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Everything posted by Raule

  1. why not, give more infos
  2. care ajungeti primii la 4k posts o sa fiti acolo
  3. am postat si porn muvis
  4. stergeti ala urat cu real madrid
  5. ce am scris azi Time was passing in maxcheaters, 1 month, 6 months, still those days monotone, Masterdisaster had a cousin in Japan wich that guy knew how to go in future with a simple nokia 1100 and some edits. Done, they met and his cousin Hondcivickingkongbrucelee learned him how to do the magic trick. Well, it was the time to go in the future and see how it will be. He done some handjobs in case he stuck in the black hole, and he made the trick! He saw Maxtor with Bugatti Veyron in garage because he had no money for fuel, he was walking with bycicle but he had a t-shirt pictured with his car. He saw Ventic with his forum full of greeks joining from school, but he was happy. Also GrisoM went in jail because he -beep-ed a 12 yeard girl and left her pregnant. Maxcheaters went bad..really bad, it became full of spammers, nothing new just greek spammers. Finito became global moderator, he left his girlfriend to have more time for mxc, and he was the save of the forum. Also when MD saw himself..it was shocked, he had emo-like hair and he became one of the grupie of the Justin Bieber. He went in real life ( to be continued)
  6. ia de aici tiunki http://www.4shared.com/photo/n_wS8c9O/tiunki.html
  7. cspam romanesc :D
  8. tre sa vedeti asta, dati al 1 min 40
  9. in vine veritas - in vin sta adevarul ergo bibamus - deci sa bem
  10. ii zici asa, in vino veritas si ergo bibamus
  11. that's why grisom should be admin..global moderators have privilegies like a simple moderator.
  12. Dar eu: DOm' profesor, Iadul e endoterm sau exoterm? sta se gandeste...buna intrebare, am sa ma gandesc.
  13. Gandeste-te ca io o ascultam la religie si dupaia m-am contrazis cu profu :))
  14. Wants Christmas logo, make a competition.
  15. Ma baieti, daca ar fi dupa mine eu v-as da 1000 de karma, va zic eu ca nu ajuta la nimic, e doar un pixel..
  16. lasati ma alea, ce iti pasa daca te injura in alta limba? fi si tu mai matur sau sfarsesti cu cutitu la gat si pula la cur :))
  17. Ok stop this shit, go and continue your work, we continue our work.
  18. Yeah they are punished because they flame between them. Never saw "you are warned because you flammed user0032, you flamed him in greek and he is hungarian"
  19. I dont flame Maxtor, you just take your business too serious, like maxtor pay you if you "catch" something. We are just having fun here, nothing else. That guy wanted a karma, i told him, share some tutorials and i will give you, i dont see any abuse.
  20. whats your older name?
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