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Everything posted by Raule

  1. dracu stie ca imi venea sa arunc pcu pe geam
  2. mi-a dat eroare cand sa salvez templeate-ul tzava
  3. n-are deepth
  4. logou e gata, mai tre lucrat la calitate, futal soarele ca nu reusesc nici cu codec sa scot o calitate buna.
  5. spam amre
  6. o sa vina ala ce-l fac eu si nu-ti mai tre
  7. cum dracu vrea ioane donator daca nici nu face spam? ba ioane, si cand esti peste a noastra tre sa faci spam!
  8. Coyote iz luzar ;D send me adena mang
  9. Ba to tell you the truth, you all saks. even the staffers, why the heck you dont send me adena? what you do with them? you keep them for your son? that shows how selfish you are:|
  10. Ed, do you like this? prolly my new haircut will be like this
  11. for setkh because he listens only retarded music
  12. Ed, i like the haircut.
  13. hah, you're the first greek that laughed in spanish
  14. ies, wi ar frands mang, e-frands.
  15. spam amre
  16. pe maine..bafta la spam
  17. o sa fixez si aia..
  18. da:| mai tre fixat
  19. http://www.4shared.com/photo/CV02Iarc/Untitled-6.html
  20. is frustat deja la cat m-am chinuit
  21. va place ma ? :|
  22. da ma da tre sa fac cumva sa fac calitatea mai buna :| am facut cubu
  23. :| http://www.4shared.com/photo/1dOOBITG/Untitled-3.html
  24. hai ca va dau un preview, mai tre facut cubu si lucrat la calitate :|
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