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Everything posted by Raule

  1. nais lyrics i agree, older people will listen this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zHA8mf0bwE
  2. kkkkkkkkkkkk plz aden
  3. man we no moar br frands ? why you do this to me man!?
  4. more than awesome
  5. sefwerefsdf
  6. 1221234435 qweawerwer?
  7. isdasd Roqweq!
  8. ayu sij -.-
  9. wqda ewrfsf?
  10. huaaat?
  11. from another mother
  12. Put even a logo made in paint but without animation, senks.
  13. i bet thats a keylogger
  14. i like the smudge of the guitar, the rest saks
  15. ahaha chucky is mad now :D
  16. you talk about balls and you're so fat that you cant see your dick even in mirror ;D
  17. who's talking
  18. ba chucky, why you killed the forum?
  19. you so saks, its " saks"
  20. eleos mi iz greek spammer br frand
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