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Everything posted by Raule

  1. http://facemrecords.ro/blog/2011/01/deliric-1-apare-foarte-putin-la-antena-2/ !!!!!
  2. haha, e cul StanMirel, ia de aici
  3. ce faceti ?
  4. Insanatosire gravnica ;) :-X
  5. o sa va fut ca eu am o tinta de iti intra pula in ea :)) ce cs ai?
  6. reminds me of zidane
  7. Maicon, Lucio, he pwned them
  8. watch the last phase, it was minute 88, how he ran..
  9. because of your addiction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tjrbg6_6SD8&feature=related
  10. you gay Gareth Bale.
  11. Wich is your favorite football player?
  12. ba, cum dracu are asta asa tinta mica la cs ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05IKP844tb8&feature=related
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ci44jLNn0A =))
  14. plm..am plecat la poker
  15. Creez presiuni, depinde de versiuni
  16. In alte dimensiuni, atenuez extensiuni
  17. Cand rimez, sunt imens, trimes
  18. am un bucatar proxenet, alta mancare de peste
  19. Sunt gata sa le corectez
  20. Rusine dinu patriciu
  21. alaoi toati ia ce fain arghe
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