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Everything posted by dde

  1. Since our last server was a big success. We are contemplating putting together a new server in the future and would like some input from the players on which route to take.
  2. No problem. If you have any more concerns feel free to contact me
  3. No problem. If you have any more concerns feel free to contact me
  4. www.l2anthemic.com/updater/system.rar For those of you having updater problems
  5. Server is now live!
  6. We are now live
  7. We were down for about 1 hour on Sunday to apply an update. Other than that we've been up and running 24/7. We have a really good box and there is no delay in movements Everything is done except a few minor changes we will apply at launch on Friday
  8. Going live on Friday guys get ready
  9. We will have some huge updates tomorrow(Sunday) to fix all current known bugs and patch up the server a little bit getting ready for our launch
  10. Beta is now open for everyone. We will be wiping the server and going live on April 1st 20:00 GMT+1
  11. Appreciate it. Feel free to drop and send me a PM for beta information if you would like. The server is up and running
  12. We will be having an opening for beta this Friday, March 18th. If you would like to help please drop by the forum and send a PM to Heisenberg or Skream
  13. I could honestly care less if you believe me or not Our original intentions when we started this was just a side project for fun. We decided since we have the funds to get it running on a pretty good host, it would be worthwhile to actually launch it and see where this takes us. We are planning with the long term in mind, and hope to be around for quite some time.
  14. That is mostly true. We built our files from the ground up and have put a lot of effort and time in to them. Since it's not technically official files it's easier saying the server will be java based. We have access to official files, but we opted to use our own. I can assure you this will not just be just "another l2j server"
  15. We will be launching a 2 week beta period on the 18th of March. We will plan to have a launch on the 1st of April, we should be more than ready to go live by then and expect a good amount of players. Anyone that wants to can join in on the beta to test the server out and give us feedback. The server will be java based as we had better files available to us, and is a lot easier to make changes to fit our players needs. Thank you for your interest
  16. We plan to start beta in the next couple weeks for those interested hop on our forum for more information! We've put a lot of work and time in to this server so we are expecting it to have a great launch sometime in early April
  17. We will have polls for every decision we make We've been working on the server for quite some time now so any small change is no big deal to us. So if there's any specific modification everyone is looking for then it won't be a problem
  18. L2 Anthemic will be an International Interlude server run by an experienced English speaking team of devs working to bring the community the kind of server they want. The features will be: * All Interlude skills * Olympiad working * Auto-Learn Skills * Fusion skills working * Hot Springs working * 7 Signs * Clan system working * All Interlude areas * Cursed weapons * Castle sieges * 24 buff slots * 35x Experiance (EXP) * 35x Skill Points (SP) * 200x Adena Titanium armor from epic raids No custom weapons from launch Max weapon enchant +20 Max armor enchant +10 Farm zones will be: MOS - Solo zone PI - Party zone Boosted Leveling zones: Cruma Tower DVC There will be class changers for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class. Our donations will be balanced. We will adjust them according to what stage the server is in. Buffs will last 1 hour There will be NPC buffers without 3rd class buffs If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to send me a message. We just got our website running @ www.l2anthemic.com
  19. Anyone gonna play this?
  20. -
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