hey. i dont know if my edit is right but i tryed to make a script for cp reuse i just copy/paste it from here. so ITS NOT MY WORK directly.
the problem is my char dont use it when he reach like 50 % CP = the honor of pa'agrio
he just spam it and spam but he dont stop when hes full of CP
some1 can help me ?
here is what i tryed
ps:delete/close my thread if there exist allrdy 1 i searched for cp load with skill but didnt found anything.
sorry for my english
// Overlord CP load script.
CharStatus(CP,<,70) //>>>if cp 70 % use the honor.. <<<//
USESKILL(The Honor of Pa'agrio[iD=1305]) //
DELAY(2000) //>>> cp load delay (2000 = 2 SECONDS) <<<//
CharStatus(CP,<,70) //>>> res <<<//