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About ppconde

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Well from what I noticed on the server everyone is working hard to get top gear, while the Staff is working really well on their server, they don't ingore the players and they keep fixing stuff. I recommend.
  2. it seems to be a nice server. Im trying it right now
  3. this server has the name of a Pendulum's Song OMFG haha I know, I'm a Pendulum's fan. Anyway GL on your server
  4. A Awesome dude, thanks for the info ;D
  5. when will we be able to play on this chronicle? I'm really excited :D
  6. This server made me try the Freya version and also give a try to L2 once again after a year or so. I hope Freya or this server dont disappoint me, otherwise I'll be waiting for Goddess of Destruction
  7. you might just loose players for not having a decent website. apart from that seems a very reasonable server with good features gl
  8. this one I gotta try :O
  9. I'm waiting for this server too. Good luck Horus :)
  10. The only problem I found is that I get lost while installing the system. I've had so many probs, I get crit error, then protocol error, then it doesn't even open the l2 start screen. jesus
  11. It seems to be a good server with a high number of people. they reached 350 in one week :o I'll join
  12. Seems nice, but I have a question. So if a new player joins he will have free buffs till lvl 61? And after lvl 61 no buffs? Only from newbie buffer then?
  13. Syntax you seem so happy disapproving the server, and if someone made the server like this he's still a developer, imo they did a good work and want to be unique. You are just used to have damage dealers as your class. When you play a server with full buff, half of the classes are dead. Think about that
  14. Well server is being wiped, in some time (today) server will be up again. IMO the staff is indeed working and listening to players, so those who think staff is a shit and classes are unbalanced just tell the gm/admin in order to improve and don't come with shits and leave the server saying "BB noobs, this server sux" after all the server is for us players, so help building it, cuz I bet you won't ever find a server that you will say "THIS SERVER IS A DREAM SERVER" EDIT: SERVER IS UP!
  15. Its really good, but IMO you should remove the lines and it would be perfect :)
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