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Posts posted by Macintosh

  1. 2012.1.21 21:38:22

    OS : Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)

    CPU : GenuineIntel                Intel® Celeron® D CPU 3.20GHz @ 3203 MHz 637MB RAM

    Video : No Video

    PosCode : LS1(216) 0:0:0 1/0 [615]


    Assertion failed: InPos>=0 [File:..\..\Core\Inc\FFileManagerWindows.h] [Line: 185]


    History: FArchiveFileReader::Seek <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine


  2. Hey,


    I was wondering. I have a problem. When you connect to my server you can connect just fine. You login it shows in my login server, and it will register your account. When you move past that you have to accept the login "terms, and agreement" section. Once you do that you will move on to the next selection where you will pick your gameserver. It will show "Bartz" and It has no ping number under the ping area. It also wont advance any further when you try to click on it.


    Any suggestions?




  3. My ports are forwarded in my router. I have all my firewalls turned off, my host file is changed. My l2.ini is custom to point directly to my server.  my ipconfig is set and looks like this:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!-- Externalhost here (Internet IP) or Localhost IP for local test -->

    <gameserver address="" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ipconfig.xsd">

    <!-- Localhost here -->

    <define subnet="" address="" />

    <!-- Internalhosts here (LANs IPs) -->

    <define subnet="" address="" />

    <define subnet="" address="" />

    <define subnet="" address="" />




    Any suggestions would be GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. here is my error:


    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'vote'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/a7352854/public_html/votesys/verify.php on line 58


    I added the port I was suppose to, i allowed the permissions on the navicat database, what else am i missing here? the connection is correct in the .php and everything else seems to be fine. can someone maybe give me some advice on what to look for next. Im sitting on go right now, looking confused. lmao.




  5. I was wondering, does anyone have a link to CT2.5 Freya weapons? Like sweet looking ones. Maybe Dual Dragon Slayers, Dual something close to that. Everything I download and put into my server, dont work!!!! So i want someone to give me a link to a good CT2.5 pair of duals.




  6. Server Features:

      Dedicated - 24/7   

    Dual Quad-Core Xeon E5620 (8x2.4ghz)

    8GB DDR3 RAM Memory


    Uplink 100Mbps


    This I can't belive! Server laggs like the hell :) CRITICAL Laggs!


    Our dedicated host was down lastnight, its fixed now. They should have everything fixed and lag free now.



  7. online ppl?


    I just started the server, Im trying to get a community. But im working on the people currently its a new server, so like 3-4 people. But its growing. I need a staff to help me out so if your intrested in it, let me know. Im trying to take staff from this website.



    I'm like you in many cases. I get on here hoping for a solution and yet to my supprise no one will answer back to my posts. But I will try to answer your question with as much guidance as possible.


    Number One: Your going to need a Mysql databases for example...Navicat. Basically what your housing your l2jdb on now. (l2jdb = your database) it can also be called l2jls or l2jgs, so on.


    Now regardless of what that is called, go ahead and make a second one. If yours is called l2jdb, then make l2jdb2. If your using the newer versions of L2J then you will want to make three new ones, l2jgs2, l2jcs2, and l2jls2. I believe that is the 3 the newer version uses.


    Now. Your going to want to download a whole new client. So download the nightlys. Save them in a whole entirely different folder, I would call it Server 2 or something close. Once you have extracted them and got all your files, your basically going to install your server into the new databases you just made.


    To do that, your going to have to open up your database installer, right click and edit it. Open it with word pad. Anywhere you see l2jgs or l2jls something like that, your going to want to edit it to your new database names with the "2'' after it. Once your done save, and run it. It should install them all to your new database for number 2.


    Now once your files are in Navicat, (or your prefered database) go ahead and open up your login server config and go down a ways till you find the following:


    # URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jls (default)

    # URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jls

    # URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database = l2jls/user = sa/password =

    URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jls <----- CHANGE TO l2jls2

    # Database user info (default is "root" but it's not recommended)

    Login = root

    # Database connection password

    Password = (your password)


    And do the same for your gameserver configs open up server.properties and go till you find the following:


    # URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jgs (default)

    # URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jgs

    # URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database = l2jgs/user = sa/password =

    URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jgs <----CHANGE TO l2jgs2

    # Database user info (default is "root" but it's not recommended)

    Login = root

    # Database connection password

    Password = (Your password)


    Now once you have done that save both, and your done with that portion. You will need to register another gameserver (SOMETIMES YOU WILL NEED TO GO INTO YOUR CONFIGS FILES AND CHANGE accept new game server to TRUE). You can not register it the same as your other server, so if your using Bartz, now. You must use server 2, or so on down the list.


    Your almost done. You are allowing in your router, 3 ports I would imagine 7777, 9014 and 2106 i believe. close to those. You need to make all new ports so go into your router and make 3 new port numbers to allow, i would do them 7778, 9015, and 2107. Once you have them made, save them and close that.


    Open your new server folder up, go into the configs of both the login server and game server. Anywhere you see your port number in the configs, change it to your new port. So for example, if you see 7777 in the configs, change it to 7778. And save once fully completed.


    Once you do all of that, go ahead and start your login and game server and they should register as a second server on your server list. You normally only need 1 login server open though, just the second game server. :)


    Hope this helped, let me know if you run into a pickle.



  9. Weird, I had to manually browse it with Winrar, if someone else gets the same problem just do what I did and browse it manuallu <.<


    Thanks, Ill make a note under the download link on the website to eliminate any problem in the future.

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