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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Unban your pc http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=72882.0 that's all you can do.
  2. Right hand and left foot ;o
  3. Sa va fut, toti sunteti nemti si turci.
  4. ::)
  5. at least to be something original
  6. oh nap you are unbanned
  7. true. check the david chappelle jokes.
  8. Huat????( what - Lil john nigga)
  9. adytule cati ai on pe server ?
  10. ROFL! ;D the first 6 pages only.
  11. I saw some of your posts in other sections, you really spammed. I deleted some.
  12. chucky you must spam only in spam section.
  13. foarte slab chiar, ADN: Vad giruri subsiderale, le-nsir sub itinerarii Ies subit din detalii, ce-s suplinite-n Stalin Matricea-i scafald de boli printr-un joc ocult Sotron mut, aglutinand inc-un soc contur Acum ca scad indicii, doar un salt implicit Prin scalp se-nfige, capii legii sar din vicii Pusi s-amplifice sacrilegii-n sacrificii Ca sa sanctifice artilerii, start litigii!
  14. Updated 23 april 2010.
  15. da stiu, iti place " iubiti-va parintii da folositi prezervativu by Ombladon"
  16. HNDV :o
  17. Pentru cei ce ma cunosc: Salut, Noroc Pentru cei ce nu ma cunosc sunt DOC Da da exact ca extensia de la Word Si asta fiindca m-a sunat Bill Gates si-am fost d'acord. ..
  18. banned.
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