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Everything posted by moonspellgr

  1. ][_, (][) ][_, nice guide ][_, (][) ][_,
  2. Well done Ripper-b.You sure know how to use copy/paste. ;)
  3. 1on den eipa pote oti den iparxei tetoio exploit.iparxei kai an psakseis ligo sto forum tha to vreis(einai sticky nomizw). 2on auto pou eipa einai oti me to systima agoras oplwn tou server de boreis na xreisimopoihseis auto to exploit dioti poli apla ta opla de boroun na boun se ENA slot afou DEN IPARXOUN SLOT.(next time read before you post,don't just spam)
  4. Ala kai na epiane ti tha ekanes enchant? ta d grade? giati ta ala grade de boreis mias kai to gm shop poulaei weapons xwris thn epilogh polaplwn items dld na agorazeis mono thn posothta enos item pou thes p.x. gia Dragonic Bow tha valeis Quantity Purchased 2 kai tha pareis 2 ksexwrista bows.Me ala logia de prokeite na doulepsei pote oso iparxei auto to systima.
  5. This is client only.You are able to fly on some servers but on others the Wyvern can't fly too high from the ground.
  6. First of all.To do this,you must have a strider or else it doesn't work.To make it work you have to run HlaPEx.exe and then run your lineage2 server. After you enter the game with the char that has the strider in the inventory,you open HlaPEx and choose the sniffer directory. Then you hit the capture button and return to your lineage2 server. Now summon your strider and ride it.After riding it return to HlaPEx and hit Stop.Now you have to find the client side packet named "ride" and hit "Copy To ->" button and then choose advanced or Copy To 'Send'(in newer version) option. Almost every server has fixed this exploit so each time you ride your strider the client side packet is different,never the same ,so you'll have to do this proccess each time you enter the game. Now that you have the packet "ride" in "Advanced"or"Send(in newer HlaPEx version)" directory you are able to ride a strider without summoning it just by hitting "Send" button. Let's get to the point now.The packet of the strider you have Will look like 86xxxxxxxxx100000001000000xxxxxxxx. All you have to do is to change it to 86xxxxxxxxx100000002000000xxxxxxxx and you can summon the Wyvern.Remember to send the packets from HlaPEx -> Client. The summoned Wyvern can only be seen by you.It's Client side.You can use it to do whatever you like.I just enjoy my flights around Aden. This exploit is tested and works on TheGame PvP server,MML2 servers,Infogate.I am sure it should work in all private servers.Just test it and post. Remember:you must have a strider or else it doesn't work.(you can buy it or raise it as i did) :)
  7. Actualy if you buy ss+ remember not to have any other ss with u,just sell the ss u have or trash them.After that buy the ss from the person that sells them and then to activate them you have to restart.After the restart u will have ss+.Hope it helps. :)
  8. come on Simpson plz tell us....plz :cry:
  9. now since this doesn't work try to create a dwarf and give 100 mil and go to buy as many top a grade rings as u can till u reach the amount of 4.374.600.000 and then press ok.u will buy them for less than 100 mil and u can now sell them to earn about 2kkk.happy enchanting :)
  10. well actually on ia server there was an adenna bug.to do it u had to buy top a grade weapons that costed 81 mil each,till u reached the the price 4.374.600 or so.then u pressed ok and bought them for less than 100 mil and sold the weapons for 2kkk on the traders
  11. kai gw efaga ban gia epidi ekana log out me stuck buffs :gib: mh masate
  12. vasika re paidia an xerete to bug me tous cristalous pite oso einai kairos plz.se ligo kairo tha alaxoun pola......
  13. sth is wrong about this.......
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