2009 I havent played prototype but now you have made me very curious about this game
  6. I choose xbox360 for many reasons.First can play non official games with hacking firmwire while ps3 is 70% sure to be dmg in trying to put hacking firmware.Second xobx is cheaper.Third microsoft is trying to buy all gaming companies so xbox will have more games than ps3 and a lot more
  7. Hi everybody.I had this account long time now and i decided to take part in this community actively
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